Manual Labour

This thread is for construction chads who also lift.
Tips for still having enough energy after work to still train appreciated


19 / Australia / Earthmoving labourer / 24/hr / 520kg

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I just lift at work, get the gains and fuck my back at the same time

>construction chads
>enough energy after work
Both of those things don't add up brainlet.
So your motivation and physical work capacity is getting cucked so hard you can't spend an extra hour of physical work?

lower class swine, chicks will laugh at your peasant job.


t. mongoloid brainlet with sub-50 IQ
We absolutely need manual labour chads instead of more STEMfag betas
and this is coming from someone taking a Masters in CS

Lift before work.

23/Communist California/LGS Framer/$32.50/haven't gone to the gym since winter started

I did demo work tearing down houses and clean up all summer got 20 an hour. That was a crazy workout for muscle groups that id normally neglect like forearms and parys of my back. I would wake up early to run then work would be my workout. On days off id lift.

>earthmoving labourer
aka the unskilled site bitch

aka also at uni so suck my nuts kunt.
t. unskilled site bitch

Ignore him user, we all start somewhere

not even fulltime labourer and you are feeling low energy?
yeah, you're never gonna make it.

Tfw engineer that works as inspector and construction monitor
>Have to deal with retard construction workers all day
>They fail to comprehend even the most basic of instruction
>Constantly make the same mistakes
>All smoke and have the same fat body with disgusting skin and facial hair

Not that hard of a labour but I'm a mechanic at a factory. There's no way I'll have energy after working 12 hours moving some heavy shit. I've just started experimenting with waking up at 5 or even earlier. Train before going to work. Also there's something magical waking up at early hours of the morning.

27/ Minnesota/ Road construction Laborer/ 33/hr/ 180 lbs.
only workout heavy in winter(have it off). whatever gains i get from work is the only workout i do in summer

tips fedore he he nothing personnel

20/ Boston/ Interior demo/ 18/hr/ 885lbs

>Tips for still having enough energy after work to still train appreciated
Enough energy after standing around watching a machine dig a hole all day, with a 5 minute smoke break every 10 minutes and a 2 hour lunch break four times a day?
I dunno man, maybe ask your boss if you can take a nap during your 3rd lunch break?

not OP
when i was a laborer i was digging holes all day and moving bundles of rebar
but i was with a small company

*makes more money than you while not burying themselves in student debt*
heh, nothin personel kid

Im a pimp, its not a very manual job but its hard work keeping bitches in check sometimes
24/eastern europ/pimp/hundreds/hr/dunno
Hard to get sleep since phone rings alot

tfw framer that builds the shit egghead engineers dream up in their offices
>Have to deal with retard engineers when something goes wrong
>They fail to comprehend even the most basic of construction principals
>Constantly blame me for their mistakes
>All drink starcucks and have the same manlet body with sickly pale skin and no facial hair

No, I cannot put those special fucking clips on the ends of those trusses, that would require blowing it up with a gorillion tico nails and render the whole fucking thing moot

20 / Ireland / Carpenter / €60/day / 450kg