My fuckin hand hurts still. Its broken and i have it wrapped. going to ortho in a few days.
Will this effect my total Jow Forums gains?
My fuckin hand hurts still. Its broken and i have it wrapped. going to ortho in a few days.
Will this effect my total Jow Forums gains?
Tripped onto slate, used my hands to break the fall. Then did a hammer punch onto my car seat.
Now after 3 days my wrist tendons still hurt where it’s painful to do the stretch, hand back and forth.
Ice doesn’t work, resting doesn’t work. Should I worry.
My girlfriend has been telling me some liberal bullshit about how men tend to deal with frustration ntheough a physical outlet. But damn if it ain't true. How many of you have purposefully opted for the wall instead of a pillow because you want to feel that pain? Be honest. I know i have
Wall punching is a form of self harm. When it clicked with me that it's no better than cutting, I just stopped. Every now and then (once a month) I'll hit a wall but that's more to hype myself up as opposed to anger. I've reverted to AAAAing it all out when I'm in my car.
>punch wall
>hand breaks
Lol bro do some hand conditioning and drink some bone broth your muscles are getting to big and your bones are to weak.
Not yet, but ever since I've looked at the black flag damaged album I've been getting sudden bouts of wanting to punch mirrors.
putting a hole in a wall is infinitely more satisfying than having your punch absorbed by a light fluffy pillow. it feels like the pillow is defeating me, but i can literally see, hear and feel the damage i do when i punch a wall
>punches a wall
>its not even concrete or brick
You guys are pussy faggots.
Wall punching, window licking mouth breather
zippy water changed my life
Typical wh*toids
Congratulations, you sprained your first wrist. Give it a week or two, let it rest.
At least don't punch our girlfriends, nigger :^)
You also don't hit her pussy right
Hand surgeon here. Probably broke the neck of your 5th metacarpal bone.
Congratulations, you're an idiot.
t. Orthobro
If I've never lashed out violently at someone or something, does that mean I'm a low-t beta?
Smh, anger issues isn't good
My dad got mad in a fight with my mom and smacked his first on a table years ago, fractured his pinky. When he went to get it checked out, the doctor said "lol, you should've just hit her"
Is it normal to build up frustration after a while? Generally, I feel good and can handle my emotions using music or working out as an output. But sometimes anger builds up regardless without a clear source.
>biological fact
>liberal bullshit
you sound like a proper wall punching man-ape alright
just get a punching bag or medicine ball or something you fucking neanderthals. it's 2019
Lol I’ve broken my nuckles so many times from punching solid wood because I’m an autist. Don’t be worried the body is remarkably good at repairing itself and usually even stronger than it was to begin with. Just keep eating healthy food and lots of protein to help your body repair itself.
Yes. I still look at the hole I made in my living room about 10 years ago.
Get yourself a punching bag like this
punched myself in each cheek, giving 2 black eyes and then the wall at my ex gf's apartment when i was 21. it was out of frustration after she though it was appropriate to allow her ex bf into her house. it was to avoid hitting her or the the ex bf.
years later I'm upset that i hurt myself for such a bad gf - and even though it was stupid, I'm glad I didn't hit either of them, since they were both upper middle class white "my dad will sue you" types. Also, I'm not a wifebeater or a low-class caveman that fights gf's ex bf's.
These days, I wouldn't even be in the situation to begin with, since I wouldn't even be in a relationship with the type of girl stupid enough to be hanging around with exes. Lesson learned, just took 2 black eyes and 5 bucks at home depot to repair the hole. Sadly, I was with that girl for another 6 months (and put up with a lot more stupid shit, like her talking to other guys at bars and stuff)
I care about my home and resell value so no I don’t destroy my own property while throwing a Jow Forums
Good on you man. Probably the best way to have learned that lesson and have it stick
>punch hole in wall
>don't break hand
>kick wall
>hit foot on wooden slab and break it
>didn't feel a thing
Thank you based autism for giving me uncontrollable rage
>posts pic of a greasy hairy sandnigger
rapebaby mutt
No your uncontrollable rage and retardation is genetic
Haha yeah you're definitely autistic alright
No, it means you're sociable and well adjusted