so we all have different opinions on diet and training and lifestyle and shit
but we do all agree that vaccinations are a good idea, right?
So we all have different opinions on diet and training and lifestyle and shit
Im scared of needles so no
Pro-vax shills
Please go and stay go.
>Pro-vax shills
if you aint trolling right now I think Jow Forums has completely lost its way.
No because all the meme diets anons are susceptible to anti establishment memes
no because they let weak people live
To an extent. There are a ton of vaccines that are great and rid the world of horrific diseases, but apparently they just load kids up with like 20 of the things at birth and I dont think that's the best thing for a newborn child, but I'm not a doctor.
Vaccinations are good but at the rate society is going right now the jews will find a way to "accidentally" contaminate them with a cocktail of estradiol, HIV, and melanotan for a more sick, pozzed America.
As I've learned more about nutrition and how awful the recommended American diet is it has started to make me skeptical of many other things, vaccinations being one of them. I still view them as very probably a good thing, but I'm also pro-primitivism and don't think we should live in communities large enough to necessitate vaccines anyway.
See herd immunity, and I hope you get measles
This, If we had never tried to escape natural selection we would all be in genetically perfect bodies naturally immune to almost everything except man made cocktails, or we wouldn't exist. I would rather not compromise, everything or nothing.
That's not how disease works user.
The only Jow Forums political ideology is anprim
Sure, but I'll do vaccines for my kids outside of the USA
Vaccines create non heritable immunity and stop resistance developing genetically
If the supply chain goes down you'll be looking at a native American yellow fever situation
Plus overpopulation
> requiring vaccinations to prevent measles, literally just a fucking rash
> not requiring a ban on anal sex to stop the spread of GRIDs
it is if you win
Tan ten ten nation let go baby
Or everyone on the planet takes it serious for 5 years in a row and we rot out every desease we can vaccinate against for good
I had gardasil at 18 and my stupid slutty boyfriend gave me hpv anyway so imo they don't always do much for you but damn I wish I was younger and had the varicella shot instead of chicken pox because shingles looks like a bitch.
>we rot out every desease we can vaccinate against
This is not how it works
How to ban anal successfully?
And are you implying that my Husband, Scott, and I are contributing to the spread of GRID within our monogamous wedlock?
Its how evolution works, if you subject a population to a catastrophic illness some people will be genetically resistant to it and those will be the ones who live on and reproduce creating offspring who are also resistant or just strait up immune.
yeah stuff like tetanus will be still around, and stuff that doesnt just infect humans but also other species.. but we did rot out a lot of stuff already, and we could do more.
And there are not that many deseases the public gets vaccinated against.
sodomy is actually already illegal in some states in the USA but how would anyone enforce that?
people dont understand but anti vax fags are literally gonna die 20-40 years earlier by aversge then the normal human being because they aee retarded meaning they are literally fighting over population. their retardation will save us kek
If you aren't then Scott definitely is behind your back lmao
> homosexuals
You weirdos literally made spreading this shit into a fetish
But that's not how disease pathology works and overtime that immunity can vanish, there's dozens of diseases that wreck us
Put feds on grindr and then sting operation the fags when they try to get fucked
based schizo poster
Of course I love my state mandated jew serum op, why wouldn't I
>wanting autism
>injecting a bunch of poison in to your body is good
No thank you. Pro vaxxers haven't done any research and are NPCs/sheep
>muh herd immunity
>have 48 shots for a newborn
>get autism
>promote vaxx
it's a vicious cycle
We as a species have been battling disease for millions of years with our natural immune systems and we have won every battle, vaccines are new, not needed, and detrimental to the strength of our immune systems.
>Pro vaxxers haven't done any research
you mean pro vaxxers havent read any blogposts like you
lmao fag
>We as a species have been battling disease for millions of years with our natural immune systems and we have won every battle
this is so damn wrong its almost as if you were trolling
tell me how its wrong? Disease that wipes out massive amounts of people, only leave the naturally immune or the naturally resistant alive. Their genes are whats passed on because they are the only ones left to breed. How is this hard to understand?
All newfags from r*ddit please leave
How is it bait, its the same concept for how animals develop immunities to poisons from their natural predators, most die to the poison, a very few don't because of a natural resistance to it, that one goes on to breed because it didn't die, the result being the natural resistance is passed on.
That's all you got because you literally can't argue my logic.
I think theres more in vaccines than what they are telling us. I got all mine or whatever that you get as a kid and the only one ill ever get in the future is the tetanus shot. I will literally never get the flu shot and people who do are idiots. Ive gotten the flu once in a span of 5-6 years.
Get rid of them completely. Cull the weak naturally. Allow the diseases to spread like wildfire across the earth. Natural selection is the most natural approach.
I've skipped a flu shot this year and got sick second time in 3 months. Not sure if related though, but it wasn't that often before
you are not immune and will die with them
you are not special
>inb4 im ok with that
of course you would be, because you failed your life and your ideas are powered by the hatred of other, successful people
This is kind of how I feel.
Every food seems to oscillate between miracle-tier and instant death every couple of years, like eggs, meat, dairy. Consensus on every hot topic issue seems to shift back and forth constantly.
Obviously I put some stock in what research suggests, but it's clear "the consensus" shouldn't be treated like God's decree.
Also, any issue where so much as questioning it makes people REEEE is going to raise my eyebrows.
Two diseases have been eradicated. Smallpox and rinderpest. Just two.
>thinking living in a society large enough to make herd immunity worthwhile is a good thing.
>you are not immune and will die with them
You don't actually know if he is or not though, you're just stating it like its a 100% fact to help your point.
>your not special
Redundant reiteration of what was just stated in a more insulting lower IQ form.
>>inb4 im ok with that
>of course you would be, because you failed your life and your ideas are powered by the hatred of other, successful people
Projecting hard.
Shoot degenerates
>You don't actually know if he is or not though, you're just stating it like its a 0% fact to help your point.
>not willing to sacrifice everything you hold dear for the betterment of all mankind
>yeah i wish for the death of billions of people, that most likely includes my own life too, how did you know?
Nothin fedora about it bro, Its a gamble that if won gives you the earth and if lost costs your life.
>implying the microorganisms that cause the diseases stop evolving
Why do you think you can still get colds year after year?
>a gamble where you have almost 0% chance to win
you buy lottery tickets, dont you?
Personal I never get sick in general, no headaches ever or anything but thats just me.
>tfw you kinda want the nwo depopulation to happen but don't wanna be apart of it
It'll probably start with the whitest countries anyway so fuck it.
Unless you want to face catastrophic events where significantly large amount of people die every year, this is a terrible idea. You are implying the species that produce antigens that can possibly kill us never evolve. Thats the whole point of new vaccines every year since the microorganisms evolve and we can't fight them since we can't change our genes during our lifetimes.
I didn't imply that, just trying to get brainlets to understand how evolution works and ya viruses and bacteria keep evolving and our immune systems have to keep getting better and better to combat them.
it doesnt get better you fucking retard
it adapts to something
and then the something evolves and kills you anyway
no matter how much time will pass, people will still be dying from diseases
fuck off retarded troll
You realize that our immune system cannot fight everything?
A lot of things factor into your chance of surviving a catastrophic plague, the biggest factors would be your initial location and your intelligence.
Then how have we survived as this species for millions of years and as an multi celled organism for billions?
My ancestors immune systems did
you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded you are retarded
This is how you no you have won the argument.
you are pretending to be retarded so why should i even bother?
>Even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available, in 2017, there were 110 000 measles deaths globally, mostly among children under the age of five.
Maybe yours. Fuck vaxxers and fuck weaklings like you who cannot even fight off a disease
I'm not meaning to imply that, I know viruses evolve but so do our immune systems, evolution is what propels progress to a more superior form, if you remove the threat you remove the force that propels our species.
Culling of the weak, I see nothing wrong
You had an outburst because I confronted you with solid logic you could not counter.
let me try to distill this to its simplest form.
Haven't had for billions of years, why need now?
>My ancestors immune systems did
You are implying you are immune to everything. This is like me saying I survived a venomous snake bite even though I never encountered snake venom. I dare you to go get a extremely fatal disease and not go to the hospital to get vaccinated. Go ahead and just inject yourself with rubella, tetanus, yellow fever, etc. Oh wait, you got vaccinated because our natural immune system can't fight these diseases.
I think what's interesting is how the attention of mainstream outlets has stifled discussion of the issue. It's become so charged with emotional and archetypal content that there remains zero room for actual communication about the contentions.
Is there actually mercury in those shots? Do we really need a yearly dose of this shit for the common flu?
It's not that I don't believe that vaccines have put an end to smallpox. I am only concerned about what ELSE might be in those things, and why.
>rubella, pertusis, typhoid, malaria, etc.
>my immune system is strong enough to fight all of these without vaccines
Tell me how you remove microorganisms from the existence of this planet? There are fucking billions of them on your skin right now and you can't even get rid of those, let alone the whole planet.
Life isn't a videogame. Having genetic immunity to a disease doesn't say anything else about your genetic potential.
>implying this wouldn't cause the population to undergo cycles of low and high population counts year after year until ultimately the human species dies off due to the rapid evolution of microorganisms compared to humans
No I'm implying my ancestors immune systems fought off whatever they encountered because I'm here now. Find me event in which a species went extinct from a natural disease. Some always survive, and that makes them stronger and more resistant, does that mean the pathogen cant evolve as well, no it evolves too, and then the species evolves again. this cycle continues forever and continuously strengthens the species.
>using technology to post
you have no self awareness do you you thick cunt
You don't remove them but you can remove the threat they pose through science allowing more people to live than should.
>Find me something that didn't happen
>Therefore I am right
Find me an event where every single individual of a population got infected with the same fatal disease. Therefore, I am right. See, I can use your grade school method of argument too.
>remove the threat they pose through science
>i.e vaccines
Not going to lie, I've been seeing a lot of pro-vax stuff lately. IN B4 fag, but I have the Ifunny app I use when Im shitting, and for the past two months in every new feature, theres a vaccine meme that's not funny, and essentially the same thing every time, and you have people saying shit like you'll die if you don't get vaccines, and say it unironically. Been seeing a lot of vac threads in general on Jow Forums too.
Im not saying it's shills, but...makes me question it.
don't mind the plebs fren. like this one when someone comes in and calles anyone a brainlet or retard when you question things and make actually really good points, they just project and talk about themselves.
Your ancestor's immune systems didn't fight off anything. They merely were lucky enough to never catch a fatal disease in the first place.
Everyone tells me to get a job or else I could end up homeless. Even people on Jow Forums tell me this.
Im not saying it's shills, but...makes me question it.
>I'm a edgy faggot
If you unironically feel like that you fucking faggot, let me see how you feel when your child dies of a disease that could've been prevented by vaccination. How will you feel when the mother is crying over her dead child she grew for 9 months just for them to die due to your ignorance? Even if you're baiting you're still a faggot.
The weak may have been your pregnant mother
All I asked was for you to find me evidence to counter my point which is simply, sickness makes us stronger as a species because the weak die and the strong reproduce.
>implying human evolution doesn't include technological advances
>question things and make actually really good points
It only appears to be good points because of your lack of knowledge in general. Imagine if elementary kids told their parents that candy was the only thing they need because it makes them full and gives them energy. Explaining to kids why thats bad and how deficient they will be in important macromolecules would go right over their head just like how everything is going over yours. They would keep questioning it without ever knowing how wrong they are due to lack of knowledge.
How about I counter your point by telling you to get injected with polio. Lets see how fast you can evolve (change your genes) to combat this virus. Wait.... you already got vaccinated. Next time a extremely fatal disease makes itself known, don't get vaccinated for it.
>Your ancestor's immune systems didn't fight off anything.
My ancestors immune systems did nothing but fight off infection and sickness, they could have been lucky or they could have had good immune systems that prevented them from catching a fatal illness. For instance you could have a drop of aids blood fall onto an open cut you have on your arm and not contract aids because you immune response could wipe it out faster than it proliferates. whether or not you immune system can accomplish this task depends on how strong it is.