There exist no greater mutual, bro tier friendship than Jow Forums and Jow Forums. If you do not align with Jow Forums's conservative values then you are not welcome here. R9K does not respect women, trannies, faggots, commies or democrats.
There exist no greater mutual, bro tier friendship than Jow Forums and Jow Forums. If you do not align with Jow Forums's conservative values then you are not welcome here. R9K does not respect women, trannies, faggots, commies or democrats.
Other urls found in this thread:
right wingers are against NEETBUX and the poor.
imagine voting against your own interests so you can own the libtards
hah yeah go to Jow Forums or any other board for that matter and tell them you came from here and see what happens.
Stop telling me what to believe, capitalist pig.
>right wingers are against NEETBUX and the poor.
Rightly so. Under a conservative government you existence as a Man would propel into the power you deserve. There would be no more female quotas, affirmative action, feminism and arranged marriages would be a thing. Youde have a job, a house, wife, children and all the time free time to play games you wish.
Theyde agree with me. Only the kike shills make it seem otherwise.
>Capitalist telling people what to believe
Lol you commies are delusional.
Pic related.
Pol niggers need to fuck off
>want literal gibs
>"only kike shills disagree with me"
You're, yet again, attempting to tell me what I believe through either your own words or implied beliefs through your picture.
It's a common trope to be angry at "the left" or "commies" etc. for trying to tell you what is right or that you are wrong. This is often miscontrued as "policing" your beliefs/words. But, this is taken from the nihilistic worldview that nothing is good or true and that anyone trying to tell you what is good or true is merely trying to gain social power. This is absurd, because it leads to there being no reason to listen to anyone at all. Perhaps the "commies" hold the good and true beliefs, while you're a grown child who has felt defeated by the system that you're in and feel the need to defend it to defend your existence.
Meant to reply to you. organelle
Haha, look at the faggot incel desperately trying to cope with mah degeneracy and muh Master race.
No one cares what you think, you wanna be a cuck, go chimp out at Jow Forums and leave us alone.
yeah, friends. Keep thinking that my puppet.
fuck off cap scum
I wouldn't use neetbux if there was a society that is worth building a life in, and girls worth doing it with.
why is Jow Forums wearing a wehrmacht uniform?
>national socialism is against the workers
>neoliberalism is right wing
Found the Schlomo
Or perhaps the commies are tge human equivalent of cancer and need yo be gassed
>the workers
Why the fuck would I want to be a worker though? fuck off dog.
While the capitalist system does attempt to kill those who hold pure and good beliefs, this doesn't mean that you have to perpetuate it.
>gatekeeping a board for social outcasts, attempting to outcast many of the users over something as trivial as politics
I'm from /pol\ Gas all the kikes.
>I'm from /pol\
you have to go back.
Jow Forums is a virus and a leech. They contribute nothing to a board and serve only to deprive it of users due to trivial bullshit. If Jow Forums had it their way every bot would be a white blond hair blue eye wagecuck stuck with some roastie bitch for the rest of forever and 2.5 snot nosed brats making just barely enough to scrape by while everyone else is deemed a failed norm, a cyborg, or a jew and gassed. I'd collapse your system like I plan to collapse every other imposed on me. Fuck off and die and don't send anybody else over
Why does the racist board partner up with the virgin board?
yes, op is correct
its going to go beyond left vs right when ai is here, and it will take over all jobs and eventually take over the world
impotent rage
Spotted the spamming tranny.
lol yeah keep being like water and oil
>Youde have a job
NO! Wagie wagie back in the cagie
Jow Forums is /s4s/ ownership actually.
Better question is, why do racist lefies come on this board & act like their shit doesn't stink & project all day long?
Jow Forums sucks Jow Forums's dick while Jow Forums constantly mocks the losers on Jow Forums
Jow Forums is love, big brother Jow Forums looks out for you and gives all world knowledge.
every board Jow Forums is a virgin board
Unironically implying voting left wing will be any better for you, especially as a man. Kekerino
You do know national socialism involves dismantling Companies exploiting the people for personal gain, right?
>socialism involves dismantling Companies exploiting the people for personal gain,
>that webm
Listen cunt, TODAY ain't your day.
All these roasted JIDF kikes and commies.
Get back on your oven.
None of that is gibs. You aren't given it for free.
Jow Forums here
fuck off, we dont need incels. If you're not going to have white children in your lifetime youre not welcome to Jow Forums
What's easier than blaming all your problems on women/da joos/blacks?
>comes to our board
>fuck off
I said fuck off from Jow Forums, not Jow Forums
You're still on our board faggot, get out.
most of the Jow Forums user base are incels that blame jews and niggers and why they can't get laid. Jow Forums isn't a Jow Forums or incel board so please leave
Planned population replacement and globalism are not implicitly good
The future isnt going to play out like what people are talking about and the people in real power know that
Wake the fuck up
You won't stop being a friendless waste of space even if you think Jow Forums is your friend.
if you havent noticed yet this board became /b/ 2.0 for all non-newfags
this is not a safespace for you
Jow Forums doesn't actually have any interest in leadership or being a patriarch though. They dislike feminists more for their fashion decisions and personality issues than what they actually stand for. A good chunk of this board would love to be house husbands and don't want to be "traditional men."
I browse both, and rate this bait 10/10 op. Good shit many butthurt has been had itt. *golf clap*
>reddit 2.0 acting like they're better
Genuinely this, people on Jow Forums are alienated by the society Jow Forums fights to change.
>Jow Forums is a capitalist board
>Jow Forums here
fuck off, we dont need incels. If you're not going to have white children in your lifetime youre not welcome to Jow Forums
You know buddy, this is Jow Forums and not Jow Forums. Seeing how this is Jow Forums and not Jow Forums.
This isn't either you flaming faggot.
Jow Forums don't want to change the world into something that will give robots the things they want. Jow Forums wants men to be Trad/Nationalist Chads but most robots despise Chad life and simply want to be left alone.
Crawl back to Jow Forums nigger
Plebs cant understand that peoples politics within a bubble are naturally conservative
Liberal ideals only make sense when viewed through certain lenses, right ideals contend with objective reality
This is why the left places enormous importance on framing of narratives and making sure their words are used in the vocabulary
People on the left literally hate nothing more than free speech
Hitler and Goebbels were hardly Chads, friendo.
Hitler was a painter and Goebbels had a limp.
'A child laughs when it feels joy and cries when it feels pain. Both things, laughing and crying, it does with its whole heart. We have all become so tall and so clever. We know so much and we have read so much. But one thing we have forgot: to laugh and cry like the children do.'
- Goebbels
And Trump is still your president tumbltard.
u wot mate?
Fascism is a true robots ideology. Democracy is literally a popularity contest, something obviously not for robots.
>The current system is NOT REAL CAPITALISM
Hitler was essentially a NEET - couldn't get a job or education at all. Goebbels was pretty much the same. They were just guys like us, people who felt abandoned by society.
*leftypol spotted*
Fascism, or any totalitarian rule of law can't take hold without the people first unanimously cheering for it. lrn2history tumbltard. Hitler despised fascism. Back to tumbler faggot....
amerimutt preaching to an amerimutt choir
Knowing this fact, how do you feel that you are powerless to stop it, seeing as the brainlet masses are completely oblivious? The only reason the rich have kept the poor alive is to generate as much $$ and status as possible, and there's no need for them to do such anymore when AI is perfected. You are the zasshu that will have their entire bloodline and race eliminated and there's nothing you can do about it.
>They were just guys like us, people who felt abandoned by society.
>WWII was a war of normies versus robots on a global scale
>and normies won
based fuck niggers and roasties
>R9K does not respect women, trannies, faggots, commies
>pol does not respect Jews, trannies, faggots or niggers
Pretty much one in the same are pol and r9k.
I lurk pol. But only for happening threads
France, Italy and Holland are burning! Woo!
Of course the two most autistic boards would be friends. Just look at all the racebait in the catalogue on any given day, sometimes I forget which board I'm browsing.
They were still Chads compared to the typical robot.
Everybody was back then, I'd say.
Might be because robots literally didn't exist, like, literal robots.
Picture #1 deleted by butthurt jannie
lol. Now they delete the actual truthful comments ITT? Butthurt lefty tranny jannie confirmed.
>I can't compete with logic & reason, so I'll just delete these posts that hurt my feeling instead
jannies never cease to amaze with their stupidity.
nice bait u butthurt tranny
r9k doesn't respect anyone including themselves
classic libtard strawman opie
I'm pretty sure this comes from dropping /pol ideas to either give advice or propose a post relating to r9k through their own lives Jow Forums (with an o) used to be like that. /news was crazy anti semetic and racist while the other board had artists weirdos and virgins etc...
Look up the Dirty Kids (z) and watch some docus on them. Might help some of you that are lost.
Wow that post is very incoherent.
this picture describes this thread
That's because you're a butthurt newfag.
>hollywood tier understanding of Nazism
Calling NS nazism
There is always one & only one answer to that question user.
>have a family
>have time to play vidya
Why the fuck you lyin'?
Conservatives and Left both extremely cucked, centrism is the only way
Jow Forums is for retarded underage niggers
the true pairing for r9k is /d/
>Criticizes feminism
>Man works for woman
>Man drives a pink (!) truck
Oh boy.
It's not a man, it's a ungly fat chick
>underage niggerfaggot detected
Did you just assume their gender, bigot?
No need to hide your cuck fantasies, frends.
That really hurts coming from a gir- I mean guy, I mean walru-, I mean uh, nevermind....
>Hitler and Goebbels were hardly Chads, friendo.
But they wanted their descendants to be. That would be us.
Bloody impressive skills.
So you collect images like this. Hmm...
You spend your free time searching the web for this. Hmmm...
You're creating a demand for people like this. Hmmm....
If you feel agitated you'll open that folder and lock for the right image. Hmmm...
You think you're well adjusted. Hmmm...
I guess the web fucks up some people until they are beyond repair.
>the web fucks up some people until they are beyond repair.
In your case, it certainly doesn't help. Lose some weight fatty.
Have you experienced other instances, where you can't focus on a topic?
This is a one way mirror doc
Stfu UnAmerican retard I can do whatever the fuck I want
>already out of ideas
that's what I was talking about. feminist tranny liberal brains just love to avoid questions.
mmhm. I see.
Now, how do you feel about your peers?
I'm apolitical and too blackpilled to care about the white race or jews or any of that shit. Why should I when I can't even talk to people and make a single friend? But I begrudgingly accept Jow Forums over the tranny gay pro-minority "anti-hate" preaching failed normies that come here, the ones that spam HRT therapy and tell me I'm a bad person because I don't respect women. Jow Forumstards may spam me with infographs and jewish conspiracies but that is a million times more preferable than hearing another self-righteous faggot come in here call me a bigot and a racist for not loving minorities or women enough.
Jow Forums may be cancer but at least it is cancer from this board. It is a Jow Forums thing. The left's e-activists don't come from Jow Forums. They come from places where they get moderated for having the wrong opinions, and they want to bring that here. They want to police thoughts. All Jow Forums can do is tell me I'm a degenerate if they disapprove. But the leftoids want to report me, get me banned and dox me for having the wrong opinion. Therefore they are the bigger threat and always will be, to the sanctity of what this place is. They simply do not belong here and they want to turn this place into some reddit hugbox. And I'm not down with that.
>still diverting.
How's that working out?