I've had buddies DIE for the right to wear that uniform...

I've had buddies DIE for the right to wear that uniform. You have not earned the right to wear the same uniform my buddies have died for the right to wear. You DO NOT disrespect my dead buddies OR the uniform they had the right to wear. Not on my watch. It's just not gonna happen. Nnnot gonna happen. Nnnnnnnot gonna happen. Nnnnope. Nnnnnnnot gonna happen. N'aht gonna happen.

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how autistic do you have to be to wear stolen valor though, i mean really

Lol cucked, dumbass you could literally buy the suit off the internet and pull snatch

>be american
>go to war and die for the jews

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live in a country where veterans are idolized

I'm not sure about autistic, but you definitely need to be at least a five star general. Anything less and you're off to 69th Cobblestone Corps.

your buddies died for Israel may they rest in piss

Nobody cares, shabbos goy

>join airforce
>state-side assignment
>only work 2 hr/day
>no risk of death
>still get bennies
>still get respect

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>order uniform online
>wear it in public, get adoration
>go to fast food restaurants and get free feeds
>the list goes on but only do it for selfish reasons
You can't stop me user

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Ayy I goto air force bootcamp in a week

What am I in for

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I have respect for the military as you all benefited through proxy, from my valor as Kek. This thread is pointless.

Idk, I'm not a fag

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Is this an actual quote or something?

Can we just have one institution to have unironic pride in or do we have to bring everything down to the fucking mud and bullshit

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what valor are you speaking of, raping brown women and children or illegally bombing serbs?

>raping brown women and children or illegally bombing serbs?
You say that like it's a bad thing

no it just doesnt give any valor, valor is given by fighting for your country for blood and soil not drugs and oil

idk take your issue up with the government and not the people who volunteer their lives for what they believe is a good cause

>dying to wear clothes
Youre no better then the losers who wait in lines the get the supreme brick

Af vet here
Idk they change it every year but as far as I know they have a more intensive weapons training week now. Just try to be first in line for the gas chamber its easier that way. Ask me if you have any specific questions.

I worked 45-60 hour weeks sometimes over 100 consecutive hours. Its not quite like what they make it out to be.

we are allowed freedom of expression so therefore we can wear any fucking uniform we want. You and your buddies are not American at all if you cannot handle the freedom of expression thing. You are not a hero you are a parasite at best.

>getting aggressive over the fact somebody is wearing clothes you wore to fight for the jew
Toppest of keks. Nobody gives a fuck about your service or if your buddies died. You chose to enlist and waste your life, dont expect it to be mandatory to get respect for it.

Somehow every time people get this fucking uppity it makes me lose all respect for any military service member and its just fucking cringe. God damn fucking morons don't realize that as offensive as they may find it it (to your dismay) is a right you may have fought for, perhaps not this, but flag burning and dissention in general. Who knew people that saw combat were the softest pussies?

The military is for stupid people, poor people and evil people. There is no honor in being used and anyone who feels some sort of pride in being part of it is probably retarded.
t. a vet

maybe if we had shit worth being prideful of

By buddies he mean harcore NPC's.


i personally haven't seen soldiers themselves chimp out over this kind of thing, in my experience it tends to be their friends/relatives/general problem seeking faggots with nothing better to do that take it so seriously.

I was in the military for 12 years and I would die of shame to be seen in public at some dumb fuck carnival in a dress uniform. Talk about begging for compliments.

>its muh right
actually its a felony to be a non-mil person and use a uniform to try and get benefits from it.
you can wear surplus all fine and well but dont try and slap patches on it and claim you're from the 69th pussyslayer bridage
that being said, the vets that chimp out in this manner are just as autistic as the people they're giving a hard time. these kids who have zero research about what goes where on a uniform, massive saladbowls, crossover medals/ribbons from other branches, medals and ribbons at the same time ect. the ones who really need to be chewed out are the ones that are passable but ofc they never even get approached.
t. Jow Forums Jow Forums

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Most of what the military does is pointless and killing random arab villagers does nothing to "protect our freedom" like so many people seem to believe; if those countries get fucked it's their own problem. HOWEVER I blame that and the ridiculous pro-military propaganda on the government, I'd never disrespect someone actually in the military.

solution: make your own uniform and die for it