I fucking hate you white fags, this shit is actually literally easy mode being white. Im fucking crying right now at how easy you guys have it, fuck being a minority, fuck this planet, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfyckfyckfyckfuckfuck everhrhing
I fucking hate you white fags, this shit is actually literally easy mode being white...
Dude the world hate's us for simply existing
do you mean whites like Anglos? or whites like Anglos plus Meds, Hispanic and Asian people?
i can empathize with this thread even if its just race bait
White guys can literally just message women one liner shit on tinder that's basically just "wanna smash??" and there's a lot of girls who are just fine with it
As an Indian I would immediately be accused of being some perverted freak
It's ridiculous, I don't think white guys realize how easy they have it
yeah fuck white people, both male and female.
Asian people are not white
>hehehe can i drag my ball on u face???
truly epic
what manga is this image from? he looks cute.
There are brown ones and pale ones, they are not actually yellow, they don't all have jaundice. So, what do you even mean by "whites"?
Can all of you mongrels and subhuman filth just stick with your kind and try to at least imitate civilized human beings?
I know it's our noblesse oblige as whites to put up with you and try to civilize you, but goddamn you are worse than monkeys.
holy fuck katie is hilarious
Fuck you. I want a cute asian gf.
>be pajeet
>only go for white women who you view as literally goddesses
>be a complete sperg about it
>wtf why do people think I'm creepy
Indian men dug their own hole.
The average negro has more of an intelligence drift with the average east asian, than the average amoeba does with a dolphin or a great ape.
You are akin to an animal to actual people, don't step beyond your station.
>believing this
Accept that your shortcomings are your own or keep feeling this way due to self-created mediocrity
ahahahah I hope this worked
sounds like someone's jealous
"ooga booga my life terrible it's whitey's fault OOGA FUCKING BOOGA you might aswell become a caveman with a mindset this autistic and brainlet
Why do you associate me with literal Indian village idiot faggots that live thousands of miles away
Should I think of only the wh*te people dying from opiates in shit holes like Alabama when I think of you?
Nobody cares about race youre just a freak. Look at yourself, would YOU fuck you?
this is the actual real answer though
most people who browse r9k are whiny faggots going nowhere in life, who have no hobbies and absolutely nothing that makes them interesting or stand out from anyone else
You have to understand that women are not attracted to appearances alone like men are
If you want to fuck girls than be a fuckable guy, it's that simple
I'm native american and anglo
any chance at redemption?
Why would anyone distinguish their white hate between northern and southern europeans?
It's less me going nowhere and more my personality is just god awful and im an unlikable fuck, but im still gonna act like it's because I'm a mutt and be self righteous about it
Because that's how retarded it is to use identifiers like "white" when we don't know jf OP is talking about Anglos or Europoors in general.
"woe is me, my life is terrible it's all women's and the jews' fault"
Sound familiar?
White "robots" can't even defend themselves
Ad homs and strawmen are all they can use
anyone i disagree with is an incel or a nazi!! nice cope though kid
I didn't say that to call you an incel, but to say that the majority of this board has little to no self awareness but then tell everyone else to take personal responsibility for their actions. That's pretty rich
and saying HURHHUR OOGA BOOGA UR JUST AN INCEL that hates women isn't a strawman
jesus christ you ameri-lardasses are hypocrites
>anyone I disagree with is an ape caveman
same shit you do buddy
>fuck being a minority
Delusional Westernizedfag, whites are only ~7% of the global population.
See, the problem is that white robots want human gfs, not mongreloid apes.
Some Southern Europeans are very very very brown and probably have North African admixture.
its true lmao do you have any idea how fucking primitive and autistic it sounds blaming an entire group for your problems?
i know it's probably your first year in highschool but god damn kid atleast try to be intelligent for once in your life
You seem to be assblasted
White "robots" have no trouble getting any type of woman, that includes white women. Nice ad hom, going for the shock value? A bit weak in originality though.
They aren't white then, are they?
You don't belong in Switzerland darky, stop shitposting.
Holy fucking based Jews
yes some random inbred american neet living off mommy and daddy's income is enough to make me ass blasted
how have you been micheal?
i can tell that's you posting just by your overall demeanor
>hehe kid
You calling me kid won't make your point any less wrong. I know you probably think I'm some zoomer and want to play up some sense of authority/experience, but you're not convincing anyone.
saying I'm wrong implies you really do think certain groups are responsible for your problems which if I'm not mistaken is that not what you tried labeling me as?
cute when the kettle calls the pot black
Westernised Indians are just as bad, just slightly better at English. Maybe you'd get some poon if you gave up on white girls and stayed in your lane.
Lol no. Wrong in the sense that you fail to see the dichotomy between the black people you criticize and the rest of this board's lack of hesitation to put all the personal responsibility surrounding their social incompetence on society at large. Whether it's right is almost irrelevant, because the point is that there isn't a difference between these two behaviors
I'm a pajeet as well. We're not cut out for white women. Stick to your own color and it'll be easier
That is quite funny. Got a chuckle out of me lad
I could handle not being white, but did the universe have to make me black too? Just to doubly fuck me over?
I didn't say anything about white girls you spergs
I am a NEET who plays super Mario Odyssey all day, I have never and will never ask a woman of any color out
Eh, I just cleaned up, wore nice clothes, etc. and got a lot of good looking girls my way through engineering school. My girlfriend and I met through friends
so you admit this isn't just a pol fag and incel thing?
and blaming groups for your problems is something everyone does to eachother here?
then why are we having this discussion?
It's cruel to put non-white men on the same planet as white men knowing full well that we will never be able to keep our women from them.
lol what the fuck are you on about. Indian diaspora are little like some villagers who came abroad. The ones from the US have their own fuckboy variants, jocks and chads, nerds. etc. The only difference is that because of social and academic pressure, they almost all uniformly have some traditional measure of career success under lockdown
Yes, I've been saying this from the beginning. It's a useless thing to talk about this specific thing because Jow Forums because it's one of the big double standards among the faggots who want to blame society at large for their problems as individuals
>I am a NEET who plays super Mario Odyssey all day
what does your indian parents think?
White "robots" instantly assume all nonwhite men are chasing white roasties but can't comprehend all nonwhite women chasing them, it's so strange
Whites are a minority on earth you fucking brownie fuck. This is why nobody likes you, you cant use your fucking brain for a fucking second to figure out basic shit.
This is an english speaking board. Among the western, english speaking countries, white people are definitely not a minority. I'm white too, but hot damn man use your own head too.
Also let's be honest, who even gives a shit about non first world countries?
just replace the word minority with nonwhite autist
have you considered throwing your life away op?
You don't have to be a minority, just go to a country where you're the majority
The white soul has already penetrated OP and his home country. His inceldom will never change wherever he is located, just like whites will be normies everywhere they are.
instructions unclear, define fuckable.
what? white people are the minority, you idiot. we make up about 11% of global population, and that's when being generous with what is even considered white... why not go to the country of your race? or is it another hell hole like just about every non-white place, so you went to a white country that was turned into a nice place by whites only to spit on them for letting you into their society?
It's closer to 7 percent and declining even in the countries where we are currently a majority. A sad fate, but we have to shoulder it due to colonialism.
Fuck you, retard. We whites have it the worst because we're constantly being targeted by every nigger in the country for being racist when we pay for their housing and phone bill. Also there is race mixing propaganda in our own homes 24/7. Just ask a white whore for a fuck and she'll be sure to make up for his ancestors misdeeds.
>we whites have it worst because muh sjws on twitter o the horror!
There is no source there. Just more fuel to patronise whites.
How is that patronizing? If anything you should feel overjoyed. You won the genetic lottery, your life is set! Go live your life user, that potential is being wasted here shitposting.
you ought to check this out
>we have to shoulder it due to colonialism.
what? no, we don't. "we" didn't do any of that shit. the people who did that are all dead. why should a race go extinct because some of it's past members did negative things? besides, that was carried out by soldiers of the ruling class: they're the ones who participated, not your average joe or jane white-person... why the fuck should we die off? with that logic, everyone should die because every race has enslaved other races, as well as having been slaves themselves. so yeah, i suppose everyone just needs to die because some people in the past were mean.
Were it so easy, user. Only if it were...
Fuck off back to India then, you worthless, whiny poo-in-loo.
yes, and? your point?
Whites are so fucking whiny considering their influence in the world, society and everyone's implicit biases as a result of them