Mental illness general

Stuck in the psychiatric hospital again. Pajamas and no shoelaces :(
Anyone familiar with psychiatry?

Attached: _20181202_093427.jpg (2214x2360, 760K)

Yes, It is bullshit most of it.

I felt subhuman the whole time the first time I went to one.

I'm assuming you were showing suicidal behaviour OP? I hope you start to feel better soon. At least you have internet access.

Hopefully you don't get stuck there for weeks, when I went in half the time I was just shit posting on Jow Forums from my phone. They didn't allow internet so my dad had to get me data

Yes I told them I wanted to hang myself.
All I have is my phone with me and some packs of cigarettes.

What sort of a ward lets you keep a phone and fags? Seems pretty comfy desu.

absolutely i am. enjoy therapy cunt, never works.

just work out and actively be happier

A French one

Nigger wtf why do they allow you having phones and shit? Must be private and not public, here they don't even allow you having books

It is public. After a few days you can get back your clothes and most of your stuff. All hail Geneva's convention

Jesus Christ, after spending days at the ward all I got was being able to have some manga and a book what kind of country do you live in and why did you end up there?

I hate my father for giving me this disease
If I ever kill myself I'll make sure to put in my note that he should do the same
His only other child is autistic, his blood is poison
He can't help but be emotionally manipulative to counteract his inability to relate to his fellow man, and he has given me the same curse

Wat do

Wtf? The ones I went to allowed people to wear their own clothes and shoes. They were still hell on earth and (((shrinks))) were always talking down to me and feeding me pills but it was an ok way to see people my age behind the masks of high school

when I was in a psychiatric hospital there was this one guy who always stole/tried to steal my food

>be at closed detox ward
>everyone have withdrawls
>soup for lunch
>pic related

Attached: soup.gif (500x281, 1.56M)

So if I were to tell my psychiatrist I hear voices and see shit I know isn't really there, would I end up there?

I was in a psychiatric hospital in 2011 when I tried to kms. I don't think it has any purpose, people never get rehabilitated, it's more like a prison for mentally unstable, once they leave they go back to their old ways of doing things and return once again after another mental breakdown

That is accurate... Originally

Probably not, I got admitted for full blown psychosis now that I'm out I visit doctors that keep asking if I still hear voices whatever I say doesn't change anything they just put me on anti-psychotics. You'll most likely just be put on new meds and not sent to the ward, unless they believe it's an extreme case you might go in

Shoes in bed... Absolutely disgusting!

Blame kikes as you rightly should.

Ah, no shoelaces, I remember that stupid rule.
What were they afraid of? That I might snap and choke someone with it?

France. He said that. You saw him say that.

how the fuck did you end up there lad? did you tell them you were going to do it right at that moment? can they throw you in even if you're not acutely suicidal?
i was going to swallow the psych pill but now i'm second guessing