This is why im a virgin. Im 26. Pic is not me but i have a lot acne scars too

This is why im a virgin. Im 26. Pic is not me but i have a lot acne scars too.

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There are plenty of people who have relationships and have acne scars. For men it's easier to overcome.

Guy in pic related looks hot

cant tell if samefag or copypasta

Looks hot? You only can see one cheep wich is full of acne scars. Im not saying he is bad looking, because i cant even see his whole face. But acne scars doesnt makes you hot at all. 1

he looks like a guy I used to crush on. He had bad skin but he was really handsome.

Acne scars arent the end of the world and they fade with time

Hey, pshhht. That Tahlia girl in YouTube really likes men or boys with acne scars. It's her fetish. She also hates women and is very understanding about all incels taking sides with them against the "vapid sluts". :D Way to go. Just remember she is doing it all to grow her channel and gain some internet popularity.

Why the hell does this browser not let me grow the comment box. No arrow appears anywhere to do it.

Haha! Hi there Tahlia.

That kind of scars like in op pic doesnt fade

get multiple chemical peels. That is what I did. Each peel was like $175 and I did 7 of them over the course of about two years. Buy a hat though because after a peel you can't really go out in the sun for a few weeks.

What is peels? How it works?

You have been visited by the Scarface. Post this image in 10 tranny threads or your mom will get cancer on Christmas

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>Buy a hat though because after a peel you can't really go out in the sun for a few weeks.
Do you also have to wear a mask or some shit?

1. don't shave your fucking face like a retard if you're having ance problems, i don't care how bad you facial hair is
2. do not take frequent showers if you have oily skin
3. wrap you pillow in towels because it's easier than washing them all the goddamn time
4. 10% benzoyl peroxide cream because it'll dry out your face (this is gonna actually hurt but it works, but only do it twice a week at most), or apply as needed
5. exercise, you greasy fat fuck
i had the worst acne out of my entire high school
it wasn't even close
to a point, you simply have to wait it out until it stops being so bad for you
i know what i've said helps with the scars because that's what i do now at 23

Im not talking about acne. Im talking about scars. I dont have acne any more cos i was taking accutane but stoped half year ago

looks pretty badass desu

>Im talking about scars.
then do what the fuck i said, you twat
it'll help, but there is nothing under the sun which is going to help you with those "ice pick scars?
no matter how much it hurts, you need to leave it on
preferably, before bed
wash your face by with a light rag in the morning

Have you tried Accutane? it really helped me to get rid of all my acne and acne scars

A chemical peel could reduce acne scars like in OP pic

That much? I did 4 TCAs, 80 euros each, god best decision I ever did in my life
Wanted to try the CO2 laser at first, but I freaked out at the last minute and canceled that appointment, then went for the peels

They sell a fuckton of peels and acids on ebay, very cheap as well. Try them.

Never use cheap products though, they will likely make the issue worse. Go for the premium shit

I'd rather not fuck around with acids, user
I prefer spending a bit more but have a professional do the peels for me

I have acne scars too,it sucks big time.

Checked. Just dont give a fuck and become an ugly battle scarred heavy metal warrior!

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>x is why i'm a virgin
no it's not, the problem is you

kill yourself

Not true. You're a virgin because of your social anxiety. It's likely very apparent to anyone who talks to you for more than 10 seconds. Luckily for you the condition is treatable with medication. Your only correct move is psychiatry.

You have very good facial structure and your scars look badass

Cocoa Butter, unironically. Helped me clear up a lot of the scaring

DUDE my scars are worse than that, and I'm a 5'8" manlet too, and I've fucked a couple 8s. I just stopped giving a fuck at one point, I think it was when I was about to hang myself. At that point I was done, but then I decided to stick around and fuck around and if things went bad I could just kill myself, I stopped giving a fuck about everything. Got heavily into drugs, developed a personality, got lots of fun hobbies, became witty and charismatic, and used to fuck around with cute chicks, now I'm more at peace with my life and away from that life but still talk to this cutie who I think likes me back, looking for something long term with her.

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Cumia is that you?

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Stop being a faggot OP.You're a virgin because you haven't even tried to seduce women.I have the teeth of a fucking 13th century peasant yet I still get laid.

Flip the script. You have acne scars? Go get something that makes people think of something other than the scars. Let people define you on your terms, not theirs, unironically.

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Probably your shitty personality and failure to approach women properly.

It's not your face that keeps you from getting laid, retard

Don't post my e-waifu here, thanks

And why do you think i have that social anxiety? I had a lot of acne during middle and high school and few years after i graduated. Iv been called ugly because of that. That gave me depression. I was teen, i couldnt just change to chad when people thought im ugly. I stoped drinking and smoking becouse of that. My friends started hanging out with me less and less until eventually they stoped at all. I havent seen them in like 5 years or heared anything fron them. They were assholes to me any way. And you expect someone like that to not have social anxiety?

>his moms pads in the background lmao

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>bad Acne

Smoking weed for a year

>acne gone

Is this really because of weed or something else?

Me too, but 28.