Penises shorter than six inches should be cut off

Penises shorter than six inches should be cut off.

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Breasts smaller than D cups should be cut off and their owners vaginas sewn shut.

Women with an IQ lower than 110 should be killed. Wait. That is all the women so that would make us extinct.

tfw A cup 90 iq femanon

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I propose we just keep only the top 20% of women alive in cages, only used for breeding.

I completely agree. The cages won't need to be too intricate as even the smartest women won't know how to escape.

Women who weight more than 50kgs should be gassed.

If youre tits arent this big youre a real woman and should be burned at the stake.

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lmao this can't be real
what is it like to be that stupid?

small tiddies are cute though
pls no cry fren

This is a communist tit redistribution thread now, half of those tits must be cut off and redistributed to all the titless fembots here.

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>tfw your bf gets upset for cheating on him with a guy who has a bigger dick

it's his own fault god why are guys such jerks UGH!

do guys really like big udder boobs asking for a friend

I unironically want to be able to milk my gf like a cow

Roast beef vaginas and clitorises that are longer than 0.5 inches long should be cut off.

Well it's not his fault per say , but as long as you are a good gf he has no right to complain. you deserve pleasure and biologically women are built for above average men because they are meant to evolve our race

Yes we do. And the more women demand large penises and other unattainable traits we will do the same from women.

rapist should have their peckers cut off

Big boobs aren't in style anymore, it makes me sad

larp harder, bad bait

Not for me. Big shapely tits are for me, but not 'udder' size.

>even communists like me
of course they do there's enough tiddy there to feed an army of starving proletariat

The efficiency of the penis is more important than the size. Fertility is more important than female pleasure (which is not at all important). Asian penises are the smallest in the world and yet they have the largest population. White penises may be bigger to please some roastie thots, but we are the ones dying out. Also, it seems to me that many penises over 7 inches actually have trouble getting hard and have ED more often. Smaller penises get hard as diamonds easily.

Judit Polgar exists though.

post titti- oh.. nvm