I don't like humans. I honestly wouldn't care if I was homeless...

I don't like humans. I honestly wouldn't care if I was homeless. I've scouted out a few places to sleep and chill if I ever am homeless. It's in an area with no other homeless people. I would practise guitar all day and sleep in a tent. Everything necessary would be provided.
>free coffee at the bookies
>200 euro social welfare a week to buy cheap food
>toilets in shopping centre
>phone bills is only 20 euro a month so I could shitpost and watch YouTube videos
>also in bookies free electricity to charge phone
>first World Western European city with hardly any crime so don't have to worry much about psychos
>6 foot 2 and 115 kilos so not to be messed with
I actually did spend 2 weeks homeless in Spain once and it went OK.

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Do they give you 200 euro a week forever?

Yes, and it increases with cost of living

Then I would do it too. Where?

Suburban Dublin, Ireland

use some of that money to get a gym membership. showers are important.

Good idea. I forgot bout that.

I need to tell a story boys, its been on my mind
>be me
>friendless community college student
>no gf ever (aspergers)
>lonely as hell
>sitting on a bench waiting for the bus to come to take me home after class
>really cold out, shivering as I sit there
>nobody sitting near me
>look across the street at a group of about a dozen homeless people sitting there on the sidewalk hanging out
>more of them get off one of the buses and joins the group
>they're hugging, some are couples and kiss each other and they're all smiling and laughing
>a couple of the older homeless ladies are like the moms of the group, they go around checking on everyone, asking how they are, giving food out
>the couples are all holding hands, cuddling each other for warmth
>Im sitting there alone staring at them
>realize these people have the onyl thing that really matters in this world, and I may go home to my warm bed but will cry myself to sleep
>get on the bus
>put in headphones
I want to be a normal guy.

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>first World Western European city with hardly any crime so don't have to worry much about psychos
Do I need to tell you what niggers are?

Why not become homeless, user?

I am considering it. I hope to find some qt drug addict skelly gf to cuddle under a bridge with.

Homeless bump

What about showering tho? Wouldn't there be a point where you smell so CWC that they'd kick you out of any establishment? Or are they to politically correct for that where you are?

Gym membership with free showers

Go live the dream, user.

I'm so fucking tempted to.

OP, go live your dreams. Plus, Europe is so PC these days, people (and cops) will be too chicken shit to do anything, especially since you're homeless. It would only be more effective if you were black lol

At least go do it for a season or 2. Not many of us have the right conditions like you do.

Look up Dirty Kids. They travel and call people like you "home bums."

What are dirty kids and home bums?

Just looked it up. Home bum seems comfier.

Also when I did this I bought a hammock and a tarp with para cord and tent spikes. You can set up a sleeping spot underneath the tarp basically anywhere. And if you aren't in the woods use the hammock as a blanket and your backpack as pillow. Be careful with the gym I ended up getting kicked out of their for being there to much. Id go sit in the hot tub for hours and just watch women walk by in bikinis or going to the sauna. Then id go shower. I kept all my clothes in the locker there and showered and changed clothes everyday. Then id go to the laundry mat once a week and drop my clean clothes back off at the gym. Until they kicked me out.

After that I bought a tent and set it up in the woods with a tarp over the top of it. Locked the doors and had all my clothes and stuff in there. I also played guitar and loved playing and singing in the middle of the woods with a campfire going. Was pretty fun.

I ended up getting arrested for nothing (all the cops knew me) and stayed in jail for 52 days. When I got out all my stuff was gone including my guitar. The bastards. So I uberd to a train station and went to a small town named Taylor and hung out there for two weeks (a woman at the coffee shop let me stay in a sweet apartment above a base they were trying to rant out then bought me a train ticket to Austin.

No gyms around in Austin and no woods so I slept in parking garage stairwells and showered at the homeless center. Ended up getting locked up there too and left to El Paso (after getting ran out by cops from a small valley border town.)

It can be an adventure if you have a little but of money.

Don't worry love will come eventually user. I'm 19 and just got my first ever girlfriend a month ago. It was really unexpected bit it happened (I almost fucked up a couple of times).
I hope you will find luck soon!

Sucks now that its over thoufg. I can't find a job due to all the bullshit arrests I got.

Sounds good, user. You've lived quite a life. I'm jealous.

I did this for years btw. It was fine. Most homeless are not there by choice or are on drugs, avoid them. Also most people just suck at being homeless and make it a part of themselves and join the culture. Fuck that. Just be a person who doesn't own a house, thats it. Keep yourself tidy, and live free, don't associate with any other homeless. No one even knew I was homeless, dressed well just slept in a tent and spent all my time doing whatever I wanted. Was it sometimes hard? Sure. Was wageslaving from 6-5 harder? yes

Again I want to reiterate; being homeless is what you make of it. If you aren't doing well, its because you suck at it, or are mentally ill or are on drugs and need help. If you do it by choice, prepare, have a good schizoid attitude you'll do a lot better

Dirty kids panhandle, hitchhike, ride trains etc... All over the country and have Facebook pages for places they meet up yearly. They circle the country basically staying where the weather is nice etc... The guys I was with for awhile (rubber tramping as I had a car then) were headed to Vegas but I never made it out of Texas. It was awesome hanging with them out in the woods of Mississippi and in New Orleans. I had money but everything they had they bummed from people. They were all drunker than I was and didn't spend a dime. Never went into a bar either.

This. I want to just exist freely and homelessness is weirdly the only way to do it without being stinking rich

There isn't really a culture of dirty kids in my country.

You could always be the first one hah.

That does sound pretty cool. I have free travel too. I could just take a train to any part of my country and recruit homeless people

Watch this everyone