Consider it for a second
>compensation for smaller dating pool
>reparations for life of denial and ridicule
>the height-to-wealth ratio change would balance out on the attraction scale
it's literally foolproof
Consider it for a second
>compensation for smaller dating pool
>reparations for life of denial and ridicule
>the height-to-wealth ratio change would balance out on the attraction scale
it's literally foolproof
And with just one post, all socialist, welfare-supporting thots turn into libertarians in the blink of an eye.
>sexual communism
Will Chad be sent to gulag?
>He thinks women pay taxes
you know they're too dumb to do that
of course, unless he is relieved if his right to bear gf
by god, I'll fight until all thots pay up, and then use their money for my nesquik spending
We laugh now, but once we would have laughed at men in dresses being treated as literal women. Will we see a Manley subsidy in our lifetime? I believe we will.
Where's my free gf? According to you little bastards women should be throwing themselves at me.
The median defines the trend, not the outliers. Sorry, you're just not oppressed enough.
5'7'' manlet here, I wouldn't even want that.
I think it would probably backfire
i hate london but women all flock to there, but would i want a woman that wants to live in london, but is it female nature to flock to the biggest herd?
5'8.5" so on the cusp, so to speak.
Banged a lot of girls. Try fixing your approach. Yes tall symmetricals have an easier time but that's life, faggots, play the hand you're dealt like it's the hand you wanted.
NO. at least, in the USA, if you want fucking welfare you either shame yourself with the traditional SSI/SSDI system or pay the cost to be the boss and turn wrenches on some f-16 in arizona for 3 years and then claim PTSD for being called a faggot in a southern accent every day.
you're full of shit, i'm 5'8'' and it's not a picnic but it's like being a god compared to 5'6'', i don't try to look "down" on people (pun haha) but it's hard not to notice the disparity in my experiences vs. theirs..
Niggers really outhere thinking I don't do my part. Nothing's wrong with my fucking approach. It's not like I can't attract anyone, I suppose it's just been chance that has kept me from losing my virginity, cause I have still made out plenty, and touched girls up. I still want reparations.
>manlet thread
>all the guys that post their height are taller than the average female height
talk about living on easy mode, try being 5'4 and I have a gf lmao
i doubt it desu I bet they'd agree
Under 5'10" feels emasculating. I'm 5'8" and I regularly get heightmogged by women. I used to be an obese fuck and the more weight I lose the more I feel like a small monkey.
I'm 5'4 in a very tall country, how much would I get in manletbux?
Nothing is out of the realm of possibilities in this day and age my friend. I hope it turns out that way.
Isn't that just a teenager? He looks like 14
Yeah he's naturally short but still time to grow. He probably wouldn't hit 6ft but with a bit of muscle development he has good facial genes and a nice smile.
Obviously from his posture and mannerisms he doesn't have a great amount of self confidence but he'd get that with time.
No. If short guys don't get to breed then that's just natural selection.
>thinking humanity hasn't outgrown natural selection
Did you just crawl up from the Cambrian sea, faggot?
You sound mad because you have bad genes.
god DAMN the tits on those two left ones, i bet little miss pancake nipples is feeling self conscious as all fuck judging by how hard she's holding her gut in
Short genes aren't bad or good
Tall and short genes both have their place
Socialized beauty norms aren't natural selection
It's like saying castration of black men during slavery was just natural selection
>tfw 5'5, shorter than the average girl in the US
Theres no reason for me to live
Nigga listen up, if you live past 2050 there's a good chance you'll live forever. Reach that goalpost, and all you have to do is sit on you short ass and wait for cloning to catch up, then hop into your 6'8 chadlike body and live your life
That's completely fucking ridicilous, plus I'm half expecting my mind to degrade to a state of dementia or Alzheimers by that time
Suit yourself, I'll be dedicating my life to hurrying that along. You can thank me then :^)
That's okay. I'm not here now and I certainly wont be that far in the future
Hey i'm shorter than you just get hunting super short girls on Tinder, worked for me. I'm attractive though so that helps a lot.
Hey rich guy give me your money. I am short and ugly so I deserve it!
Yes unironically.
you can disagree but then we'll just kill you. The military is composed of short ugly dudes.
I'm also balding and have a 5 out of 10 face. I'm literally a shitskin and I dont think theres much hope cause I'm not rich and depression killed my happy and outgoing nature
why is everything gota be about the government with you faggots these days. you want everything handed to you and you jump at the chance for an excuse.
If i was under 5'8" I'd just rape a few bitches before going on a rampage killing as manny nigger cunts as I could and then I'd off myself like a man.
luckly I'm not and I get plenty of pussy so I guess I can just off myself lmao
Who the fuck cares how tall someone is? If someone really cares they suck shit.
this shit is a meme
in the 70's 1 in 720 couples had a taller woman.
in the current year it's 1/15 couples have a taller woman.
it's a social norm it's not a big deal in reality, and it's only going to completely go away over the next few years as more social pressure is applied to end it (which it is if you look across social media and such)