What do you personally and honestly think of black women?

What do you personally and honestly think of black women?

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hello nick/ebony, please kys already, thank you

Nigger coon baboons are disgusting, they need to be exterminated

>What do you personally and honestly think of black women?

I wish you could still buy them.

literally breed to please massah

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Hard to make a blanket statement about a group of people that encompasses such a broad swath of society, but there are definitely some that I like.

Unapproachable only by Chad

They're rude, stupid, violent, unfeminine, and they have no work ethic whatsoever. And they stink.

I think they are great, beautiful, and its good that they are starting to love themselves when no one else will. I also think they can kind of be crazy at times, but I like it. They seem very passionate about life and like very strong people. I especially love the ones that believe in themselves and are not sjws and do not think that theyre oppressed. Those are my honest thoughts.

Stink of what?

Personally I think having skin that has the color of literal shit is pretty discusting.

Grease, hairspray, cocoa butter, and rank body odor. Have you never smelled a nigger, user?

Its also the color of chocolate user

I've noticed that girls that have natural hair actually smell really sweet like pina colada. I think its the hair products they use. However, the girls with weaves and fake hair smell like gasoline to me.

White skin is the color of pus coming out of a pimple or a yeast infection. You can literally compare any skin color to something nasty.

I like black women, more than asian women actually. There really are quite a bit of nice looking black girls, and black girls have always been the most friendly to me out of any race of women.

They should be gassed along with all other niggers.

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ooga booga

I dont like how even the most whitewashed ones are ghetto in some way. I probably wouldn't mind roleplaying with a black girl and she is my beeding slave and pounding her with my bwc while she begs me to be gentle or admits she loves being breeded by her white master.

So i could probably get over their ghettoness if they were completely submissive to me.

>inb4 abusive racist asshole
I'm not abusive and only mildy an asshole. I'm just kinky.

I prefer black women astheticly but most I meet are obese

I think they have big juicy asses, i and I desperately want to stick my penis in a black girls pooper before I die
Other then that, I don't really think about them much unless I'm horny.

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I think they need to start fucking their men so they stop trying to fuck every other race and create mutt mongoloids.

>What do you personally and honestly think of black women?
Gross niggers

They are mostly like white women. Some are absolute cunts, and some are nice. I dont really interact with any of them, though.

No different than any other type of woman
Most are shit

Some are pretty hot, which are the ones that have less African features and big asses. A black girl without a big ass is almost incapable of being attractive imo. And same goes for girls with features like broad noses, more masculine jawlines, etc. Basically, there are attractive and unattractive girls of every race ofc but imo the criteria is different for black girls and they have a lower peak and higher ceiling. The other issue is social status. If you theoretically date black girl, your child would be half black aka lower social status. And you could argue that having a lower social status partner is less desirable than a white or Asian woman, who are generally seen as higher status.

If i had a choice of 3 women , all exactly equal in attractiveness, and one was white, one was asian, and one was black. i would go in that order.

I like beautiful women regarless of color, but commiting to a serious relationship would mean kids, and i would prefer my kids to not be a black / white mix at the least, for various reasons.

god damn, need at least 7" to handle an ass like that.
so close and yet so far brehs.

Nah, it would matter when it comes to doggy.
You'd be just fine with an average size, but you'd have to stick to strictly cowgirl and missionary

Female is the worst gender and negroid is the worst race so that's basically the worst thing ever.
Plus they breed niglets so they deserve the gas chamber.

Their mens pride in "ruining" white women literally directly inversely tells them to hate themselves

I like east african women (eritrean, somali, ethiopian)

I think most of them are disgustingly thirsty for white cock

I'd fuck one desu. Black pussy is still pussy.

spot on fren.
I've literally never met a negress I wasn't repulsed by.

Would somebody puleeeze have the decency to sauce that

Some are hot, some are not.

Either insanely hot or insanely ugly

guarantee she'd have a mutt ugly face and her flaps would stink like rotting fish

They are alright, the ones I have met in Canada are very friendly and easily approachable which I feel is different than their American counterparts. I find them to be cute, both the lighter and darker varieties.

I would bang them and eat their pussies and butts and whatnot, I even like their feet despite them not being popular among footfags, but I would never pursue a serious relationship because I would prefer my kids not be mixed so I prefer a woman of Western European descent

I suppose a Slav is good enough too

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they don't age as much as white women

I guarantee you're a ugly virgin who's never sexually touched a woman in his life.
What do I win?

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you don't win anything.
I, on the other hand, see I was spot on with the ugly remark. she looks like a fucking horse

>and they have no work ethic whatsoever.
Nah some do. All of them want money but some of them, once they get it they start being stereotypical lazy shits. Also some of them work like horses but rarely ever look for anything better. My mom had been working the same 11 an hour job for about 10 years until they fucked her on workman's comp.

t. nigger

You think those are the same woman? You surely can't be this fucking retarded, can you?

Why'd you post that video if you're trying to prove that black women are hot

Guess I'm a horsefucker then user
i'd saddle up behind that

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they just look like a couple of dumb ugly niggers to me.
but you go ahead and fuck all the pond scum you want you pathetic race traiting faggot.

yeah, the colour of her skin is actually such a turn off. it's revolting. not to mention that disgusting face.

By far the easiest women to be around. Easy to talk to, fun to be around and they make me feel comfortable and not awkward. It is a shame that they are the least attractive out of all the races.

I didn't post either.

I just clicked into the thread to jack it to some thicc bitches. Don't care about racebaiting. That's that worthless black cunt trying to get a white bf.

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does she bang white guys?

goddamn she ugly

Different strokes for different folks I guess user
maybe you should leave and post in a white girl thread? or maybe you're into asians?
She did, they broke up though

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To be fair, OP directed the question at everyone willing to answer and told anons to be "honest."

I know.
It was just a suggestion, I figured he'd be happier that way

She looks exacty like my ex, including the ass and face profile.

Got any more?

Yes, Asian qts are superior in literally every single way to these disgusting sheboons. OP asked for my honest and personal opinion of black women and I provided it.

They aren't particularly different from women of other races. Maybe they are in the average case, but you can find women of all kinds in any race

hmm I've never been into asians, they've always looked like aliens to me.
it's nice you like them though, maybe you'll find one one day

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At least we react when a child haven run over by a truck. Chinese people are NPCs.

is that you in that photo user? you're really attractive :3

Of course not user, if it was I wouldn't be posting here and my penis would be buried in that this very second

I don't know why, but thin black women with small asses atract me a lot, preferably with straight hair. Can somebody explain?

They are the best toys, just fuck them a lot and give no fucks they will love you.

>recreating the situation with their absent fathers
Good goy, keep propagating degeneracy.

What's wrong in playing girl to have fun? It's not like they don't do it.

I think they're hot if they have white features

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Hate em. Can't even acknowledge them as human.

That why you don't know how to deal with them

Mixed black girls are absolutely amazing. I love them.

There's nothing white about those features...