If you had superpowers, would you use them for evil and retribution?

If you had superpowers, would you use them for evil and retribution?

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I would be chaotic neutral
Depending on what my superpowers are

Well ideally (so not in a world like my hero academia) I could keep my superpower completely secret and use it for my own personal gain.

I would use them to eradicate humankind, definitely.


i'd give the jews a real holocaust

>Hitler dubs

I'd use them to further enhance my own capabilities and only intervene in human business when I absolutely have to. I would use them such that I can progress to be the most powerful being of all existence, and not by using cheap tactics to kill off any competition. Don't really have much interest in "evil" or "retribution".

This. Also someone should post that link

So let's say your powers are extremely powerful telekinetic control. Basically, you're an S-tier esper on this level: youtube.com/watch?v=MGuXsZfPV5k

What do you do with these?


Now how would you use your powers?

depends on what my powers were. like if I had smoke and ash for a power(like in infamous) I think I would be somewhat chaotic if provoked. but I had a power like solar energy and my powers only worked during the day. I be more passive.

I'd give strokes to people. Undetected, unexpected. Nobody can link me to those deaths.

I'd use them for personal gain, and to make people who deserved it suffer.

powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Disembodied_Intelligence. Oh shit high IQ

i wouldn't say evil, but if I had teleportation i'd teleport to be somewhere that I can be alone. every day i'd teleport to a supermarket, steal some food, clothes occasionally, and then teleport back home. that's all i'd do.

Hail mein Fuhrer

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I would use it to take over the world and shape it to my liking

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I've thought a lot about what I'd do if I suddenly became omnipotent; been a recurring fantasy of mine for a decade and a half.

Some conclusions I've arrived at in the past few years/months and not foregone have been:

>Upon acquisition of powers, forcefully relegate myself to mortal existence for an hour in a secluded room with a paper to take notes on what powers I want to have, what possible modifications can be made to my psyche, etc
>After an hour is over, me & my self-imposed limits return to the real world
>Every 10 years I reacquire a state of absolute omnipotence, and can so choose the 1-hour delimiting if I desire

Hedonic treadmill is very dangerous and only conscientious planning can circumvent it. It's why rich kids have a higher suicide rate than other classes.

Highly depends on the powers.
I'd either just live a hermit kind of life where I use them to be self sufficient and not care about the world, or be a vigilante. Wouldn't use them much for personal things like getting revenge on people who memed me on the internet.
If it's only healing related, would barely use them as it would attract attention, but i'd move to some village and live off of their nice gestures and offerings after I heal them and maybe go to cities a few times a year to perform random acts of miracles, like healing someone without making it obvious I did it.

If it was the random destructive ones like strength or elemental control, would just mess around in the wilderness and vigilante it up against scum that nobody would really miss anyways, even if the official stance would be "super powered user BAD".
>Bio-Tech Manipulation
Scratch that, i'd go full zerg, move to some planet and slowly expand while having a huge harem of hive queens that require impregnation.
Basically Irralatexen, but much less dominant and more of switches.

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Personal gain, and I'd use it to get good camera angles and movements for my short films. I'd also fly around a lot at night. Some vigilante work if the opportunity arises. Maybe I'd use it for inspiration of comic ideas

Nelphi sounds much better then.

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Not evil. I probably wouldn't even use them in major ways unless necessary

>Ley Line Manipulation
brb cultivating

If my lucid dreams are any indication, looks like it's evil or neutral at most, very destructive, could also be used for good I suppose, but when my time as god comes to an end there would be a mountain of bad karma from collateral damage so if I ever do get there I'm gonna do a short one and volunteer to be put back in lower life to help as a wizard. Maybe I should try doing stuff like healing or creating more in lucid dreams. I've done creating, that's pretty fun and pinnacle of dream control

this is super fucking vague, but I guess I'd be a swirling vortex of negativity and evil
I'll become a superhero for irony's sake

I cannot commit evil. I can only fight it. I am always the force of good. I would make all of the evil who opposed me since childhood suffer, and eradicate it when I get bored.

>If you had superpowers, would you use them for evil and retribution?
yeah i would bring terror & destruction:^)

Of course, I'd be an idiot not to.

A healer but the only used for evil

This is how evil minds work. Congrats!

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>Blood Stopping
I will impregnate every woman

that depends on how you define evil.

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I'd use them to benefit myself. If someone is against that then tough shit. Wouldn't go out of my way to harm for fun though

fucking definitely evil
i swear to god a few years ago i thought how i'd be a payed superhero and do it as a job but after years of wagecucking and having interacted with people i would burn it all down
i swear on me mum

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I would scorch the earth, turn it into total anarchy

I'd probably try to be a Hero, I've always wanted to help people but I'm such a small person in this world, I don't care about money or fame, to me I just want to make the world a better place

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They'd just abuse you you faggot. if you don't come to save every single black, gay, or tranny person you're fucked by the media.

What powers are we talking here

Who said evil and retribution are the same thing? My retribution is for all robots. Also fuck the jews.


Behold, for I have become Kek incarnate. The perfect power for retribution against the forces of evil

WTF is this useless shit.

I'd still help them, even if they reject me, a hero's purpose is to protect those who can't protect themselves, only when the whole collective of humanity decides they no longer need me, then I'll just fade back into the crowd.

Go to this link 3 times


These are you 3 powers, what do you do with them?

your* 3 powers

>Tell the past, events in the present and the future
>Cause infinite death recursion or just let people relive their deaths
>Control and induce everything related to the Spring
The last one apparently lets me resurrect people so all 3 of these together means that I could become the best detective ever.

I would focus on stomping out "heroes" as they arise, to prevent any from getting strong enough to defeat me.
Some would train in secret, but I would be growing stronger as I crushed the weak, so unless they can train alone faster then I can stomp them out, they wouldn't be able to rise up fast enough to stop me.

This much power?

My own interests, ruling the world, causing minor inconvenience to someone i don't like or just ruin their lives or something.

Make an entire nation bow to me, build a statue of gold with my face on it, when you have this much power you get bored, no one can beat you so you'll start doing random shit to amuse yourself.

I wouldnt use them at all

I would bend light to make myself invisible and bend oxygen and matter to form a barrier then just start flying everywhere and explore the world. Maybe the deep sea or even the solar system if I could find a way to sustain myself. I wouldn't become tethered by the status quo or material gain, I would observe as much as I could of as many things as I could find. True neutral wanderer.

>The power to suicide or induce suicide in others
Perhaps the single most fitting ability for this board I have ever seen
>The power to craft things flawlessly and easily
Pretty useful for day to day life and in a pinch, nice to be a MacGyver
>The power to reincarnate permanently
And now shit just got broken. While it sucks I can't forever end my shitty existence, on the brightside, I can never die permanently and this trio of powers make me the strongest suicide bomber of all time. Craft the best explosives out of nothing, suicide bomb, resurrect, repeat. No one can stop me, I can go anywhere and exact revenge because I reincarnate every time I die. Death has no consequences for me, and I can either kill myself to kill others or make others kill themselves while disregarding if I am collateral.

Now that i think of it a bunch of larpagans would probably worship me lol, i would probably just use it to make the world a better place and beat up those i am morally/ideologically opposed to.

I would use my superopwers just to kill and cause immense fear among my next victims correlated with other victims at some point.

I would try to do good, actually. I mean, I'd improve myself, improve my situation, but I'd also try to improve the world. Help people. I don't think I could do anything else, having superpowers. Not to quote Spider-Man, but if you see someone falling from a cliff on TV, and you have the power to speed across the country and catch them, every second you watch her fall would be objective agony.

Also I somehow lucked into the most hardcore suite of powers ever

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D&D Bard powers.
The possibilities are endless.

I'd probably still be sitting in my room all day playing video games and browsing the web.

You say that because you're a disgusting subhuman. You're not even close to man kind. And not in a good way. In a way that you deserve to be trampled by humans therselfs

I would assist my fellow man in creating the first attempts at a space age, to attempt to survive the inevitability of death which of course i would not be immune to myself

>Death Inducement

I unironically have superpowers IRL and I'm using them to become a board-certified physician. I guess that's good unless I turn out to be a shitty doctor.

Now nigga you gotta explain

It's simple superpowers aren't real dumbass

>action replication
Sit adjacent to the smartest person in any of my classes, copy their writing, then change the writing slightly to avoid being accused of cheating and get EZPZ 4.0
Might use it in professional boxing/mma to block attacks

Multiple-synesthesia with like every possible variant. Automatic mnemonic for large volumes of information and built-in calculator. Plus I have a variant for muscle-memory, too, so I'm damned good with my hands. Makes me a slightly better musician and cook, too, for what that's worth.
It's kind of a minor superpower, but it is at least listed in that superpower wiki, and I've got it.
I've also got really acute senses, but I'm pretty sure that's literally just autism.

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>Multiple-synesthesia with like every possible variant. Automatic mnemonic for large volumes of information and built-in calculator.
In English, doc.

>Physical Attribute Augmentation
Its kinda vague and i dont know most of the weeb listed characters but Inspector Gadget's on the list and if i had his tech, that'd rock.
As far as i can understand, i can change something on me at will, like become stronger for some time or extend my arms or something

unlikely. It's far too much effort to actually do anything so I'd likely just use them to off myself or make my existence slightly more tolerable

I would use them for personal gain and to fuck with people.

My power of choice would be either mind control or stopping time as both can be very easily abused but are lowkey enough that you can hide the fact thst you have powers.

All of my senses are wired together, but they're wired to abstract concepts like math and language, too. So I can see sound and smell colors and such, but I can also feel math in my hands and my mouth or instantly know the answer to a math problem because colors. You know how stuff's easier to remember if you repackage big sets of data into small, easily-digestible chunks? My brain just does that.


Retribution's not evil.

Druid powers get.
Or Snow White powers. Whatever's more your style.

It's not good, either. It's just a necessity that we can't fully eliminate or else people would walk all over each other.

I can terrify anyone into leaving me the hell alone, get a symbiote type of being to give me power and bypass anyone's immunities or resistances. I'd be capable of living a rather nice solitary life with this set.

>Papyrokinetic Shapeshifting
>Meta Environment Manipulation
>Turtle Physiology

and thus I become Terry Pratchett

I'd do this Also I'd kill all muzzies.

I would probably be good just because thats how I am in real life but none of us really know how much we would change with suddenly we're giving abilities like no other human so maybe I'd turn evil. But I know for sure if I was a hero I wouldn't be a gentle one and most likely would rough people up a bit before letting police officers take care of the situation

Make the world a better place, stop climate change, stop drug cartels, etc..

I guess I'd pretend to be god and fuck with people.