So much for your assertion that all single mothers of multiple kids are welfare leeches who don't have jobs and just...

So much for your assertion that all single mothers of multiple kids are welfare leeches who don't have jobs and just suck the "hard working tax payers cash", etc while sitting on assistance popping out kid after kid

A common theme i noticed with all single mothers on dating apps is that they are all hard working and have jobs as well as the full time job of raising their kids alone which is actually the hardest of all jobs. They also make time for going to the gym, cooking, meeting new boyfriends, etc. There is much more substance to them then what you tell us there is.

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>goblin kid
every time

Do you ever stop and think about how sick it is that a fourth (or more) of the female population not only has to deal with faggot dads walking out on their kids, but also virgin retard niggers screeching to make sure te baby starves to death if she can't find a job and a babysitter? Christ i'm starting to really feel an itchy trigger finger over this.

she choose the wrong option despite race she went with man as irresponsible as her, and she went to get 4 children, also some women get pregnant and file divorce to get welfare child support and alimony, those women deserve no pity, go and pay her debts if it worry you that much

>There is much more substance to them then what you tell us there is
I don't give a shit. She'll never truly be loyal to you

Fuck off roastiewhorecunt

how do you make the same mistake 4 times in a row, probably with 4 different men? this woman has no life or freedom and she desperately needs to dump some of the work load on a man.

>mom of 4

You are just making assumptions based on nothing but your oersonal bias. I think it would be a waste trying to explain this shit to you, it would be easier to just fucking feed you a lead pill desu.

That's a mutt child. I'm not the fucking least bit surprised.

Also you have no idea if she is a widow either. You see someone else's baby and want it literally dead. Actually I'd rather choke you to death, bullets are too quick.

Stupid roastie slut. Go get fucked by Tyrone.

Why don't you slurp his aids ridden semen yourself since you have such a hard-on for deadbeat dads? You're essentially the one defending him.

She's just paying the toll, nothing there is undeserved.

Bitch you are making assumptions. Just because we don't want to raise another man's child doesn't mean we want to kill it? The fuck is wrong with you

>literally cannot stop fucking niggers
t. seething reddit tourist

>Christ i'm starting to really feel an itchy trigger finger over this
Maybe you should think about killing yourself?

Bitch roastie mad? She hate being called out for fucking niggers?

You all fucking complain about taxes going toward child services, which is something that happens in every single fucking first world country since there is no way to stop faggots from walking out on their kids. If there was a law against having kids with faggots, you would suffer because of it as well as "Tyrone" if not even worse. Plus the OP was originally about single mothers with jobs, so at most your precious pennies would only be going toward a very small fraction of her income if anything.

My point with the OP was that these single mothers have much more about them than simply being breeding machines on welfare. Pretty well every single mother i have encountered on online dating has her own job, car, money, etc. They are NOT looking for a man to provide for them. It's an outdated concept. I'm a poorfag and i have dated single mothers who are way more successful than me yet have 3-4 kids to raise with no help. That deserves respect which ever way you square it.

As a cuckold, I really like single moms and don't think you guys should be mean to them

>dating a single mother

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>based on nothing
Based on her being a single mother. There is physical, living proof

Ok but you can't prove whether or not the dad walked out, died, or what the fuck ever. You just see: "woman with a baby that doesn't look like you" and immediately jump to reeeing about your fucking pennies.

>mother of four
>only 26
So this chick must have been having kids every since she could drink, feel bad for the kids raised by a whore mom

The one biggest mistake you made is trying to argue on here. People here are bitter, misogynist with a bit of racism sprinkled in. They don't care about the real world, all they care about it their imaginary world where they are the victims and all the woman and brown people are trying to ruin everything for them. They hate people that they never had a single interaction with.

You must be supremely retarded if you think single mothers haven't used the goodwill and sympathy of literally everyone around them.

If her husband died, then statistically it would most likely be due to a shooting or a drug overdose.

Some of them are horrible junkies that hoard every penny they can wrangle out of the people unfortunate enough to know them - I don't think the person in the OP is one of these people though.

Look man you've got it all wrong. I LOVE niggers and whores. I want to suck on a girl's toes and almost all the porn I watch is interracial. Are you sure you you aren't mixing up Jow Forums with Jow Forums?

Most single mothers are at the poverty line dumbass. Chances are, if they have a car they bought it before getting knocked up.

Read and weep.

Do the arithmetic. Together, single-parent families and their children totaled almost 14 million people, which is roughly a third of all people in poverty. If, magically, a third of America's poor escaped poverty, the change would (justifiably) be hailed as a triumph of social policy. If we included the children in poverty in two-parent families, that would add more than 7 million to the total (3 million parents and 4 million children). The total of 21 million would equal about half of all people in poverty.

>single moms and kids in poverty: 14m
>regular families in poverty: 7m

And I guess in both cases you'd still assume it was either his or her fault, so you shouldn't have to pay taxes.

>I found one instance that contradicts your assertion therefore it must be complete unfounded.
also, nice race bait OP, that's sure to get the incel pol fags blood boiling.

Please tell me why I should pay for someone else's personal mistakes?

LMAO. Imagine a) looking like this, b) having 4 kids with a black guy, c) advertising that fact on tinder. This is honestly pathetic.

Tell me how your pennies should be micromanaged as per your request so they don't go toward anyone with kids that are black, or your local schools?

Yes, why should I have to fund the next generation of criminals?

Yeah, because they're whores, they don't want any single man so they'll ever try to rely on one.
at least their kids will grow up to be big successful drug addicts/seller. - or browse Jow Forums

Just because they are in poverty, doesn't mean they don't have their shit together and are not making the most of what they have. Do you think everyone in poverty in America or Great Britain lives like an Indian in a Mumbai slum or some Brazilian favela? The point is that the single mothers are doing okay for themselves with that they have. They do NOT need a man to come and provide them with a car or a regular income on a plate for them since they already have a life for themselves set up. At most you could say a new long term boyfriend would be supplementing their income, which is how it goes in pretty well any relationship anyway where the 2 parties are living together. I know single mothers with 2-3 kids who are full time nurses and have mortgages. But just because they are not rich you'd have us believe they are looking for a man to leech off for more cash? Bullshit. I have dated single mothers with jobs like that and i don't even have a car or any cash in my pocket. If they were looking for a rich provider, why did they go out with me then?

Imagine not being a racist. Hard for you huh?

Tbh most men are the wrong man. Also a lot of the 'right ones' are gay as fuck. So glad I'm not a woman having to deal with retards throwing their cock in my face all day.

He's right, single motherhood is the single biggest predictor of crime, dropping out of school, etc.

Obvious bait, but I will speak the truth.

Four children. Four times she made the mistake. She is a literal animal relying on that many benefits from the GOV. for being a breeding sow. There is no conceivable way she can provide for four children with a server job at a restaurant. And this is at 26 years old. She has no fucking college education. No formal job training. No job security. The best she'll be able to do is become a bartender. Even that will fall to automation in the coming years. Who is subsidizing her benefits? Well taxation pays for GOV. handouts. This is socialism, which is a left-leaning politik that women exceedingly support --- for the obvious reason. Most if not all women vote democrat time and time again.

>A common theme i noticed with all single mothers on dating apps

They are on dating apps because they are looking for a desperate, low IQ male to provide for their children. Dating apps are full of them. Problem is, whenever she thinks she bagged one, they leave. Because all they want is an easy lay from a woman who clearly cannot keep her legs closed.

>have jobs as well as the full time job of raising their kids alone which is actually the hardest of all jobs.

Her only responsibility was home-making,and she failed that. Now her kids will be raised in unfamiliar, unstable homes and will have behavioral problems. Now society has another batch of bastard children to deal with. How hard would it have been to stay single until you find a good man?? Clearly this woman is promiscuous to a fault.

>They also make time for going to the gym, cooking, meeting new boyfriends, etc. There is much more substance to them then what you tell us there is.

There is no substance to a single mother, which is precisely the reason WHY she is a single mother in the first place; because she lacked character, self-control, responsibility, and perhaps even proper parental guidance. They are a drain on society in all accounts.

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I know you think he is toxic and evil, but he's right, and that's all that matter

I'm not a racist, I'm a sexual racist, there's a difference. I like black people and don't discriminate, but I wouldn't date a black girl.

As Child Trends notes, 20 percent of U.S. children lived in poverty in 2015, including 43 percent of those living in single-mother households but only 10 percent of those in married-couple households

Im not saying rich single mothers don't exist, but they're 4 times more likely than married moms to be below the poverty line. I've never been poor, but I imagine if I was I sure would like someone who could give my kids a better life

Mentally Retarted skreeter girl, wants beta's to develop her sick predilictions.
Either that or it's a femboy pot-stirrer.

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What does that have to do with anything? I was responding to someone saying how it's somehow bad to have kids with a black guy as a white girl and you come out here saying how you don't date black people. Are you retarded?

>coal burner
is that supposed to be bait?

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Why you hate single mothers so much?
She wanted to have fun, she had fun and now she want to have a nice guy, let she have a nie guy.

Lol, everybody who has ever wageslaved knows that women at work just stand around doing nothing or chitchatting with other roasties.

>hang out and see where it goes
I'd have a beer or a coffee with her once 2bh

Imagine you not being such a fucking pussy.

And what's wrong with that? It's the man's choice to say to her "here's a better life". She's not forcing him to do it. Are you telling me if a good looking woman who was a millionaire came to you and said "make me your boyfriend and i'll look after you for life, you'll never have to work another day", you'd turn that down?

Also, there is a surplus of men like this out there, fat and ugly men with money and resources begging these single mothers for a relationship and the single mothers reject them time and time again because they don't meet their looks threshold. If money and means were so important to these single mothers, why are they not snapping up these fat rich men who want to provide for them? Why are there so many fat rich guys who can't get a girlfriend?

Except for some random austistic girls that are basicaly man womans in workplaces are there just because RH and normies favorite them.

Because blacks are statistically detrimental to society, and local schools are half full of non-whites like mexicans and indians.

She won't have the nice guy (decent, hardworking man) though, because don't want to take care of four children that ren't his, in addition to a promiscuous and likely unfaithful woman. You cannot expect your actions to be without consequences.

"nice man" usualy are guliable, they brought all this faminist bullshit.

You literally can't read wow

Shieet you got me dude. I don't hate other people based on the color of their skin. I'm such a cuck beta bitch.

>user provides cold concrete statistic
>warp it into being about sex
You'll never refute the point that single mothers will always be a drain on society. You can use all subjective opinionated "facts" that you say single mothers are this or that, but it will never refute the fact that buy and large, they're not.

>"nice man" usualy are guliable, they brought all this faminist bullshit.

Nope. The redpill and MGTOW is worldwide. There are no nice guys anymore.

Yes that's what happens.

>implying fat rich men can't get laid
The reason those fat men are rich is because they're not married. Any sensible gentleman pays for escorts instead of begging for the attention of trashy mudsharks.

wait a minute
>hardworking and has four kids
>could probably become a stay at home dad and live the NEET life with easy pussy because she's obviously loose
>she could potentially agree to save on daycare or to spare the burden on her relatives
>would just have the kids watch TV and play video games until they are old enough to be in school all day

underrated imo

Lol, 95% of people don't know what red pill or MGTOW are, a shity internetz moviment don't change what majority think

Bruh, have you ever even tried taking care of children? That shit ain't easy, especially multiples.

I studied economy for 4 years and not a single sane economist would argue that a single mother is bad for the overall economy of a country. The economy is not as simple as "if you give someone money, a country loses that money". Social programs often stimulate the economy, those mothers buy things and put that money back into the economy. They also provide more people which is always good for the economy

Learn to read you fucking nigger. Did I ever say they were a drain on the economy? Of course more debt stimulates the economy, I'm saying that society in the long run will pay for single mothers.

I'd take it over wagecucking as a single guy

Congratulations OP, you're ruining this site better than most people here.

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You admit that you want men to be duped into raising other people's bastard children because... why? Listen kid, I know you think you're right and that all men are pigs, but the fact is society needs men more then men need society. I am MGTOW and I move in these online circles that grow by the day. The welfare state is unsustainable. Your petty bias in pro of tricking working men into being slaves is unsustainable. The marriage trap is seen for the money racket it is. Working, successful men are not successful because we're stupid. I can't speak for the NEETs or TFLers here because I have an income and money to invest, but others know that people like you want to exploit them. I'm telling you that MGTOW and the redpill are far more common than you think, and the very act of not marrying has significant ramifications for society. This is just one way MGTOW separate themselves from the State and the herd.

BEcause I was the one who you were replying to, autist.

You really don't know how single moms work do you? They have 6 kids from 6 dads and collect child support for each kid even if the father doesn't marry her. She gets disability on some of the kids and herself. She gets into section 8, gets ebt for everyone, gets heating credits, medical and dental for all the kids.

I know you love your little internet moviment, but let's face reality, no matter how much you like MGTOW it's irrelevant, almost no one have heard of it, and even those that heard don't give a shit.

All this while health couples that work and follow the law have to pay for this shit.
I get so mad how it was possible to just one parent to work while the other staied at home, now it's no longer possible because of this shit.

Oh yeah. That is why the marriage rate and the birth rate are plummeting, right?

You really believe a small movement, like MGTOW have any relation with a generalized marriage decress worldwide? LoL

So why do you think it is happening?

I pray to god there is more than single mothers left by the time I'm ready to settle.
god couldn't fuck me over like that, I just know it.

For sure isn't because 5000 americans virgens jerk off to some shit ideology.
Have you ever heard of Sexual Revolution, Changes in Divorce Law, feminism, Womans working, rises in the cost of rising a children, ...??

Not them but I unironically believe the internet has brought upon humanity's destruction, before it was much harder to know what people of the opposite gender were thinking on average, they just got married and stayed in the dark their whole lives, content to keep their secret resentment to themselves. Now, our thoughts are all out in the open, and the two sexes absolutely despise each other for them and would see the end of the species in their lifetime just to spite the other.

Why are women retarded? Why do they opt for a short dopamine release instead of building their career or finding a family oriented man?

And those things make men not want to get married or have children, the genesis of mgtow. It seems like we are on the same page. Just because someone doesn't post on mgtow forums doesn't me they dont agree with it

>Why do they opt for a short dopamine
It's the way they are.

mgtow is a (very small) consequence, it isn't the cause of absolutly nothing.
You sound like a indigene, claiming that his little ritual brought a storm.

I come from a single mother myself and would claim that a minority of single mothers are the way you describe.

Considering a hard majority of divorces in the Global West( are started by Women (at least 70%),also considering that women are now considered to be both financially and sexually emancipated.
The blame for many children living in poverty and growing up with a myriad of psychological problems can be blamed on the irresponsible behaviour of women such as these.

The balance of rights VS responsibilities between the sexes has changed dramatically and this is the result.
Not every single mother can be dismissed as a parasite but to somehow assume that someone looking at single mothers in a negative manner is him/herself looking at fault,is also wrong.

There are very real reasons because of which many people have these opinions and considering how widespread they are there must be at least some truth to them.

Go with a single mother who only has one kid and stay at home all day and play games while the kid is at school. Take the kid out and get the attention of a real single girl to settle down with and just say that kid is just your nephew or something. Leave her ass and settle down with that single girl and let the single mother search for a real beta

I like your plan, emotionally manipulative, and is bound to leave a few emotional scars in her psyche as well.
good 1

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Its all connected, originally of course

Your little movment is no part of a chain of events, since it didn't had any real consequence

Hmm this seems crazy enough to work...

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She's a single mother for a reason.
It's a girl that already dumped a guy and keeped a kid, it's natural that she can have other kid and dump other man.