I'm not even particularly left wing. But why is it that most alt-right guys are autistic dweebs?

I'm not even particularly left wing. But why is it that most alt-right guys are autistic dweebs?

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Just look at that hand hovering

MAGA hat
Lauren Southern
are you brain dead or just trollin?

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>anticommunist action shirt
Is that not alt right?

Thats boomer tier "Conservative" shit right there.
You do know what the Alt-Right is, right?

I didnt know mass slaughter of communists was a particularly mainstream conservative opinion

Generally being Anti-Communist is a pretty Conservative opinion big guy. Not saying the Alt-Right is Anti-Commie. But being Anti-Commie isn't really exclusive to the Alt-Right.
>Lauren Southern
She isn't "Alt-Right" in any way, shes a shit tier Libertarian "Democrats are the real racists" E-Celeb.

You can now delete your shit tier thread, OP

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She has on many occasions argued for a white ethnostate. Alt-Right is a broad term that means everything and nothing at the same time but most people would agree that someone who is in favor of an ethnostate will easily qualify as an alt-right person.

Because autists can't handle social nuance and basing your identity on you skin color and where you were born is extremely easy to do.

Plus you get to defend "western civilization and culture" which can be whatever you want and no one will ever fact-check your wikipedia-tier research

She had a small segment on an all-white community in her South Africa documentary.
What are you trying to push here Guy? Im tellin you, as someone who considers themselves Alt-Right. The people in that picture aint Alt-Right. They are Libertarian Normies. Also Lauren used to have a Mulatto BF.

They look like well adjusted strapping young lads if you ask me.

She has talked pretty clearly about an ethnostate in many debates and interviews, not just a small segment that I never heard about. Whether you consider yourself Alt-Right has nothing to do with this. You may simply not like her so you don't want to be in the same group as her. That does not change that other people will call her an Alt-Right person based on the things she says and does.

Ok fine dude, you win she is Alt-Right, I give up. Fuckin Retard.

Some proud soys cringe

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Thanks, dude. Hope you will see the light and become a lefty like me. Love all the people of every color no matter their sexual orientation. We should together fight against climate change. We have a small amount of time left. Don't vote for dumb people like Trump next election.

Lauren southern is in the alt lite which is where the state of Isreal is the most important. The alt right doesn't believe the state of Isreal is legitimate. The anti-commy shirt is ripping on antifa who believe in a meme ideology "anarcho-communism", I'm sure a lot of people hate antifa because they are violent thugs who attack old people and "fight for the under-privileged" while being rich college kids with the media defending their every riot. Must be great.

Most people who are actually interested in politics these days are either brain dead, have been out of touch for the last few decades, or are extremely radical in their far-flung fringe beliefs. The radical ones have become greater in number as of late, each side consuming propaganda and calling for a civil war so they can kill each other. Not that these kinds of people eliminating each other is necessarily a bad thing.
Your typical person who is deeply invested in politics is either a boomer who only thinks of how the parties were in 1980, autistic zoomers who let memes dictate their beliefs, and weak millennials who think their politics will get them that perfect world where they aren't weak betas that can't attract a woman. Women's political views are entirely based on gibs or what they're told Chad believes in, they have no concrete convictions.
Chads don't actually give a shit about politics on average, they just want to fuck all the time. Some chads get involved in radical groups or mainstream politics, but it's definitely going to be something that everyone knows about and that has a present following. Chad isn't going to be a Christian monarchist or something.
Other people who don't associate with politics are those who realize that everything is fucked and the world is built upon innumerable suffering to create any little bit of happiness.

Based and redpilled. True Chads are apolitical. Basically Nietzsche/Stirner to the max.

Funny how it's only seen as racist when a white persons identifies with their skin color. But a black person goes around screaming black lives matter and thats fine right?

Ohhh no a right-wing snowflake. If only you could say all the racist things you want to say without being called a racist right? Also, read a bit about BLM not just repeat the things you have read on Jow Forums about it

>shit tier Libertarian "Democrats are the real racists" E-Celeb.
Thats not a libertarian viewpoint, nigger

Basically any race of people are allowed to except whites. I wonder why they are so afraid of whites having pride in themselves and have to censor or harass pro white movements, While black lives matter protests are allowed to call for violence against cops and la raza is allowed to say they want to make America Mexico again.

Just saying black lives matter is implying you are more important then other races which is as racist as it gets so I have no interest in reading anything they have to say. If they want success they have to work for the white man can only help you so much

Black lives matter implies that black lives matter. It was a response to many unwarranted shootings that killed innocent black people and the only reason why there were shot was that the cops were conditioned to think that black people are dangerous. You would probably want people of other races to not talk about their problems because you hate them anyway. You must be very deep into Jow Forums if you read Black lives matter as "black lives are more important"

16 black people were wrongfully shot in 2017 out of 20 million. You sre more likely to get struck by lighting then be a victim of "oppression". And black people are more dangerous they commit over half of serious crimes in america. What about the white people who get killed by police? Oh right we don't matter because you are really more racist then I am

Black people are several times more likely to be killed in police shootings than white Americans are. If a black person goes missing no one even talks about it while when a white person goes missing you will have it covered for a whole week on news. You must be completely blind if you really think people of color are somehow taking over. It's much, much, much easier to live as a white person in America on average. Also, what is it with the retarded comparison to lightning strikes? Does it make the other problem nonexistent? If we can do something about black people being killed for no reason by another human being why shouldn't we?

Everyone who takes an interest in politics is an autistic dweeb, because as a hobby it only appeals to those who desire power over others, which is a feeling that only really comes from poor self-esteem that results from being autistic weirdos. The sociopaths who also want power are the ones who end up getting elected to power, but the footsoldiers - the guys who go out to deliver leaflets, or who do phone marathons, or who you attend seminar out of a genuine interest to listen to politics - are all dweebs.

Now, the really interesting question isn't "why is the left dweebs" or "why is the right dweebs" but "what is the precipitating factor that causes a dweeb to go left or right?" That to me is really what is of interest.

>hates white people
>doesn't want white people to segregate into their own ethnostate
Lefties lmao

Because 16 people is nothing when you have 20 million what do you want us to do remove the cops? fine then you'll have 20,000 dead instead of 16. Again what have you done to help the 10 white men who were killed by police? This is a serious issues you must adress or youre racist

You look at problems like this per capita. If black people are 4 times more likely to get shot than a white person is then there is a problem. If you had both races on the same level no one would be complaining.

Fringe parties just attract fringe guys/girls, is just fact of life. All the communist group photos are all cringy people. All the christian youth group photos are all cringy people. Probably a deeper reason like "latching onto some group identity because they don't have much going their way" crap explanation.

its the new punk rock!

there is a problem but it isn't white cops shooting blacks the problem is blacks killing blacks

Wow how dare ugly awkward people have political views, ew!

Fuck off with you're headcanon definitions. Just because you don't want to be associated with a bunch of kekistani autists doesn't make them any less alt-right.

Erm sweetie pie?

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guess you've never seen pictures of leftist protesters and antifa