I always thought people who hated muslims and the middle east were just closed minded but when I see all the new security measures in london to deal with all the islamic terror attacks and all the COMPLETLY muslim rape gangs I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK! I dont want to be called racist or even associate with groups like the edl or national front but it seems like im denying facts that are staring me in the face.

I dont even live in london i live in the county of surrey which is the richest county in the uk and all shops are ran by west asians and at any time there can be 1/4 to 1/2 west asians to any whites around me. I can actually see the culture of the uk change to be more islamic every day and as someone who likes my countries traditional values this is bad to me. The police and government are fucking shit, at college (16-18) we have a mandatory lesson once a month on how to spot terrorists. If you dont have an id you cant buy a fucking redbull.

I dont want to be redpilled but please just TELL ME WHAT TO THINK

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move to Hampshire lad i only see like 2/3 ragheads a day which is pretty good if youre coming from somewhere like guildford

Good news user, Islam is not a race. Neither is Judaism. Brown long nosed people can stop practicing it and blowing shit up anytime but they actively choose to subvert your country's super gay culture anyway, so nobody who isn't retarded would care if you thought less of them.

>I don't want to be redpilled

What are you, a woman? Pay jizya.

I think you're just racist.

I dont even think muslims take Islam seriously anymore

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>I dont even think muslims take Islam seriously anymore
Everybody knows that yet they still retain Islam culturally and I really doubt the rape stories are made up too.

obvious bait or retard

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Move to Murica, brother user.

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Fuck off we're full. Another uptalking limp wrist to vote democrat, he can enjoy his 3rd world muslim hell hole.

the UK has probably undergone the most intense culture change in the past 10 years of any other country. pubs are closing down. dogs are illegal in neighborhoods. people arrested for expressing a sincere opinion. not safe at night in places that previously were. watched the royal family get BLACKED. require ID to buy spoons, license for knives. being made an example of by the EU for brexit. drop their kids off at school to notice they are the only white one.

i sincerely feel for you guys, i hope to see a mass exodus from UK to US or australia. we know you cant fix your current situation with plastic spoons

Post exactly this to Jow Forums

Pol seems unable to have actual conversations and just like to spam memes

Kill yourself britfag

Move to a rural village in wales

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You're getting everything you deserve you limey fuck. Thats what you get for having a queen and warping the minds of our northern neighbors. The value of a nuke exceeds the value of the UK to us, so no we'll pass on nuking you.

For what its worth though its okay to hate Islam or muslims etc. You should really despise them, its wrong to let them take over and replace you. They don't share your culture or values.

That would be pretty comfy but the accent is retarded

He shat in his bed and now he has to lay in it.

Welcome to the brown tide. The only cure is genocide.



You don't want to be gang raped by mudslimes? Racist asshole.

get off the internet and enjoy your freedom while you have it. If you cant do that time for therapy.

There is nothing wrong with any of those things you listed except terrorism and "rape gangs" (highly doubt this exists at all). All countries are undergoing culture changes, globalism affects all countries. The UK is getting affected more and thats expected because its a former empire with hundreds of years of history in all kinds of different countries. Your people collectively choose expanionism, and with that comes multiculturalism. There is no expansionism with multiculturalism. Even empires as brutal as the Mongol Empire had major multiculturalism, foreigners were even commanders in the Mongol army.

Tl;dr multiculturalism is a natural effect of your country being an expanionist empire. Get over it

>with multiculturalism.

I didn't shit the bed, the politicians did

I accept that immigration is going to come as a side effect of globalisation, and I'm not even against it that much. It just seems the immigrants are mainly coming from one specific part of the world

>Use "target" words such as racist/xenophobic/bigot to classify those who are genuinely concerned about the state of their population.

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I visited Surrey for a while and I saw what you mean. A lot of the small shops were always staffed by indians or other west asians. I thought it was hilarious how you have so many laws on preventing the purchase of anything, even spoons without an ID.

Sorry to say, but your country is approaching Orwellian, if not already. You can't even fight your government if the time ever came. RIP in piss, England.

yea i dont want to be racist but i cant deny the truth of my experiance

the muslims where i live (birmingham) drive dangerously on purpose, lots of them sell drugs or are involved in gangs and they are just vaguely sadistic in general

obvs there are exceptions but the majority ive met are like this

only in the south desu

England is such a fucking overregulated nanny state it's unbelievable. How do people manage to live there and not go insane with all the red tape and licenses they have to deal with just to do basic shit?

I didn't even know about the spoons

What can he know of England, who only England knows?

I think the whole licence for everything idea is over exaggerated, however in america I imagine since it's bigger lots of laws are harder to regulate

Always remember, stereotypes wouldn't exist if there weren't some truth behind them. Most Muslims hate the west and our values so best thing to do is just hate them back.

Hardly they need a loicense to watch tv over there

Apparently only old people and retards pay that. They can't prove that you're watching a tv, even if they threaten. Here's a video I saw the other day on it.


Still retarded though.

Wtf. They require ID to buy spoons? Licenses for knives? The Zoomers of the UK will spend their youth in a police state.

You don't need a knife licence, but you need to pick them up in a special knife place because of stabbin, and its only in london for now i think

Also if you promise you don't watch bbc you dont need one

That still sucks because in the US you can buy knives many places. How many people get arrested for hate speech there? I've heard you can get arrested for posting against Muslims online. Kratom is illegal there too.

It does suck but if it does anything to stop the nogs from cheffing people im good

That's what I wonder. How can they live in a place where normal everyday things are over regulated or illegal? Even online


Islam is not a race. It can be objectively measured as shit, and you can be against it.

I hate Muslims, I wish they would all die for believing in such a shitty religion. Arabs though? They're fine, as long as they aren't Muslim.

Just go fucking total racist poltard dude, you know you want to. Just know I don't want you in my fucking country. Go to america fucktard they seem more willing to accept racist pieces of shit like you.

Thing is, he doesnt want to be racist, but the reality of the UK is that your worse off if yur a native brit

Nice tolerance bro. Can't deviate from the social norm unless your a foreigner, amirite.

North East/West of England Lad. I'm 19 and have never met a black person. Only a couple muslims.

Islam is an evil religion and anybody over 25 and over 110 IQ who won't admit this is either evil themselves or a coward. I can forgive the stupid and the young for their ignorance but the old and intellectual have no excuses. That said virtually everybody is a gigantic coward and that cowardice is destroying our societies. The coming decades aren't going to be nice for Europe or the world.

Can't tell if bait posting or serious.
If you're serious consider the following:
>Islam supports the murder of non muslims
>Islam supports theft from non muslims
>Islam supports the rape of non muslims
>Islam supports lying to non muslims
>every Islamic country is a shit hole
>numerous historic powerful empires have became Islamic and then lost all of their economic and cultural power and become shitholes
>Muslims deliberately burned down the library of Alexandria, the richest collection of knowledge in the ancient world containing texts of the early church, the ancient Greeks and of course countless works of the ancient Egyptians that are now lost forever
>muslims unironically worship a pedophile warlord
>muslims can't even stop fucking their cousins or goats
>muslims can't stop waging war against each other and all of their neighbours
It infuriates me that my peers won't call this shit out.

>wow u r so completely racist

mudnigger detected.

absolutely anglopilled

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Just like Jesus told us

I went full fascist back in middle school, haven't looked back. Any other viewpoint is just plain dumb.

>being an authoritarian nigger

Move to russia and let the (((west))) collpase

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B... but it's cold

Russia is collapsing even faster. Their birth rates are rock bottom, they have a horrid aids pandemic, a horrible TB pandemic, an ongoing war on their border, and a huge uppity muslim population. If you go to Russia for stability you're a fucking retard. And yes it is very cold as well.

So we're all fucked then basically

America is well situated moving into the future. The Mexican illegal migration problem is the worst they'll have to deal with in the coming few decades. All the rest of the turmoil in the world they can retreat from as they will with little consequences (for them) and their food and energy security is very tight. Canada and the US actually just became a net energy exporter very recently. But yes obviously everyone in the West is more or less fucked atm. The baby boomers fucking ruined everything and left us with chaos and it's only going to get worse. If you're not an American then you're quadruple fucked. Things are bad.

The US is next because we have low birth rates and only Muslims are having babies because they are more patriarchal. We have to import them to the US if we want to maintain the welfare system.

lmao that's what your country deserves for its people being such tolerant betas like you

It's not that easy to move to america, unfortunately.


Check out these laws. Batons, switch blades, and swords are illegal in the UK and you can get up to 4 years in prison for carrying a knife in public.

Murica does not allow whites that'd contribute.

Wow. So, this is the end game of gun grabbers.

>oi mate, you got a loicense for that butta knoif

I'm not even white myself and I feel for you lad.

Welcome to the redpill. Oh, and 1488.

>not trying to paint Islam as a race to hide behind muh raycis
>must me mudslim
I don't understand if people are being ironic about this shit or what but god damn.

You need ID to prove you're 18 and older to buy a spoon in the UK if you look under 25. No joke.


>huge uppity muslim population
False, unless you think Chechens count as "huge". Tatars and Central Asians there are one of the most assimilated muslims one could have.
You are hard pressed to find bad news regarding Tatars.

The UK became even more of a nanny state under Tony Blair, who passed an average of 7.5 laws per day. Now Theresa May is doing further damage.


just start killing them it's not like they'd be missed by anyone

The other muslims would revolt in the name of allah

Branded packets of cigarettes are banned in the UK, microbeads are banned there, booster seats are banned for kids under 4'5 and they must be in a full car seat with a back until they're on average 10 years old looking at the average heights for kids that age. They can be kept in a car seat until they're 12 if the kids are short.


Why you don't become a muslin yourself?
If you're forced the bad parts of Islam, try yo enjoy the good one too.

If things are this way, you can always came to a poor country, like brazil or mexico. Where you can do basically anything without an opressive government watching, without any muslim, without progressiviness, with non-thot girls. I love where I'm from.

>with non-thot girls
Delusional, girls from shitholes are jumping to your dick if you come from any western, rich country.

Is it hard to get into Mexico? Even spitting is illegal in the UK.


There's also been ASBO laws for the past 20 years


I do live in a shit country, no matter what you see on tv or what you thin, poor countries are religious as fuck and most girls reflect this.

i'm from Brasil, we don't have a immigration policy at all, you can ask for residence on an embasy and get a plane for here... but I'll warn you, we are POOR here.

Hating an individual who is not a bad person just because of their race is racist.

Recognizing differences in culture and and statistics in education/crime rate/ect based on race is realism.

IE: Feeling unrest around blacks due to crime rate is realistic. Refusing to hire a person with proper qualifications is racist. Racism is bad. Realism is good. The only reason I have to explain common sense is because the world wants you to be a slave and as such lies to you on a daily basis.

>Feeling unrest around blacks due to crime rate is realistic.
How is that not still racist? You're judging an individual on the basis of their membership to a group, rather than as an individual. You don't know whether they're a bad person yet you're assuming they are because of their race.

>I don't even live in London
Opinion discarded

Judging a person in a police uniform a cop is racism?

>How is that not still racist?
Because its justifiable based on data. And you are not commuting any action against them, you are entitled to feel whoever you feel and if you feel that your safety is at stake more so than if they were of a different race and the data backs that up it makes sense. If most of a certain kind of criminal are of a certain denomination, then being wary of that denomination is the rational response. Also .

He still lives in the UK so his opinion counts

But any law we take to remove the bad muslims will inevitably take the good muslims with it

>implying that moderated muslins aren't fanatical

>I always thought people who hated muslims and the middle east were just closed minded
Your fault then. Suffer in the hell you created. I can't count how many times Brits have been smug and said they are more "civilized" a culture for refusing to put the boot down on mudshits. As a pajeet I have no sympathy for you at all. You didn't heed the warnings and now you pay the consequence for being a smug cunt. Fight them on your own or die.

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>Savages are entitled to opinions
You must have finished your A-levels to post here

>not realising Russia's demographics on paper are worse than most of western Europe's
>not realising Putin an extremely close friend of the Jews

A rational actor has to make an arbitrary value judgement. If the ratio of criminals to good citizens is 5/2, the action is going to have to go through. If it's more like 1 out of 1000 then it's unreasonable. At some point however you are going to have to decide what percentage is too much and that decision is going to be arbitrary. If one subset of your citizens is causing problems, you owe it to the rest of your citizens to deal with them.

Good people are already being punished with the laws and surveillance in place made because of the Muslims. Now every teen in the UK can have their internet activity monitored and teachers are told to actively looking for signs of extremist behavior in their classroom.

I think you should prepare to become a muslim. Society progresses and instead of being scared of order and diverse values which are imposed by intelligent people you should look up to, try to convert to get you a start at integrating to the muslim community. Or stop being racist.

I'm in Lincolnshire lad it's alright here no Muslim rape gangs hell no mosques in Lincoln city just acres of fields potatoes and cheap (according to the national average) housing. I unironically hope that Muslims don't take over, I want my dog and a large house to retire to and to walk my border collie that I'd call shep or sheppie around the fields and just play fetch with it, that may sound sad but it's what I want to look forward to when I retire.

However i fear Muslims will amend dog laws making it almost impossible to own one without offending them thus I will have nothing to look forward to when I die, god that would set me off like nothing on god's green earth.

This, pajeets discovered how to deal with Muslims for 1500 years and their culture survives. If you should listen to anyone, it's them.

Reminder that traitors are ALWAYS dealt with before enemies.

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Imagine you had to go through this. It can happen to any country.

> A religion is a race

where are all the shiite's and the good fucking muslims? I'd give my fucking right testicle (ol' big'n) for london to be filled with decent shiite muslims but instead we get sunni and wahabi muslims.

>it's awroight m8 thar's no mooslums in me back yard innit, quit werryin' m8 *smokes a fag*
>Muslim majority in his ancient capital city with Muslim mayor
It's over for you.

>he thinks he's retiring
You're gonna be working the rest of your life to pay for Ahmed's 16 children who all hate you.

It can't happen on shit country, our government is too shit to actualy polite people.