Be me

>be me
>at shool
>talking with classmates
>Iam a yokel, but not completely dumb
>they are cityfags
>bring up that we used to have a horse
>one of them asks
>"Did you ever jerked off a horse?"
>Don't know how to answer
>laugh and say I saw once episode of Family guy where they gave horse a BJ

Did I fucked up seriously or are my classmates retarded? They can't somehow comprehend that Iam from a village and that I live different life styles than theirs

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Die you fucking Barneyfag freak

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I'd legit like to watch you die

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and fucking bleeding profusely

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thank fuck, best thing i could have opened this thread to

it's time for you to die fag

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literally die in fucking shit freak

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bleed out, you fucking turd

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fucking die extremely painfully

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>he wouldn't an horse

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like a knife to the skull

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or a dagger to the heart

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anything that ends your life

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I kinda missed you desu, I didnt succeed in summoning you for so long

or discorporates your physical form

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You still deserve to die for being a shill

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fucking bleed out all your blood

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we all deserve to die, humanity should be eradicated

bleed your body dry

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im also quite interested in your private life, what did you have for breakfast today?

or crack open your head

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as long as anti-barneyfag is here i still have faith in r9k

dismembering your limbs

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dumping your body parts

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what music do you listen to mostly?

shoving them into the remaining orifices

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or dissolving them in acid

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And it will be done while you're still alive

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which acid is the most effective for that? asking for a friend

and left to bleed

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Didn't except anti-barneyfag here, but I guess I did brought this upon myself for giving it shitty MLP pepe as the story is related to fucking horses

>I guess I did brought this upon myself
You guessed right.

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Next time, don't post that shit.

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bleed them all out

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char them

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I never could imagine what emotion goes trough your mind while doing this
is it rage? is it smugness? is it just for internal keks?

remove their lives from the earth

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they are just stupid edgy teenagers and you were just trying to fit in by saying whatever stupid shit you said. I wouldn't think too much of it. Just realize teenagers are very self-conscious and stupid. You also have to be 18 to post here btw, MODS

eradicate their collective existence

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not answering? no problem I still love you

dump them all dead

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dump their fucking bodies

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