You should be concerned about where your soul is going. Pray the rosary
You should be concerned about where your soul is going. Pray the rosary
Straight to hell
I only hope that I can have a word or two with god before going there so I can blame him for creating me.
>pray every day to god
>life is still shit and "sinners" live in bliss
>choose to be celibate
>real reason is because he can't get any
>blames others for his own shortcomings
>calls them sinners
Fuck your god, if there is a hell I'll go there when I die. I'll sin every day if it means living a better life on earth than these cucks.
Is reciting script really prayer?
I assume you mean written prayers. It is if you mean what it says
>The rosary
Don't you have some little boys to be molesting papist?
What monasteries are there for Catholicism?
everyone is going to hell anyway why? because we are humans, the worst being in the universe..
>muh edge
seriously though, have you seen any animal do as much damage to the planet as we do? I bet that if they had the intellectual compacity to hurt the planet they wouldn't. I don't see them building nukes because some fox had a different color tail or building mass-produce factories over the planet to get some more acorns
help urself so u dont burn in hell
there are a few. The important point is not to join any false monastery. If you really want to join a monastery you need to make sure they are traditional catholic monasteries. Aka they must be "sedevacantist". Look it up, because joining a heretical monastery won't help save your soul
Isn't the sedevacantists considered heretics by the papal authorities
>Isn't the sedevacantists considered heretics by the papal authorities
the so called "papal authorities" have lost all authority through their own apostasy from the faith and fall into heresy. They are the heretics, while the sedes who hold on to the true catholic faith passed down by the true papal authorities before are actual catholics. The current "novus ordo" or "vatican ii sect" church as we call it, is not catholic at all. Their "popes" and heretical hierarchy have contradicted and denied the previous infallible teachings of the Church
bling bling niguuuuh
Your soul is the sum of your memories. By living like an ass you will become one. I have never met a happy sinner.
>we are humans, the worst being[s]
Demons are worse, also entrance into heaven isn't nearly so much about acts of goodness, for we are all flawed, as it is about a relationship with the father
>hippy dippy muh earth bullshit
It's non sentient plants and rocks, calm down. As for species of animals, plenty have gone extinct without the involvement of man and plenty still would go extinct if man completely disappeared. They don't matter except for their uses and interactions with man
I don't think I sin.
>masturbate daily
>sit in my room alone
>listen to music
>play Vidya
>a nice dude always helping people
>have a lot of trouble lying so I just don't anymore
Worst thing I've done is torture baby opossum
You're good man user
>I have never met a happy person
better sinner then "doomer"
>thinks he doesn't sin
>masturbates every day
not to mention not praying to God daily and seeking His Holy Face is a sin in itself
Spoken like a true preacher
Actually noe that I remember I did try summoning a succubus. I read somewhere that succubus were created by God to please man and woman. Have I been lied to?
Is masturbating really a sin? Can you source that?
we all tried the thing too, no shame its normal
u just gotta pray more
It's lust, it's impurity, it's effeminacy all these are things which are condemned in the Bible. Not to mention St. Augustine specifically said that masturbation is a grave mortal sin.
>struggles with impure sins
>disgusted by sin but still sins
Something I'd say everyone struggles with, even devout and dedicated Christians. The important thing is to not indulge yourself with sin because of a "moral slip up". As humans, we are prone to animalistic behaviors but we are also capable of taking responsibility for our actions.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). If we cannot give God glory for something, we should not do it.
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Our bodies have been redeemed and belong to God.
"The fruit of the Spirit is (...) self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23). Masturbation is almost always a sign of a lack of self-control.
OP here. Join my rosary server
Give a decent link, please
oops sorry man
How do I use this link?
if your happy and u know it clap your hands
you need to have Discord. Then you go click the plus sign in the UI and "join server". Copy paste this link and it will take you there
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