You walk in your home from late at work and see your daughter and her friends like this...

You walk in your home from late at work and see your daughter and her friends like this. Tyrone says "who the fuck are you?". Your daughter tries to calm Tyrone down and tells Tyrone you are her dad but she did not think you would be home so early.

What do?

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Slay them all. In an original manner.

Offer him my wife and bed as well, then sleep on the couch that night.

Everyone is getting a banging trip to Mozambique.

ask if they could film their fun and i'd offer them $20

Fellow cuckold! Very rare to see /ourkind/ here

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>current year
>having a daughter

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Ask my daughter if she and her melanin enriched friends would like some ice cream, as I just brought some home.

Their melanin receptors must be going crazy in that pic.

open fire((originallly))

I hate (((anglos))) and their nigger pets
Kill yourselves

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Say party is over but you can still hang out with your friends. If the nog doesn't comply call the cops. You see comrade, if she knows I don't care about them being "friends" with black kids it isn't cool anymore and she will ditch them. And if she still hangs around them well she will learn fast enough when its time to pay the coal toll.

>If the nog doesn't comply call the cops
Tyrone stands up and knocks you out while your daughter is in shock. Tyrone then brings your daughter back to his section 8 housing apartment and fucks your daughter. You wake up the next morning with a huge bruise on your head.

Shoot that nigger and punish my daughter

Pull out the glock 19 and tell them they 5 seconds to leave before they become part of the "Dead Nigger Storage" crew downtown. Then explain to the police that the basketball Americans broke in and tried raping my daughter and her friend before stealing my TV and food.

If that's your home than you kinda deserve it.

I pull out my concealed carry and put 7 rounds into that stinky nigger

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The nigs just want to get intobthat's girl's hole now she'll pay the coal toll and for an abortion

>implying your daughter would not just deny that rape accusation and defend Tyrone against her racist bigot father

The future is blacked. You have to deal with it
But then your daughter and her friends will call the cops and you will be thrown in prison for 20+ years

calm tyrone down saying that i'm her father and there's no need to chimp out.
i ask everyone if they were having fun and if they want me to order a few pizzas.
they say yes and i order it.
when the pizza arrived, i take it to the kitchen, grab the plates and before i serve, i mix some sort of 'powder' in tyrone's plate.
after that i give the plates to them and say, have fun kids!
minutes later, i heard everyone scream. it was tyrone. he was having trouble to breath and his face was getting purple. they told me to call the ambulance, but instead of that i decided to make things more 'interesting'
you see, not only did i put the powder in tyrone's plate, i had put on the other plates too, but in minimal doses. because of that, i had to buy me a little bit of time so that the others would also get sick. so i pretended to call the ambulance and told them that everything was going to be alright.
moments later, everyone was getting drowsy and sleepy. unfortunately for tyrone, that sleep would be eternal.
for the others though, they would wake up eventually.
i fucking killed everyone, the end. i ran out of ideas.

>Implying I let me guard down
>Implying I am still in the same room when I say this
fuck off with your cuck fantasy shit

That makes three of us! R9k is quickly becoming a cuckoldry themed board, and im here for it

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Go away and grab the biggest gun in my house, not because he's black but because my daughter and her friends are being sluts and they invited disrespectful fucks into my home, more than likely planning an orgy. I then slap my daughter across her dumb fucking face and tell her that, unless I'm inviting them over, there will be no sluts under my roof.

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>the future is blacked

>TFW Im 42 and wont live long enough to see the white minority in the west

If that happens niggers wont exist either because chinks will take over and genocide them

Tell them to leave and grill her about her choice to hang around then. I would later find them each on thier own threatening with a gun to stay away from her, if they didn't I would say I would have my bous waste them and all the other niggers. I would make sure they never step foot in my house again and make it know to my daughter that she will never hang around with them again or I will put them all in a shallow grave.

Don't even get me started on what I would do if I founded out they fucked

low iq wishful thinking

Chinks want this land to have more space for their growing race and they also have little empathy so they dont have any reason to perserve the parasitical nigger race

Call the police on the niggers for trespassing in my home and then kick my daughter out of the house.

I love how every one of these nigger themed threads really shows how divided America is as a society. On one side you have the red blooded stereotypical American male who is gung ho and shoot first, plants a gun on the nigger later kinda guy and then on the other side you have the liberal cucks who want white genocide to happen as a kind of punishment for their ancestors success, the reason they can't get a wife or girlfriend is because they scare white women away with their blacked cuck fetish.

Never change America.

muh white genocide

Not real

Shoot them all.

T black dad

Yeah i know its not real but beta American white cucks all want it to happen as some sort of penance. The kike and those traitors are going all out to encourage race mixing but 99% of white women aren't falling for it. To them its like the holocaust for me, something that didn't/isn't happening but really wish it did.

nah, chinks are dying out too.

Tell Tyrone my daughter is a ho with a 70% chance she has the clap, and introduce Tyrone to my son instead, and beg to be able to film their encounter.

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Maybe japs are but not the chinese

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You are inferior
In an original way of course

Give em a ride in the bronco

Pay Tyrone to film a video. Jerk off and kill or main Tyrone. Rape Tyrone and my daughter's friends. Make another video.

Use my daughter to bait another Tyrone.

>you will be thrown in prison for 20+ years
wait why would he be thrown in prison?

>low iq wishful thinking
no user, chinks don't have an empathy gene, look at what they are currently doing to africa. the ugandan president has even stepped in and asked them to stop stealing their women.

I love the chinese now, they are pretty based

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>Chinese source..
>some of those countries don't even have oil or natural gas
Umm user...

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Shoes off inside the house reeee

>implying my daughters will date nigger trash in the first place.

"Oh hi honey, why didn't you introduce me to your boyfriend? You picked a good one. I'll leave the house so you and Tyrone can have interracial sex and produce an interracial baby."

Every single country in Africa has minerals and those marked as oil and gas, do have oil and gas

>white guy killing a nigger in his own home

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Sincerely hope you guys fucking kill yourselves.

Something like this? Yup.

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he looks so happy knowing his place

ls having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

l cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personaIity that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at Ieast 20 years of your life simply to raise a girI for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Tell him to leave or I call the cops.
If he doesn't leave I blow his and his friends brains out. I'd prefer the first option though, since I wouldn't want to go to prison for killing lowlifes.

>not killing your daughter
fucking cuckold, absolutely disgusting