Best way to kick the bucket

tips anyone?

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Cut an artery/ jump off a really tall building. If you plan on shooting yourself, do not use a handgun. It would most likely not kill you if someone finds you right after you shoot yourself and gets you to a hospital. You'll end up even more retarded due to being shot in the head. Use a shotgun instead

As long as you shoot yourself in the head and don't fuck up by only shooting your frontal lobe or something a pistol is nearly as effective

i live in London, so no guns :( however we have tall buildings.

Do I stab myself in the heart or neck?

Inert gas asphyxiation with nitrogen or carbon monoxide
Fentanyl or nembutal overdose - hard because dnms don't sell them. Could try taking a shitton of benzos, alcohol, ketamine, and heroin though.

darknet barbiturates
You'll get a xanax type high then stop breathing.
IDK if they have something you can inject but that would make you lose consciousness almost immediately

It's the stuff they put you under with for surgery, only you wont be intubated so you'll not be able to breathe. but no worries your nervous system will already be off

If you're gonna an hero try drugs or any other form of coping first ; or just do a hail mary and move to another country with nothing ; if you have nothing to lose why the fuck not?

I use DM and they don't sell barbs.
Apparently you can use benzos + alcohol or heroin + cocaine though.

Search for the helium tank image. Painless and doesn't cost much. Never use guns or weapons.

>Get a bucket
>Kick it
Protip: be sure to use your foot; either one will do (assuming you have two feet)

They started mixing air in those so you can't die from it

honestly I never understood why people on death penalty are killed with meds that cause them lots of pain. overdose of heroine, barbiturates etc sounds like the first thing I'd come up with if I had to execute someone
but if you do it at home you might have bad luck and use too little and end up irreparably damaging your brain

>honestly I never understood why people on death penalty are killed with meds that cause them lots of pain
really? you can't imagine why someone would want them to suffer a little in their dying ?

I can, but I don't think that kind of thought should play a role in how a state organizes death penalties

Only with helium. Nitrogen is still pure. And Carbon monoxide can be made (formic acid + sulphuric acid)

But if you have nothing and move to another country, some will end up homeless

of old age surrounded by the riches and loved ones that you've amassed after a successful life is probably the best way to kick the bucket

>i live in London, so no guns

If you know the wrong sort of people you can get a sawn off for 50 quid. Or even a Mac 10 sub machine gun

Just walk through some Peckham estate wearing blue bandanas and you'll be dead in minutes

lostallhope DOT com

I swear this question has been asked a fuck ton of times. This should be fucking stickied for christ's sake

Shotgun to head
Go ""hunting"" and blow your brains out.
Suicide by cop.
If you see a cop pull his gun and shoot him in the head with it. Cops come in pairs, you'll get killed by the other one or get the death penalty.
Drug poisoning.
Check your medicine cabinet. Do you have a lot of pills in there? Take them all if you want to die. U need a LETHAL COMBINATION OF DRUGS. BETA BLOCKERS + CRACK COCAINE should do it. Take 2g MDMA at once plus an antidepressant.
Laying your head on the train tracks
As the train goes by, stick your head under one of the wheels. It will crush your head. Voila, you're dead

If you're really serious about dying, check out lostallhope.

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Don't do it user
Even if you have nothing to live for
You can find something to live for
or make something to live for
Get professional help
Nobody should feel this way, ever.