I hate fags edition
I hate them too. Originally.
Dont worry, theyll all just off themselves eventually
You don't hate us. You're just in denial. Time to open the closet and come out of it cuties
No, fuck off heterophobe, your kind isn't welcome
Fuck off Reiko, stop making more robots fuck up their life
bump for hating fags
i wasnt gonna post in this thread but the cringe was so strong i had to stare at some tiddies for a hot minute
I feel like Straight Robots are near extinct on Jow Forums, it's sad because we could have prevented this
nah straight robots are still around. most of them are beta orbiters though so they'll only appear in femanon thread
So many cuties attacking me, desperately clinging onto their fragile heterosexuality. You cannot stop it. Soon, all robots will be taking HRT and submittig to black cocks
>Still some straight robots
A new foe has appeared
it'll probably take 5 or 10 more posts before you realize you're the clown in this situation
I will be joining the resistance then, HRT is a gateway drug to suicide
you are mentally ill. get some help you disgusting creature
This is somebody's son...
What caused him to harm himself?
His father should be proud he raised a good little sissy slut for a real man to break and breed
Homos will go extinct because we are the ones breeding the wimminz
His father raised a faggot and the moment he realized his son was a fag he should have put him down.
>tfw homo and cuties on Jow Forums cant stop talking about me even in straight threads
Feels good getting all this attention.
Iffy is the best girl btw.
But that's obviously his daughter not his son
It's his mentally ill son, not his daughter
Fuck off, this thread is for Straight people only
>You don't hate us. You're just in denial. Time to open the closet and come out of it cuties
Why do all faggots talk like this? It's really strange
>one flap of skin is associated with "boys"
>literally every other part is feminine
>hurr durr that's a boy
Str*ight people logic
Love stuff like this.
What's with the star in the middle of Straight?
Its not just one flap of skin. I can spot most traps from a mile away because their facial and body structure is inherently masculine
Why are gays always trying to "convert" straight people?
It's fucking creepy and weird, it's reminds me of those guys who "poz" each other (give each other AIDs) and rape men in alleys to give them AIDs too
Not a fag but
>Nearly 2019
Do you live in 2013?
They fucked themselves up and since they can never go back to being normal they try to fuck up other guys as well. Truly pathetic
cuz theyre mentally ill to the point that they think this is normal
genocide when?
Doge had a comeback and evolved
Jesus fucking Christ, it should stay in it's fucking grave
nice thread op, enjoy getting deleted by a janny
>straight robot who can't afford to beta orbit
I've talked to several gays and they all seem to have the impression that more gay people around will solve wars and end all conflict
Homosexuality should be extinct
why can't we just go back to lynching fags on the streets
I don't believe you origii
lets post some mental health boosters in this thread
starting with a qt among qts
Bumping because fuck fags
Can we please get another Holocaust?
my crush from middle school, my first oneitis
>mods ban straightposters in r9gay
>mods dont ban gayposters in r9straight
really makes you think
Fuck off then you heterophobe
This is honestly really fucking disgusting, user. This thing has tiny, artificial hormone induced breasts and a small penis with a masculine body shape. It's just an abomination.
You hate fags because you have not came out of the closet yet, try Grindr and look for a sissy bottom to fuck they love their boipussy to be filled with cum
There are no straight robots if you are straight you are a normie
its cause our moderation has been infiltrated by tumbrites.
Im willing to bet op didn't mind fags until they started coming on this board.
Normies hate Straight people, you cannot be a robot if you are bisexual or gay
I would use Grindr to kill a fag
doesn't surprise me since mods are the biggest faggots of them all
This thread is going to die like the last 10 times you tried this. When will you breeders finally accept defeat? /r9gay/ has 500+ iterations, every single time they hit the bump limit. More and more robots are coming out to the point that it can't be contained in one thread anymore.
And then there's the heteros, the 10 or 11 of them left, in their weird little corner, with their 50 replies, almost all of them not talking about anything straight but just gay bashing like insecure pricks. You're going to die out and it's gonna be glorious.
Nice gatekeeping
piss off you disgusting degenerate
nigger almost nobody on this board is going to breed.
That's because every degenerate faggot is inclined to post in every r9gay thread while straight robots are likely to ignore threads like these. It's common sense you low iq moron
I hate everyone equally and just as badly as my miserable fucking self.
user is a faggor lover
i support this origiinininiinnii
So we can all agree the best combination is a masculine personality with a feminine body? IRL FtMs are more likely to have this combo alongside having a vagina. So if you can't get your hands on a tomboy, a FtMs are the least gay right?
Only reason why men become homos is because they can't get pussy and it's easier to fuck traps/men. It's like how the majority of furries on furaffinity are "gay" and it's really just because they're a bunch of losers who can't get pussy so they convince themselves they like dick. It's sad.
Tomboys are god tier but being gay is where i draw the line user
The revolution is upon us we r taking back r9k the purge has commenced no more degenerates lgbt,trannies, we r fighting back now we will call Jow Forums for backup
Good work soldier keep fighting we will win this war
No more degenerates on this board
Fucked a dude recently. Nothing really clicked either way, it was ok. I may be more broken than I thought, I seek affection, not sex.
You take these things way too seriously. It's no big deal either way.