All memes aside, would we have all lived better lives if we were born women?
All memes aside, would we have all lived better lives if we were born women?
Men are retarded. You guys don't have to worry about being raped and you have infinite upwards social mobility. Appreciate it.
Lol them fighting words.
*anticipating all the incel anger*
At least I'd lose my virginity if I was a girl
Is that a "no" then? There being certain perks I'd miss out on if I was a woman doesn't mean I wouldn't have lived an overall happier life
>You guys don't have to worry about being raped
Oh you're right, we only have to worry about >falsely being accused of rape and never being believed
>being divorce raped because some cunt got bored
>getting fired for holding the wrong political beliefs
>going to jail for looking at a woman the wrong way
>getting ostracized by the media and every institution out there simply for being male
>living a significantly harder life because of how anti-male the world is
This is why I love being a man, I got rational thinking instead of lashing out with emotions and false arguments while playing victim.
Hard to say. If we're to assume that we grow up to be very similar people in terms of interests and abilities, only with a vagina and tits, then most likely yes. But on the other hand, in reality it looks like you're more likely to grow up to be a waste of space as a woman, the generic uninspired thot, which I'd rather not be.
>At least I'd lose my virginity if I was a girl
Or, you know, you can just be fixated on sex.
Watch your fire caption.
>wanting to have sex once is too much
If we were attractive women,then definitly.
If you were born as an uggo woman that practically the same as being a man.
Thats why so many uggos are feminists and pissed off ones at that.
They are simply expiriencing what it means to be a man,since the value of their vaginas is brought to non-existance thanks to their uglyness.
And when you dont have value,much like a man you have to improve yourself in other ways suchs as skills and financial status.
And that shit is hard,painful and often underwhelming in its rewards.(at least on an emotional level i guess)
No our lives would be worse because our physical and intellectual limits would keep us from achieving anything of value
I pity women actually, because they are mostly good for nothing but producing babies and maybe doing simple house chores but even today's women can't get that right
>would we have all lived better lives if we were born women?
Depends on what you mean by better. Being a woman would be a lot easier, but it would be a blissfully ignorant and empty life with no challenge or growth. Everything would be handed to you and you'd likely turn out a narcissistic roastie parasite that makes the world worse.
of course, even if you are 400 lbs, ugly nigger womanlet with bald head and one eye missing, you'd still be more attractive than most men. they've got everything easier in life, literally everything. denying it just proves how delusional you actually are
Well, most of the time. Women often have weaker constitutions with things like body image or depression which can increase the number of mental illnesses we all experience here, but at least they suicide less often because they get actual support from people unlike men.
There is also the strong possibility you become less rational and more emotive based, Which would lower your quality of life but to be fair you would never notice it.
Aside from these things all the memes are true basically, and if you are worried about getting raped that much just carry a weapon like plenty of men already do.
You literally do not have to worry about anything, and can just marry a man and never work a day in your life. Men are substantially more likely to be the victims of violent crime, but we do not worry about it. Learn from example baitfag
>and can just marry a man and never work a day in your life.
You are a literal retard.
My digits confirm it.
I'd probably become some shrieking Tumblr sow and be even more impotent and miserable than I am now.
Women are sometimes perceived as being inferior to men and cultural traditions are placed on us. My parents don't let me play video games bc I'm a girl. They say that, I'm supposed to learn how to cook and be feminine etc. And I'm not allowed to go outside and hang out with my friends either bc it's not safe and girls dont need to do outdoorsy things. But my brother is only 6 and he stays out all day and doesnt get any shit from my parents. I'm happy for him but I wish my parents let me do things like that. And my parents have higher hopes for my brother than they do for me just bc I'm a girl. They always tell me and my sister to be nice and care for my brother bc "he'll take care of us both and give us money when we grow up" like we can't do that ourselves. Ofc I love my brother and care about him but him taking care of me when I'm older is not the reason why.
i honestly don't know if it would be better but easier 100% sure of it.
At least I wouldn't be retarded.
If I was a woman I would basically be my sister. So yeah I'd be a QT Stacy Babyface who everyone adores instantly for no reason more than my appearance.