I've solved the riddle

Women want experienced, "well-traveled" men because they have a fantasy of taming them.
Men want submissive, innocent women because they are loyal and make good wives and mothers.
Women are promiscuous because they think they need to act out what they desire in a man.
Men don't want these sluts and the sluts don't understand why that is.
The result is obvious where we end up with 80-20ism and most women are tossing away their dignity as if to kamikaze into a naval vessel with a rising sun bandana.

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This is true. I'm 29 and I'm dating a 23 year old who gave me her virginity.

She eats out of the palm of my hand. Life is good anons

>Men don't want these sluts and the sluts don't understand why that is.

I want teen gay twinks that crossdress.

Women know good men don't want sluts, that's why they try to hide their slutty behavior or try to give excuses, like it's not for men why she is wearing tight yoga pants etc.

That's weird...My gf bought me the exact same outfit as the girl on the right. Why is she wearing men's clothes?

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>two 6.9’s who think they’re 9.6’s

American women are, in a word, forgettable

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Shut the fuck up whiteboi

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And then what happened?

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Do those girls try to attract men with their brains and handiness?

>Women are promiscuous because they think they need to act out what they desire in a man.
This is the basis of all female thought. If they are left to their own devices (i.e. they aren't told what to do by men), they simply use PROJECTION to arrive at the most retarded conclusions. They have to use projection, because their inner world is so shallow and tainted by emotions that they cannot think rationally. This serves an evolutionary purpose but is totally misplaced in our modern world, especially when nowadays they are left to form their own conclusions and even worse, have these false notions reinforced by the JEWISH media.

I was 25 and dated a 36 yr old ex groupie.
Sex was amazing but ..... actually that's the end of my story it's been amazing

And maybey woman don't want to be submissive
maybey you just pull the loyal and subissive and good mother correlation of your ass

Maybey it"s for the best you will die virgin

You're describing what they know to be true, deep down, but that they willfully ignore. They THINK men want sluts. If you approach a slut and respond positively to her sluttiness, she will be all over you. If she gets the impression that you don't like it but still wants you, she's going to try to hide it or backpeddle and lie.

Who cares lol, fag.


Every 6 is a 9 with youth and makeup

Oh right, I guess the destruction of society isn't political. Nothing to see here, goyim.

Fuck you mods! Put us back in Jow Forums!

Lol no. Women see men getting horny watching gang bang porn and think that's what turns men on the most in a woman.

>And maybey woman don't want to be submissive
except the majority of women DO want submission and this has been empirical shown across multiple studies

Before we got moved from Jow Forums, I saw his French flag. Just ignore that tard, user.

women are all thots and whores
prove me wrong
protip: you literally can not

Men get turned on by porn stars so we women think that's what men want. Do you get it?

Yeah, you're idiots. We get it. Men don't marry for sex. They marry for companionship and sex is just a small part of that.

Turned on by porn?
Fuck this place is as bad as /b/, porn is degenerate and rots your brain and soul.
((((They)))) don't want you in happy fulfilling relationships

And yet 99.9% of men would not marry his favorite porn star even if comes begging. It is like sex is not everything, really makes you think.


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Only the good ones, most ps bimbo look is actually not appealing to me.
I let in you on a secret, men don't want beautiful women, but cute ones.
Many fap to amateur videos or pics of random chicks, if you are a cute girl you must know that the amount of loads of guys you know have busted on your fb summer pics exceed the thousands.
That's why so many guys like cute traps, most girls are thots today (I don't like either), thots might only be good for a fast nut but we don't even think about them after.
Too bad women's hivemind is too strong.