Test thread

Take the Robot test
How fucked up are you, user?


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i didnt think i would be high in anything. feels bad

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I wish there was more test threads

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Posted it in a different thread but I'll post it here as well

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same, you should do the Dante's Inferno test at the end of this one

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So? What do? Origami content

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I wonder if being literally autistic contributed to my results

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oh god I'm practically a woman

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posting again.
t. worthless neet living with parents

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Yeah pretty much

Haha i'm going to hell

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did this maybe two months ago. probably got worse since i started to wageslave but anyway

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Cluster B personality disorders are the ones that inform Chad behaviour, though. Especially narcissistic and antisocial.

We're the bad guys aren't we?

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Do you ree at your mom for tendies?

who isnt tho?

I'm much worse than I thought.

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Disorder | Rating

Paranoid | Very High
Schizoid | Moderate
Schizotypal | High
Antisocial | Moderate
Borderline | Moderate
Histrionic | Moderate
Narcissistic | High
Avoidant | High
Dependent | Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive | Moderate


Do I get a cookie now?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-02 13-48-17.png (552x417, 76K)

Looks like I am just a normie who needs to break out of his shell.

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I can see my place in hell

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A-At least I don't have any high one

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It's all meaningless in the end right ro-robots???

Officially diagnosed avoidant here.

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Antisocial: Moderate
Incorrect. I have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder several years ago.

The rest seems correct.
I have also been diagnosed with the shizoid personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder.

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Officially diagnosed schizoid here.

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Sorry for phone posting (except originally)

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Antisocial is extreme aggressiveness and over all lack of empathy*

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I'm surprised by moderate schizotypal.

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You are not alone.

>hold on

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Oh ok, that's a very unintuitive term then

It's literally impossible to get antisocial higher than a moderate on this test, and you also seem confused about what it is

21 year old khv here
Not really surprised with my results

Attached: personality disorders.png (533x433, 53K)

>Avoidant is for people who have anxiety and fear social situations
>Antisocial people are aggressive with other people and have low empathy
The difference is that avoidant people feel a connection and want a relationship with people, but are afraid of rejection/judgement. Antisocial people dont feel a connection with and dont want a relationship with people.

antisocial is basically a more scientific term for sociopathy

Go see a therapist. Well, if it's free or if you can afford it. I'm going myself on Tuesday.

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Yep. Just say hi, you scared nigger.

Yo we're exactly the same feels dependant man

basically for people who dont know:
>Paranoid is extreme lack of trust
>Schizoid is a lack of desire for close relationships
>Schizotypal is kinda confusing but it's like schizophrenia
>Antisocial is extreme aggressiveness and a lack of empathy
>Borderline is also confusing but I'd say close to bipolar disorder
>Histrionic is attetion whore disorder
>Narcissist is an inflated ego
>Avoidant is characterized by a lack of social interaction due to extreme anxiety
>Dependent is self explanatory
>Obsessive-Compulsive is pretty much OCD except it isn't brought about from anxiety

I don't feel like I'm violent but I do sometimes wish for an apocalypse so I can go wild.

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am i fucked, robots? i was expecting antisocial to be higher.

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i'm a wagie user, i don't have time to go to a therapist.
i already lift on the mornings, that's enough therapy for me.

My family have had a few convos with me about anger but I didn't think I was that bad, these questions seemed rly specific to me tho

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Didn't think it would be this bad. Fuck

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same old shit as always

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Pretty much expected this result honestly, but I don't put much stock in these tests. Very subjective.

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Well robots should I just kill myself now? It's obvious that I'm fucking useless

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Since you fucks seem to enjoy these kind of tests

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How fucked am I guys? It looks pretty bad.

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also not really surprised by this one. I know myself pretty well apparently.

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They say it be like it is, but it don't
Is high schizoid + high avoidant just autism?

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yeah cause you intentionally answered the questions like a 13 year old who just learned about psychopathy. anyone who gets moderate on that one likes to see themselves as a sociopath.

I got moderate on Antisocial it and I don't see myself as a sociopath at all.

Robots is this bad? Should i see a therapist?

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Really high in some things I didn't expect.
Fucking hell.

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youre doing it wrong
every single one of you

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I'm a bit surprised that the schizoid wasn't 'very high'... last time I took this test, a few years ago, it was. However, my schizotypal went from 'moderate' to 'very high'

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How the hell do you even get those results

By being a fake faggot

just a bit schizoid

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even the most normal people ive gotten to take this test dont get results like this

in order to get these results there ironically has to be something deeply wrong with you

How did y'all get such high scores on everything? Do y'all need hugs?

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Not so bad.


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Imagine being so "healthy" it's unhealthy

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Most NPC results I've ever seen.

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I lost the urge to masturbate a few months ago all I do now is lay in bed while my mother makes me food

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I did my ex. Guess what: It fucking checks out.

One funny thing: on the nth breakup I told her she was probably borderline, not accusing but just stating a fact and offering help. She freaked the fuck out like I hadnt seen before, got all turbulent and agressive about it. She was always afraid of being "crazy" or mentally ill.

Poor soul, she probably is. I still miss her in a way, but she mistreated me badly and broke my heart.

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That sounds really schizoid

That's basically high functioning autism/aspergers, but autism usually has other things taken into account. Things like hand flapping, mental maturity, and things of that nature also effect autism.

Wow, didnt know i was that bad,
Me and My therapist have alot to work on

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Compared to you guys im in a good state

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And me. Also checks out more or less.

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I wish I could say this is new information to me

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I thought i fucked it up but it seems fine

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This is worse than i thought it would be

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Reaffirming that I'm simply a failed normie. Nice.

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Yep, definitely a failed normie

Is Schizotypal just another word for autistic?

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Is this good or bad? What do you guys think? Am I fucked?

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Normalfag incoming


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It's not that bad, don't worry.

Thanks friend, Im a little less worried now. Hopefully Im not gonna be a super robot for life :( only partial robot

Not very lelel

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Ehm, guys? I got all but 3 very high. Should i be concerned?

You guys need to get on my level.

Attached: Personality test results.png (2912x944, 509K)

>I literally have a pic named "getonmylevel" precisely showcasing that.

Attached: getonmylevel.jpg (2552x1396, 639K)

This isn't all that accurate but you could visit a therapist if you are able to afford the time and/or money

paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: High
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
Welp, i'm fucked in the head

Is this very bad?
consider the fact I am a teenager under the age of 18, if that makes a difference.

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Time to an hero, boys.

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Will it be that bad?

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Guess I'm a pretty normal ENTJ. Was hoping I wasn't high in anything, but eh. These two are fine by me.

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Oregano oregano oregano original

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Antisocial, Narrsisistic and Compulsive, with small amount of Borderline and Schizoid. Should I visit a therapist?

this test isn't based in science at all but

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>gets to chill with the greatest philosophers of all time
Why would you want anything eles? Also there's water so it's chill.

Don't really agree with borderline, but I do have some narcissistic traits. Oh well.

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I didn't think I was a narcissist. But I guess that's how it gets you lmao

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Well...Guess I really am fucked in life...

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Same here. Kinda figured that already, though.

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