
Hello frens, I didn't see one up so I thought I'd make one.

What are you guys up to, I just smoked a fat joint, and am feelin comfy.

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>not high
>posting in drug feels anyway
hahahhahahahhaha ahahahah

>tfw can't hold any relationships and scared of intimacy so I only get off while getting really high and jacking it to yiff, trying to vicariously be in the porn
Who knows this feel?

Man do I know that feel well, I'm not into furry stuff but the concept is the same. Weed faps just make you feel like you're living your sick fantasies, doesn't it? It's just so fucking good. I mean, it literally takes the loneliness away for a bit.

Very true. Makes me forget about everything. Actually, a few times I took a lot of acid and did it. Jesus fuck. Since I can't live out my furfag shit irl (not into fursuits) it made it actually real to me. Like I was in the drawings. However, I could feel the permanent psychological damage I was doing myself, thinking "once I do this, there's no going back to normalcy".

See for me my horrible fetish is vore. I've never done sexual stuff while tripping, but one time I microdosed 2mg of 4-aco dmt and actually got a little high and started jacking it to photoshopped giantess vore and I felt like I could feel the warmth radiating out of her mouth along with the sounds and smells that you would expect from dangling above a qt girl's hungry mouth. I need to try while actually tripping. I think for me my psychological damage was already there since I was into it since I was 3 years old.

Damn man. We're two peas in a pod. How does society expect us to function in normal relationships? People always ask me "why don't you have a gf". Why do normies feel the need to ask that?

Just started taking 40 mg adderall and it's not helping me focus. What a meme.

Is it legal to buy a magic shroom growkit? Also, is it a good idea to trip for the first time alone? ty

have 4 grams of dabs and some cartridges...im high to often
bumping while high

Are you an American? Yes, absolutely. Had a friend who did it. The spores for magic mushrooms aren't illegal either, but growing them is.

Honestly talking to you has made my morning a little brighter. Thanks m8. I think I could still handle a normal relationship without needing to insert fetish stuff, but I can't even get a relationship so I might just be overly hopeful. People don't really ask me why I don't have a gf, but I also don't talk to anyone other than my family members and university staff. My family has come to terms with my lack of romance and professors have so far been professional enough not to ask such things. Are there any females into furry stuff? In my neck of the woods, it's almost all guys and a few suspect "girls".
>tfw no fetish sharing gf
>tfw ywn lay on your gf's tummy listening to her digest the dinner that you cooked for her.

>tfw getting 70 10 mg percs tomorrow

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Do you ever feel like songs have secret messages specifically aimed at you when high?

That's some unironic schizophrenic stuff my man. Be careful, weed does fuck with people who have schizophrenia.

Not really. But does anyone else have the problem that when you get really high everything sounds musical?

Thanks man. And I dunno, it's just not the same with real people. It's like the fantasy appeals to me more. Plus, I'm so ashamed about it. I never tell anyone. I don't even know how I would bring that up to a bf/gf. "BTW I think horse cock is so hot". God, if it got out I would be ruined.

I quit weed a few months ago
I miss it, but I enjoy my steadily-improving IQ and having dreams again.

Do I take any risks by ordering some kratom off the clearnet ""to make soap"" with? It's legal to possess but not consume

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Out of weed, I was scraping out an old jar today for half a bowl. I don't know when I'll be able to get more.
I have almost an ounce of butter (frozen). I tried little bits of it on bread or waffles or potatoes, but it feels way less potent than it should be. supposedly the amount I have was made with a whole ounce of weed, but with what I've seen from the butter so far, I'd have to eat like a quarter of it to get really stoned.
what the fuck am I doing wrong? Or is it always less potent when eating it?

Weed = makes you an eternal robot
Psilo = makes you descend from robot to Man

You're fine. But the problem is that most of those clearnet sites have garbage quality or are cut up with shit. Make sure the site is legit

Did you add too much butter? Not do it long enough? High tolerance?

I hate the dreams so much. every time i try to quit for 2-3 days i get extremely vivid dreams usually either horrifying or depressing

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There's currently a very ok deal going on so I'll give it a try, thank you user

im about to run out too, wont get any until friday... i have one reclaimed joint left. i wish i had the money to make a grow...

I've read a lot about the ambien/zolpidem high, is it actually fun and recreational or just weird?

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feels like your brain disappears

Finally got some weed after a month long tolerance break. So comfy. Just been listening to music and shit posting

Anytime man. Make sure the site is OK and that it's not completely banned in your state

lsd = makes you god (dog)

>2C-B = makes you psychedelic chad

>stopped bumping dex at 4am
>suddenly it's 10 hours later
>still wide awake, feelin' fine
Sometimes I just... stop sleeping and the crash doesn't come for at least two days.
I wish I had some other drugs lying around. I have xanax of course but I need to cool it with that shit. I'm down to the end of my kratom- only enough for one or two buzzes. I'd order more but every good vendor is sold out because the government wants us all dead.

Too lazy to walk outside to find bud. Kratom it is.

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fuck man i wish i lived in some major city or in the US where drugs are normalized... even young people here have a nixon level un-knowledge all while being total degenerates in every other regard

basically hell

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yes g.
took a cap of phenibut, ripped a spliff,drinking rum still pinging from a 4 day bender

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Is it fun to have your brain disappear?

If I was chillin and fucking weed batman rolled in with his "sesh belt", I'd lose it.

>wake up, take Adderall
>get stim boner

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Gonna drop some tabs tonight. 200ug. Feeling in a trippy mood.

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I Wish i had a sesh belt

I wish I had still had goofy stoner friends to sesh with

no shit nigger stop taking so much

I wouldn't have thought that there's anywhere in the world like that anymore besides maybe Japan...or Utah.

same here dude such a shame i have access to cheap af drugs now but literally 0 friends

anyone have experience with buying weed online? Do they package it well?

yeah its hell dude. and as i said the worst part is the XXI century degenerated every aspect of them but MUH DRUGS MUH SYNTHETIC MUH BRAIN

all while chingdong puts literal poison into everything they touch so he can make 0.0000000045 nanocents more per unit

Everyone just grows up and moves away, don't they? Meanwhile, I'm still in my childhood room browsing r9k and getting high all day. Here's hoping for a brighter tomorrow...

Anyone else lose the ability lose the ability to speak in certain languages when they're really, really high? I smoked around 1,5 grams of weed the other day and i swear to god i couldnt speak nor understand english anymore (english is my second language).
I also had some really fucking complex thoughts about how society is formed and why people act the way they do. I felt like i knew fucking all of it except i coulnt put it into words for the life of me.

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just popped a 36mg pill of concerta feels good man

Don't associate yourself with other druggies. They're an awful influence and most were more degenerate than I was. Cut everyone off and do drugs alone with zero peer pressure.

Fuck off dipshit. Having a tight circle of stoner friends is maximum comfy. How do them sour grapes taste?

That's pretty common with anything psychedelic, forgetting how to use unfamiliar languages.

Depends on the seller but darknet weed is usually very stealthily packaged

Huh, that makes sense i guess. Had no idea about that going in so understandably i freaked out quite a bit. Thought i got a fucking stroke or something lmao

These grapes taste great. None of my current friends do drugs so there's zero drug drama, just regular drama.

Both of you are wrong. True /comfy/ is having a tight group of non stoner friends who you can smoke weed with without it being a major part of anyones lives

i wish i had just one friend that has my personality type/is like me so we could just chill and smoke... im so incompatible with even the most retarded moron losers its sad

Drug drama? What kind of fucking bartards were you hanging out with? You must've had some shit assed friends if they were starting drama over drugs.

do girls do the fucc if i can supply them psychedelics ?

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>implying it's not more comfy to have a tight group of childhood friends who get into drugs together.
Step up, my man.

It's a really uncomfortable friendship dynamic.
>know an Addy fiend that fiends through grams of Adderall per month
>what an odd drug to fiend over, at this point meth is cheaper
>we didn't really do drugs together, I told him I wasn't really into it
>never told him I had a script because you and I know what would happen
Well you know what happened, I stopped ganging out.

Just go to your friendly neighborhood yakuza and say "shabu shabu prease desu"

Is it okay to mix up the weed with the peanut butter then slathering it on the crackers, or does it have to be layered and sandwiched in?

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I wanna fucking smoke so bad Ive quit for over a month in preparation for a new job. Its a civil service job I'm a fucking complaint investigator for my local village and I figured they would test me before I started but that hasn't happened since I'm already hired. Granted I only just worked my first week and still no word on getting a test but I do have a 6 month probation period, so I'm guessing they could test me sometime during then. I don't want to ask the people I work with if they got tested I think that would seem weird and I'm not feeling the no smoking for 6 months. Anyone here have or know someone who had a civil service job and if they got tested? Why does weed have to be illegal I wish places didn't drug test unless someone was obviously high at work or something

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I've got a tolerance, sure, but not not that high.
what's this about adding too much, not doing it long enough? not cooking it long enough? does it need to be cooked to activate it? I thought the weed was cooked into the butter.
I'm going to grow as soon as I own a place. I won't grow in a rented apartment, it seems stupid to try.

This I've got a couple close friends and they use drugs, no real addictions though, no fiendish behavior.

>tfw I used to crush up 60mg of addy, mix it with 3 ml of water, then squirt it up my ass with an oral syringe

Goddamn the high was so good. I miss doing that then playing RPGs for 20 hours straight. Truly magical

I've been wanting to get into selling drugs to roasties just because it's the only way I can think of getting any sort of validation from them. Even a cheerful thanks would suffice.

I have two friends I smoke with and were all addicted to weed.
Girls dont buy drugs they just mooch off guys

Did 600mg DPH last night. Didnt get any hallucinations at all really. All I got was tingling sensations all over my body and an upset stomach and a headache with ringing ears. The upset stomach couldve been because I ate a lot of taco bell earlier though. And I have tinnitus anyways but the ringing was a lot louder. Forgot when I took it but maybe around 8pm and couldnt fall asleep til 4am. Kind of disappointed with this drug desu. Prople always post cazy trip reports about full blown hallucinations and I didnt see shit. I mightve been hearing stuff, but there were other people in the house and I was in my room so I dont know if they were making noise or if I was just imagining shit. Also got pretty paranoid, but Im usually paranoid anyways. And really bad dry mouth. Hard to coordinate movements or even type on my phone or laptop. Might try having it with some beers next time to make it more comfy. Maybe bump it up to 800mg too.

wow, I might have to try this with meth. about to beat ff4 then move on to parasite eve

Playing wow while waiting for lsd to kick in wasnt the smarted idea. I was in a battleground and now my heart feels like it going to explode

They wont fuck a broke 3$ per tab busto low status wow playing virgim who got his drugs from internet

This feels really bad

So much lol what do you mean.

I did that recently with kingdom hearts 2

Yes, Stacy is dumb and wants to experience the cosmos without leaving suburbia. Acid/shrooms will get you laid most of the time, weed is a little more hit and miss. Even Chad loosens up a bit in the right condition...

Srs should I takr benzos and end trip now or what?

Feels good but heart still beat strong any advices?

Why dont you just buy cannabis concentrate instead? Seems a lot easier to get away with.

Depends how bad really bad is. Benzos to kill a trip are a last resort.

Read update

Top stoner secret. Start vaping and save the left over vaped bud. Eat it with peanut butter. Profit!

how does the 3 dollar per tab fit in there im curious

get on the kratom train buddy. Cant be detected in drug tests. I voluntarily switched because of lung problem (even from vaping).

Wrong thread to be curious at, Bingo

Took 30mg dextroamphetamine earlier and planned to get shit done. BUT I smoked weed and ended up stimfapping all day. I've cum five times in the last few hours.

how would this work though ? go full summer of 67 "aye you want some ACID GURL ? wanna RIDE THE SNAKE ???"

Yorkes-Dodson law my nigger. You should've split that 30mg into two doses of 15mg or three doses of 10mg.

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what do you pay per tab then gangster high status not video game playing non virgin who got his drugs off the street

What psychedelic did you take?
For me when I am having a bad too intense trip I have to accept death to get through it. Once the intensity goes down and you feel relaxed that is when you feel so good. I try to put something on either a show or relaxing music and lie down with comfy blanket and meditate. I also do yoga poses and you feel more in tuned with your body.

Evey part of body feels good except heart

Well I initially took 20mg (6:00AM today), then I took 5mg an hour after and the last 5mg an hour after that. I did manage to do some work until about noon, but after I smoked a bowl I just wanted to jerk it.

decent idea but i usually like rolling blunts, ive been thinking about ordering edibles but worried about it coming laced

300ug lsd hujjjhhhh

this user is knowledgeable- lsd is safer than weed, always keep that in mind too. and the yoga poses help immensely; just do the classic buddha. feel your body and that theres actually nothing wrong. accept the experience. its not the acid making you feel this way, its your ego trying to keep itself together. let it all drift away


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should i go past 200ug lsd? im honestly scared to but willing as well

I dunno dude that looks more like a sex dungeon than a cottage.
WHY do people do this? Doing more psychedelics nets you zero cool guy points.

tell me about your previous experiences. imo acid really gets interesting in the higher dosages. i can only advice you if you tell me more though

i didnt know rapisms are big into that floral shit

About to drop my tabs. See you on the other side bots.

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