Are all women heartless NPCs?

Are all women heartless NPCs?

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I'd prefer not to think so. What's caused you to ask?

Women simply do not care about your shit OP. If that's how you define an NPC okay then but the truth is they do not care

Not all but a vast majority are.
The few that aren't are put of reach for any number of reasons.
It's not a new thing either. It's the history of women since the beginning of time

Most of them have ability to completely ignore someone else's feelings. For example, if a date doesn't work out for them, they might simple ghost the person and not respond when asked for another date.

Example 2: Women have the ability and the willingness to fake a relationship, meanwhile comprimising her own self respect, just to get a big sum out of it.

Example 3: Women are statiscally the gender who most often start a divorce. It's also not uncommon to hear cases of divorces that happened just because they wanted to get a big sum of money out of it.

No, they aren't. There are good women out there with a level head on their shoulders.

No just like how not all robots are losers or mean people but lonely.

All women? No. The majority in 1st world countries probably are, but so are a vast chunk of normie men in 1st world countries. Just stay away from shit like Instagram and SnapChat (and online dating) and you won't need to deal with all the sleezy whores.

I wouldn't say they're npcs so much as they're similar to jews in that they concoct a persecution narrative that allows them to excuse their own behavior in any situation.

No, they just are better then men at reflecting back what they see.
>Date didn't show enough interest, or she just wasn't attracted
>Men do this too
>It's also not uncommon to hear cases of divorces that happened just because they wanted to get a big sum of money out of it
Well, if you were unhappy as shit because you married poorly, you'd be pretty petty about at getting money out of it.

It may only seem like that because you are a weak willed boy. Any man that says what he wants clearly and confidently gets much more of an emotional response from females.

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No. The only people thinking that would probably be incels. Don't be an incel.

yes, this is why most true robots are gay

Maybe if men valued marriage and didn't cheat, women wouldn't have to divorce?

Ghosting someone is simply a shitty way of declining something. Shows lack of empathy.

Men do it too, but it's rare compared to women. Women do it like 10x more.

>Well, if you were unhappy as shit because you married poorly, you'd be pretty petty about at getting money out of it.

That's exactly what an NPC would do. You are proving my point.

Women divorce because they value money and themselves more than they value their kids and husband, it's that simple.

Plenty of women initiate divorces when there has been no cheating involved. Hell a lot of the time the woman initiating the divorce is the one who was cheating

Can we pause for a minute?
I have something I'd like to say.
>women bad because they are heartless and have no emotion
>women are bad because they're overly emotional
These claims, made separately, may be fair criticisms of some women.
However, I don't see how all women can simultaneously be too emotional while not being emotional enough.

That being said, you could make the argument that these two qualities are evidence of a lack of empathy, but I don't believe that's exclusive to women.

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Having no empathy is different from having no emotions

I don't remember disputing that.

A female's greatest fear is dying alone, so they assimilate into all of the shit on TV and social media to stay current with whatever bullshit is being put out there. I like chicks who are individuals but most of those girls can't even do individuality right (the girls with non-natural har colors and try to convince they're into shit they've never even tried/done).

They are emotional when they are the ones affected. They are heartless and lack empathy when it's someone else.

Most people are and that's because they only care about themselves. We are all our own protagonist. It's called protagonist syndrome

So, narcissism?
Hardly exclusive to women.

Not exclusive, but 99% of women are like that