This is a very serious message, if article 13 gets passed all internet in the EU will die. Article 13 is a article preventing people in the EU from posting
on social media due to extreme copyright concerns, if it is passed then social media creators and artists on platforms such as youtube, instagram, snapchat,
facebook, reddit, Jow Forums, ect will all be shut down and people in the EU will not be allowed to upload on social media anymore. I advise you to research and spread this message. Thank you.
Article 13
>no more "free healthcare" debates
>no more lectures on gun control after every shooting
>no more self-righteous pretentious fags telling me my food is fake meat stuffed with da ebil GMOs
>no more muhh islamophobia open-borders refugee accepting faggots
Fuck yeah
You political fags are so pushy and annoying. Shut up
Yeah, I remember when I was 15
Im just saying, if it is passed they will fuck up the EU's internet and im just trying to spread the message so millions of lives are not potentially ruined because of a shitty EU discharge. Sorry if I annoyed you.
As a burger, what can I do to help?
Simply spread the message to anyone you know and let people know whats going on. Thank you.
>euros getting cucked
How is this a bad thing?
>Social media shut down.
I fucking wish
newsflash spreadin the message isnt enough and even if you miraculously somehow stop the GOVUNMENT in brussels they will try again in a few years make it a little bit more stealthy and eventually they will fuck your ass
Fair enough, I know I cant do anything about it. Im not even in the EU but I just want people to know what is happening.
mark my words, the EU will be like early america, more and more power amassing at the capital and soon the states will have no power beyond trivial shit. already happening. get GOYED and NIGGED and ALLAHD
>facebook, reddit, Jow Forums, ect will all be shut down and people in the EU will not be allowed to upload on social media anymore.
Where do I sign? Sounds like a paradise.
>Article 13 is a article preventing people in the EU from posting on social media
Tbh that sounds great. Twitter and facebook and instagram are top shit tier websites, would be fun as hell to see normies crying from not having their validation echo chambers.
>inb4 but Jow Forums will also be banned
I dont give two shits about what happens to the site, can very well live without it. Social media at this point causes more harm than good.
Its not like any good content comes from Europe.
yes instead they can now rely on GOVERNMENT NEWS (R) and FREE PRESS (tm) (division of BERGENGOLDSTEINSHLERGENBERG)
>all internet in the EU will die
And nothing of value was lost
Who fucking cares about "they"
Burn it all to the ground
I've never seen anything make redditors so pissed off as article 13
keep up the good work EU
they wont shut down the sites. But the sites will have to provide a filtering system or be liable for posts. which means any unwanted content will not even get to be uploaded. total thought control- everyone likes our politics just look at the memes they are all pro nigger :)))
Net neutrality also got them pretty buttblasted
please don't remind them that literally nothing came of this, I want to keep seeing them panic about article 13 for a while
This seems like a net positive, no more social media garbage.
something something adressess...
gas the EU desu
>youtube, instagram, snapchat,
facebook, reddit, Jow Forums, ect will all be shut down and people in the EU will not be allowed to upload on social media anymore
Lol, as if "news" on the internet arent already shit filled. Taking news seriously has always been a "npc" tier mistake, jornalism universities are a wreck and the oversaturarion of the field only promotes incompetence amoung the students that dont know how to make unbiased articles and are payed to write about shit they dont even know about because they are iliterate faggots. Resulting in spreading even more dumb shit to the masses that think the media always have their facts right and from good sources. Journalism was only beneficial
How much do you want to bet this is something along the lines of the DCMA or SOPA that will have absolutely zero real world ramifications outside piracy?
Early America was constantly told to fuck off by the states though.
>fuck up the EU's internet
>spread the message so millions of lives are not potentially ruined because of a shitty EU discharge.
pick one
>if it is passed then social media creators and artists on platforms such as youtube, instagram, snapchat, facebook, reddit, ect will all be shut down
Fucking bring it on I say.
and who came out on top in the end ? thats what its all about
>thats what its all about
see the sucker
take the motherfucker out
Hahaha we voted leave fuck you europoos
Atleast le swedecucks cant post anymore.
>no more "free healthcare" debates
Imagine being so much of a cuck that you actually *enjoy* having your wallet raped by insurance companies because the alternative means that your boss will miss out on getting to buy another vacation home. And imagine being such a cuck that you actually *cheer* corporate-backed legislation to block your free speech because you love getting screwed over so much that it annoys you to hear people tell you that it's entirely possible to have it better.
Why does Jow Forums hate healtcare so much when Nazi Germany had one of the best publicly funded, FREE healthcare systems in history?
A weak nation degrades. Jow Forums apparently would like to see it degrade further. Jewish puppets.