Are drug users and alcoholics just low IQ?

Are drug users and alcoholics just low IQ?

How stupid do you have to be to willingly make your life worse in all aspects.

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as opposed to being a ZOG puppet bitch

Is someone a little grumpy from the comedown, drugoid?

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>takes SSRIs
>dude if you feel angry just chill out and smoke some weed
>LSD as a pick me up
>Has to cope with being a zog bitch and will never stand up for himself because he uses drugs as an escape

Based, redpilled and quite devilish

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If you buy illegal drugs, you don't pay taxes to the kike machine

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Doing the right things in life are incredibly hard to do OP. If you are perfect, then congratulations, you are the first one in the world and tank amongst God's. If you are not perfect, then don't point fingers and try to help those who have fallen or are down I'm their luck instead of admonishing them.

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Amphetamine to lose weight.

Psychedelics to get inspired and energetic. Doesn't affect your lifts at all.

Weed if you need munchies for bulkan.

MDMA to party shirtless with your gainz. Best time of my life.

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no, it's escapism mostly.

a lot of people aren't all that stoked on life

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You're assuming I give a shit about my life. Why would I want to prolong it? Besides, it's better to burn out than fade away

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drugoids are faggots

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This is a rationalization for your drug use.

Enjoy the failing health, drug psychosis and depression, but I guess your couple hour high was worth it.

drugcuck who will never achieve anything.

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Are you saying you're perfect? You have zero vices in your life?

>haven't been drinking anymore for 4 years
>have a high paying but demanding job
>shit goes wrong and out of my control
>overwhelming feel of powerlessness leads me to binge drink trying to escape my mind

I feel like fucking things up wouldn't even make me care right now, I'm destroyed and still feeling like shit
Now be aware that there are people who go through way worse situations without any support whatsoever, and in those worst moments they just want an escape from reality
This tends to happen with non-suicidal people going through a lot of shit

Being a drugoid is one of the worse vices imaginable, you can't compare telling a white lie to being a filthy drugcuck

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Once you grow up your views towards drugs and alcohol will change. I used to think like you then college changed that, and then my experience in the professional realm has changed that even more, shit tons of functioning alcoholics in high paying jobs.

> Has a bump in the the road, better fuck up my life even more with binge drinking.

Do you understand how foolish that sounds?

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> College turned you into a hippy commie faggot

Color me surprised, only weak people tolerate decadence.

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Tired of drugoids crying about their so called addiction.

>Did the alcohol and drugs force you to drive to the liquor store/ drug dealers den?

> did the alcohol/ drugs force you to take the first sip/ hit?

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It's really not that hard to give up something though. Really.

I don't know who you hung around in college but even the smart kids cut loose. You would be surprised.

I would argue that alcohol makes your life better if you can use it responsibly. Problem is low IQ types aren't capable of that so your perception is skewed because you only see the problematic bunch. Go into any fancy restaurant or country club and tell me if alcohol is making the experience of those individuals worse

Addiction is a choice, allowing addict to believe it's a disease only enables them to feel sorry for themselves and continue what they are doing.

You don't have a disease you have a weak mind.

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middle/upper class people prefer prescription drugs to escape life

I would never hang out with drugoids and alcoholics. bad company makes bad character

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My grandpa was a raging alcohol his entire life and my mom would always defend him and his "disease" even though she felt the brunt of it her childhood and young adulthood. I guess it gives her comfort telling herself he couldn't control it as opposed to he didn't want to control it. It sends her into a rage when I say something like "Imagine how much of a better man he would have been if he just chose not to drink."

You're supposed to get that shit out of your system in college. By the time I reached junior year I realized what a waste it all was.

>drug psychosis
you should browse Jow Forums less

I thought everyone knew that alcoholism and drug use correlate heavily with higher IQ.

>he thinks weed doesn't cause psychosis
You should watch TV a lot less.

Feel free to look up whether there's any correlation between IQ and drug use.

You know an alcoholic is a drug user? You have the low IQ OP, sorry

I guarantee you use drugs. I dont take aspirin or any other mild painkillers because if the horrific effects on your liver. Or I dont use meds from a shrink because they permanently alter neuropathways. Of course those drugs are okay to use right user?

Most anti drug users are on some kind of drugs themselves. They're just too retarded to understand it's all the same.

there are people on fit RIGHT NOW who aren't packing a bowl of meth, imagine that.

>packing a bowl of meth
You obviously dont use meth...