What makes a dude attractive?

What makes a dude attractive?

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Height, square jaw, hunter eyes, ripped body and a dominating dark triad personality.

Confidence, good jaw, hair style, not fat and posture

But it does go hand in hand with being at least somewhat attractive since it's hard to be very charismatic and ugly at the same time.

Being a joestar

Please ignore all the lookism memes
My guess is work ethic and constantly improving yourself.

well lets get this out of the way, fat smelly ugly neckbeards aren't attractive and if a girl says they are then they are lying or mentally ill.

above all women want chad or tyrones. Less whoreish ones might want some bishonen type guy instead but they will ALWAYS find chad to be the most sexually attractie.

super symmetrical face, hunter eyes, jaw, and the confident aura

if we guys were magically turn into handsome guys, girls would still prefer chads because of the aura

bitch ass you wouldn't know chad if he was standing right in front of you, shut the fuck up underage self proclaimed "incel"

Grills with your name engraved in it.

80% face
10% height
5% build
2% confidence
2% tolerable personality

face, height, money, status, frame
if you have a shitty face then nothing else matters - you are fucked

what the fuck is your problem? I didn't say i was an incel and i've seen plenty of chads.

A stando

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Height, jawline and hair

the amount of money he has on his wallet

What makes a girl attractive?

>ITT Guys pretending that know what girls want
This is just fucking sad.

Clearly, none of the attributes that I possess.

femanon here
>ree roastie go
it's relevant to the thread

calmness is an attractive trait, very calm & unemotional, never angry
that's what'd make a guy attractive imo

Confidence, and not being utterly repulsive. i know people who are terrible in many ways but are charismatic as hell and have gfs

most important is confidence. if that confidence has rewarded you with a successful life, even more women will be available to you. everything else is a meme. girls call some of the ugliest pieces of shit "hot" just because they have money or influence.

but don't lie to yourself, you will never be ugly if you take good care of your health. even with deformations.

>Height, square jaw, hunter eyes, ripped body and a dominating dark triad personality.

fucking these unironically

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Im pretty sure even the most socially deluded and shut in people know what a sexually successful person typically looks like and could point one out in a group if tasked with it.

physically: med, pale skin and dark features, not too much taller, 25%-50% cute
mentally: not impulsive or melodramatic, mild autism is fine, kamidere
spiritually: no abrahamic shit
politically: didn't vote in the 2016 elections
age: over 30

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