Any Jow Forumsizens here run their own business? If so, how's that going?

Any Jow Forumsizens here run their own business? If so, how's that going?

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Did a man with a van thing using an app for odd jobs around my city. Went well, saved a thousand dollars a week when I was going non-stop as many jobs as possible.

Easily the best job I've ever had. Nothing beats being your own boss

I tried once, but amount of related stress really scared me. Don't want to lose my health in a rat race for money

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My family has owned a jewelry store for 3 generations.
I plan on taking over one day (4th generation).
It's alright. Some days are awesome, some days are shit.
Some customers are gold, some are assholes.
Overall, it's decent.

>rat race
It's literally the only thing that matters

I'd never run a business, it's too much cardio.
I casually walk a business twice a week.

I'm the opposite. I get stressed being told what to do and on someone else's time. Pretty sure it has something to do with my upbringing tho

Lucky guy

My father decided to sell his rental property after promising me since I was 14 that I would take over

Sorry to hear that man. I want to get into rental property when I'm a bit older (currently 24).
To tell you the truth, it's not like the business is just being 'handed over'. I work my ass off and do shit all the others won't. It's expected of me. But oh well, I try to look on the bright side.
One perk, I do have some nice 'ice' and ladies like jewelry.

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I saved all my money for 15 years and retired early. Living as a neet in a paid off condo

The gay porn industry is great, makes more money than straight porn, and even straights go gay4pay

Technically I do for tax purposes but I try to keep the working to a minimum so it's not really like a business

I helped my father do maintenance work for his building because he was too cheap to hire a management group. I can't say I'm bitter about the whole ordeal as I learned how to do repairs and it encouraged me to start my own business. It just hurt me when my father said I didn't know how to do anything so I didn't deserve it even though he got his first property handed to him for free by a man that wasn't even his dad.

I'm droning now but I hope you the best dude. Hard work is everything.

I've thought about starting an online store. I know a guy who makes over 60,000 a year selling fucking anime stickers. Kind of tempted to try something like that but I wouldn't know where to start

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I'm teaching myself to daytrade index futures right now. It's fun. I hope to be able to do it full time someday

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It's harder to make money on eBay now because of how over saturated it's become and Shopify is too risky as a start up unless you're experienced and have funds to begin.

With that said it's not impossible. Last Halloween I sold some Fortnite Hammers for $86 a pop when they were $50 at the Halloween website. I also used a discount code so it was more like $40. I did this at least 4 times until it got flooded by people charging it for way less

Yeah he actually had his own website and was an artist so thats probably part of his success. I hear that for websites marketing is a huge part of being successful and I have no Idea how to do that

I've looked into setting up an LLC for a freelance editing/writing operation. I've sold a few essays on a professional basis, one of my short stories was recently featured in an anthology, I have a blog, and I work as an English teacher.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Ahh, gotcha. It's good to know how to fix things on your own. You're learning and growing, which is always a win in my book.
That would hurt me too, man. Sometimes working with family is awesome and sometimes it 'comes home with you'.
I'm also learning that nothing in life is guaranteed and nothing in life is fair.

Thanks man, I hope the best for you too. Yeah, hard work and dedication is everything.

It's easy. Most states you can do it online yourself. Your local accounting firm should be able to help you as well. I do these from time to time for my clients.

I plan on starting up my own criminal defense firm after I finish LS and a stint at the DA. Ideally I'll just get hired by the mafia and do Tom Hagen shit all day.

Find a niche/product and visit blogs and publications to promote it. It also helps if you present it to college radio podcasts in which they're always looking for things to talk about.

Work for a small business sometime and see for yourself how badly they struggle.You could easily end up working 70 hours a week just to stay ahead of your debt.

Yeah, but if you're a skilled professional and already offer a service that can be done at a low cost to yourself there's no reason not to do a bit of freelancing on the side.

I don't know if you could count it as a business, but I'm very close to launching my own Youtube channel where literally 100% of the content will be me lifting and yelling. Sort of like vintage Pete Rubish or Eric Bugenhagen. Except they've both calmed down a lot.

I have no idea if there is any money in this at all because I don't know how interested normies would be, or bro lifters or whatever. It'd be a very niche audience.

I also have no idea where I'd end up or evolve from it. Pete Rubish became a pretty successful powerlifter, but is overall very depressed now. Eric Bugenhagen doesn't make much content now beyond advice and occasional PR videos, which are never as intense as they used to be. But I really want to make a career into lifting somehow, and this is the only way I can think of doing it without being some faggot personal trainer or something.

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Those poor wagecucks...

I advise you to make it comedic but also intense at the same time. Hire editors or learn how to edit it yourself. The key is to stand out and make it appealing. You don't wann bore people. MAKE. PERSONALITY. So make up some catchphrases and a unique logo

Be creative. I believe in you user

>Make a couple of these videos
>Stream on Twitch just working out while speaking to a couple of people
>open a patreon in which you offer small things to your donors like shout outs to free t shirts with as said catchphrase and logo

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Unfortunately, I don't think I could stream it just because the way things are currently. My plan is to go to my gym during the skeleton hours and shoot. I'm fine with a few people thinking I'm crazy, I just don't want the gym staff to see it and kick me out/ban me. I'm actually in the military, so I'm thinking if they found me doing this shit the consequences may be more severe than just "you're not allowed here anymore".

But yeah I've thought about a lot of the stuff you said. It is going to be a progression for sure. I'm currently editing a deadlift compilation. I'm intending to launch my channel with it.

>currently editing a deadlift compilation.

Based. Good luck bro

Thanks man, it is nice to hear positivity here since it is usually a depressed echochamber. And yeah man, my deadlift compilation starts with me at a 300 DL, and I just recently hit 405 so it is basically just going to be my progression with that. But no talking at all, just the music, me lifting, and yelling.