Asked a cute girl for her number last night

>asked a cute girl for her number last night
>got it
>text her three hours ago
>she still hasn't responded
I think I already know how this is going to end.

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What was thee text?

You texted her too soon.

>going to end

Sounds like she's a step ahead

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>Hey, this is user, how's work?

Please user, tell me this isn't true

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you're supposed to call i think

are you old? I'm 33 and always thought you are supposed to call, but I think young people now just text eachother for dates.

This is so cute lmao

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Its only been three hours .. when im at work i wont reply all day until im home

>finally ask a girl out
>she says yes
>immediately cancels via text
I think they just feel bad telling me know and then it is easier to text me later and cancel.

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i meant no, not know... not sure where that came from.

They don't feel bad per se, they just can't handle any kind of in-person confrontation.

Stop being such a depressed autistic phaggot and stop thinking about the absolute worst outcome all the time, it will only be bad for you. Just put it out of your mind and go about your day, maybe try textning her later next week.

It always sounds like they are cancelling a dental appointment in the text too.

>I think I already know how this is going to end.


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should have got her snapchat instead. that way you can see when she read it.

What was I supposed to say?
With me getting ghosted, as usual.

>What was I supposed to say?
Want to come over for a quickie?

You would have unironically been better off if you said this instead of what you said.

It's not like it matters now anyway. First time I ever get a girl's number and she ignores me. Even when I win, I still lose.

Well what do you have to lose? Ask her if she wants to come over now. If she didn't block you maybe she'll see that and say yes

Its been 3 hours and you said in your text "how's work" so why do you think she's not busy if she's at work. don't expect people to respond immediately to your texts unless they're a no life like most of us who have nothing better to do.

don't listen to these other fucktards telling you to try and fuck immediately. they're all virgins lol.

this is how you become friendzoned. you have to establish that you want to fuck her from the get go. chad's doing it so you have to too

Who cares? Get multiple cute girls' numbers so the odds are in your favor. And don't text dumb shit like "hey". Text something that will catch her attention.

no that is how you come off as a "fuckboy" and get instablocked.

Whatever man. That's literally the only way I've gotten women to come over.

>he still attempts to text girls

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>I think I already know this is going to end
Sounds like it already did, bud

I live with my parents and the house is a mess. I don't have the money to go out right now.
When you have a job, you get breaks. If she cared to respond to me she would've found the time to text back. Hell, for all I know, the bitch gave me a fake number.

you're fucking with thots then. I get the feeling OP wants a real relationship.

holy shit, dude, why

bloop a doop doop

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There aren't any women worth a relationship

What would you have said? What's wrong with that text? I seriously don't get it.

Of course there are, you don't know how to have a relationship.

Not that guy but I would skip the small talk and ask her to go out sometime (probably with a location already in mind). Unless you already had some connection with the girl before you got her number then you're usually not going to get anywhere through text.

>hi, is this (the slut's name)? it's (your faggy name) from the other night (smiley emoji of some sort)

don't ask her how work is in case her day isn't even half over yet..... you faggot-ass bitch

You don't even know her and already sounds like her husband.

I already knew her, we've talked a few times and we have similar interests. I was going to invite her to the next party some friends of mine are having.

>What?: The Post

>Hey [her name], party on [day], u r invited, please come i love u

>I already knew
From where? Please don't say work

I'd never be in a relationship with a nonvirgin. Women are meant to be pumped and dumped, that's all

You can't maintain one, don't hide your incapacity as something good.

>Hey Stacy, me and my friends are having a party next saturday, you coming?
Or better yet, ask her her in person, faggot

What do you mean? I don't pursue relationships because they're all used up sluts. I fuck them once or twice and ghost them.

Prior don't answer calls from strange numbers because of robo calls.

Girls are what you made them be, if they are slut you can't maintain a relationship without making her want to cuck you.

I don't want to maintain a relationship with a slut so I don't

Why are you being such a faggot about a delayed response. Just go on with your day until she responds and when she finally does then plan to meet up with her as soon as you both can. I'm a khv who hasn't talked to a girl in forever and it amazes me how socially inept some of you guys who talk to girls on a more regular basis can be

You can only have a good relationship with God and your parents. Girls are pretty much useless.

I usually just wait for the girl to text first. Not gonna waste my time with that bullshit if she isnt interested

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>Girls are pretty much useless.
That's what I've been saying

I'm not him. Nothing better than fucking and dumping.

a girl asked me out once and then canceled via text.
their minds change on whims.

You can have good platonic friendships with men

you gotta keep looking brother, theres someone out there for you but you'll never find her if you give up