What kind of boyfriend would you be?
What kind of boyfriend would you be?
A real gay one
A shitty one, that's why I don't even try, I don't want to be someones curse.
>What kind of boyfriend would you be?
The one who tells her when she's being out of the line.
The one who provides and is supportive,that will marry one day and most likely just like my father run off after my son turns 13 and do whatever the hell I want,quite possibly finding another female to also do said cycle.
Same. Nothing to offer and everything to lose
Is that a boy? I thought homos were illegal in Russia/eastern Europe
I feel you guys. Respect
It's not even that I have stuff to lose, I just know how irrational relationships can be. I don't want to be a drain on a partners life just because they "love" me.
The kind that buys clothes to her, cute clothes. And takes her to conventions and cosplay events because i'm a cosplayer. Also, it's likely I would be one of those 'glue' ones who'd always want to be with her, out of a need to be cared for.
>Probably the kind who more or less ignores her unless he is horny.
I dont even know what you do with a gf desu. Go on dates? Cuddle? Text?
I like to think I'd be kind of fun. I like going to shows and bars and museums and stuff. I also like to read, but I don't know if girls like the books I'm into. I'd be a good provider, I suppose, and I've saved up a lot. I don't know if I wanna have a real serious relationship until I'm out of the Navy.
>I have never actually been in a relationship
>There will be anons telling me that it is not worth it at all
>And that I'd be better just hanging myself right now while I have the chance
Short, emasculated, embarrasing, cringy probably.
The kind that is so neglectful and distant that she becomes a dyke.
>he's a distant guy who pushes other people but secretly years love
I rejected a bitch who was rearing to fuck and this is literally what happened.
how the hell should i know
just let me rot
It is what it is. I've been a distant person since I was young.
I've rejected one woman and she looked at me with a mixture of disgust and confusion that I've never seen before or since.
>feel uncomfortable being given things or asking for anything, even on Christmas and my birthday
>can't socialize properly
>can't express emotions in front of other people
>don't understand how to be intimate
>don't like being touched
I wouldn't be one OP.
I don't know, but I probably would be a shitty one, just like I'm a shitty friend and a shitty son.
just go away and leave me to my videya
bitches hate being rejected by guys that they don't even consider too far out of their range. 7/10 and 8/10s are in the perfect position for this kind of shit. You can really ruin a bitch's day if you do this.
they are used to getting everything they want easy
rejecting women is the best, they can't even comprehend what is happening
>I thought homos were illegal in Russia/eastern Europe
Proof that traps aren't gay
>homos were illegal in Russia/eastern Europe
they're pretty good at hiding.
Frustratingly similar to yourself
A cuddly one
First, I'd kill my gf if she photoshopped me
Second, I'd never buy her anything
Third, she better not be older than 12
a non-reliable emotionally disconnected man child
Pre-First Girlfriend
>Emotionally expressive
>Optimistic and Idealistic
>Putting the pussy on a pedestal
>Just want to cuddle and hear her say she loves me
Post-First Girlfriend
>Emotionally distant
>Still just want to cuddle, but now convinced that it's impossible
My girl says I'm the best bf she has had, but sometimes I feel like I'm just a cunt to her, y'know
Dude relationships are great, they can really hurt sometimes, but it is worth it
the kind that will eat your asshole for breakfast, lunch and dinner tbhonest
probably why it works. i'm a stereotypical nice guy and it's been nothing but failures
I mean I have my moments, but overall I am pretty nice. It doesn't help that she is head over heels for me.
I would almost never see you and be fine with that, but would be all over you when we do see each other. It's not that I don't like you i'm just used to being alone. Would try to supplement with texts and the like but it may not be frequent enough for you.
like, chicks don't hate nice, but it doesn't hurt to have your own opinions and shit, don't agree with everything they say y'know
"Niceness" is what weaker animals use to protect themselves from the ire of stronger animals. When you're nice, you exist as a doormat and a tool to be exploited, not an actual romantic candidate.
Knowing me, I would be abusive.
I would be distant and self absorbed.
I really dislike loud people, but I think if my gf wasn't loud and demanding I just wouldn't pay attention to her ever.
So you meet me at the impasse finally
i don't. it just doesn't seem to matter. people act like all you have to do is be assertive and be honest and have your own opinions but that doesn't help, they stay beyond my reach. it seems like the only way is to just pressure relentlessly until she calls you an asshole or until she submits, or both.
it's my own character that's at fault. i'm too soft. i wasn't meant for this kind of dating scene. i would've done well in an environment with real courtship and better social cohesion, but instead i'm out here in this morass of muddled expectations and bad actors and i'm just not cut out for it.
before i go find a baww thread to post in, my ideal gf would be one that just didn't make me feel like such a loser all the time.
I would try to be there, but I'm such a submissive bitch I could never take initiative and fulfill any of a girls needs
Bro, they are out there.
Fun, humorous, witty, emotionally distant, mildly insecure and likely to cheat.
Very involved and loving for the most part but when I hit a bipolar low I want to isolate myself completely. I'd like to think I'd be ok with just a hug and some comforting but I know nothing really helps when I'm like that. If I'm in a high I'm too sexual as well so I guess I'd need someone to keep up.
Overall I'm probably too much effort but obviously I still want to be close with someone.
An anxious beta one who would try to improve himself and a one who would love his girlfriend more than anyone and would do anything he can for her.
I'd basically be a dad desu. I have a huge soft spot for girls with daddy issues and it almost always ends up with them calling me daddy without me even asking. I have a dad bod too so it all works out I guess.
Closed off, dull, low energy.
I dont have anything left on the inside
Honestly, no clue. I've seen the way relationships have changed, or at least exposed a different side of a lot of people I know. I barely know myself as is.
Apparently I'm a really good one, or at least that's what my ex told me when we broke up. It was my first relationship but i think i got a few things right regardless
>always put her first
>always be available to talk or spend time together
>not being overly clingy
>always up to go somewhere or do something fun
and what i got wrong
>bad at showing affection, especially in public
>general inexperience with relationships
>not being dominant/assertive when i should've
The kind that embarrasses their s/o in public. Not embarrassment in a weird/gross way but more the kind where if I see a particularly slippery piece of sidewalk after it rains I'll attempt to slide along it Risky Business style. Or getting a song stuck in my head and trying to get them to sing along out loud. Just dumb stuff
>>not being dominant/assertive when i should've
what do you mean by this?
I failed (in my opinion) in two areas here. In casual conversation, if she tried to correct me or start an argument I wouldn't engage her because I never felt they were things worth arguing over. In hindsight, it probably made me seem weak and without any moral convictions. Moral of the story, next time my girlfriend tries to tell me that Italy was more of a threat than Germany in 1939 I'll knock her tf out.
Secondly, we never had sex but I think she was waiting for me to take the lead. I was always happy just cuddling or making out topless, but I never really wanted to go any further for some reason. And she was never assertive to initiate sex or to vocalize that she wanted it, so I think that was a big area where the failing of our relationship stemmed from.
>And she was never assertive to initiate sex or to vocalize that she wanted it
>Women expect men to be mind readers
I want to be the one who would give them the feeling that a single slip on their part would cause me to leave.
Instead its always, "Wow user, you're such a good listener" "Thanks user, I'm always comfortable around you." "I appreciate you."
yeah but i think that's part of dating someone, thinking forward and anticipating their needs/desires. it'd be easier if i just blamed it on how dumb women are, but i think i get more out of it by asserting it as a personal failure of mine that i should overcome in the future
you're going to love growing old alone and watching all of your friends have families and children who love them and make them proud
Manlet NEET manchildren like me don't have gf's.
I guess in theory I'd be some kind of househusband that keeps the house clean and tries to give my wife a warm welcome everytime when she comes home from work, assuming she wouldn't be a NEET aswell.
Famous last words, but I'll take my chances and keep trying.