I want a gf to hangout with and be comfy together and go on dates
I want a gf to hangout with and be comfy together and go on dates
hi hello, i volunteer. head pats are required though.
Are you female(female)? Of course headpats will be included
i am female(female) guaranteed. no weenie here, sir.
are you from Spain? orignalolo
>I want a gf to hangout with and be comfy together and go on dates
This is literally all I fucking want out of life. I don't fucking care about sex anymore, it isn't even that good. I just want someone who enjoys hanging out and going to places and doing things and talking and having fun.
no, lo siento :(
que honda hermano
northeast USA? I am headpat dispenser but noone to dispense headpats to
onions una nina, gracias. hablo espanol pero vivo en australia
sorry, i am in australia :(
if I wanted sex I could go hang out with this girl I know.
but all she wants to do is fuck, drink and do drugs. that's all her life consists of. literally nothing else. she has no other hobbies or goals
>so y > onions una nina
Yo s_y un Americano, vivo en Tejas, asi que se un poco espanol.
We've all had that one thot that you shagged just to get one off or to say you're not a v*rgin anymore, but the sad fact of the matter is that it still doesn't increase your quality of life in any capacity. There's no soul, there's nothing there, you don't help one another further than a good shag and that's it.
lol mierda, no me di cuenta :')
now watch as an user gets catfished, rare sight right here gents take notes.
wait a sec, she gon pat our feet then.
Esta bien! Nosotros estamos comunicando y eso es bastante bueno.
no onions espanol, en realidad onions europeo. es tu familia espanola?
i am not a catfish :(
what did he mean by this
No no. Mi familia es asiatica.
aight i ain't gonna knock someones hussle, you do you bro just make sure you don't fuck it up and ger yourself arrested.
I want a gf who says and feels this way towards me.
interesante! en la escuela, mis amigos chinos me ensenaron ajurar lol
i appreciate your concern, user, but i do not want to harm or mislead anyone
Why are most femanons in Europe?