This is a state of western women

>This is a state of western women

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These people are as much worthy of the title women as cucks are of the title men.

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>implying she won't get pumped and dumped 100 times

Nothing of value is lost.

I already was, thats why she got 3 kids at age of 27 and no father.

>white woman with 3 kids at 27


lmao, oh man, I can't wait to see the state of all these hoes once they hit their late 20s, single mother galore

You think all those kids are white?

this is blatantly tongue in cheek

I hope

May try this anytime soon because of desperation, OP.

I mean, making myself an ad about myself on twitter.

How the fuck does refusing to do housework and having 3 kids even work

Epic hymen

Ask her kids in 10 years when they're posting on whatever Jow Forums's equivalent is by then.

lol i just looked it up and they weren't

Jow Forums on suicide watch

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So when I see something like this I can only think that there is huge underlying problem in our society and by severity of symptoms we can see to which extent is going on.

So women have been spoiled to extent that they literally live in extreme bubble or delusion where they think they are goddesses above everyone.
They think that they having vagina is ultimate height of power.
Women by fact are nor smarter nor stronger so question comes where does this problem come from.
Gentlemen I present to you JOOWS, nah I am joking, I present to you SOI BOYS white knight, pay pigs and other faggots who elevate whores to another dimension.

We really need big HUUGE Soi boy white knight genocide, and start immediately beating women to pulp when they refuse to listen to man.
1-2 women hanging from tree would give strong message to all women not to fuck around.

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What's there to be worried about? When she hits 30 and she's still single with three niglet children, she's undoubtedly going to kill herself. It's a self correcting problem.

How is that not sad?

Hopefully this happens

women never kill themselves there is plenty of disposable males that don't think jack shit of themselves and have absolutely no respect for their life so they will happily jump on band wagon and support this whore.
I personally know countless whores with children from different fathers and they always manage to find boyfriend and lover on side.
I personally fucked few divorced single mothers myself

>women never kill themselves
Imagine actually being this delusional

>i refuse to do housework

She has to be joking?
Plenty of women say shit like this on Twitter as a joke

>she has to be joking
if only you knew how bad things were

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Someone go ask her "what about making up with your kids' father?"

If they manage to, it was an attention grab going wrong.

I went to her twitter because I thought she was some female "comedian" setting up a joke.
I wish I was right.

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*had been right oregano

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okay lads , lets have a good old fashioned woman hate thread. aint seen one in a minute

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I fucking hate betas

if we killed off all the world's beta cucks, women would be forced to shape up since the remaining alphas, omegas and gammas wouldn't put up with their constant bullshit

She lives near me, think I should go for it anons?


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Yeah, dude, you should totally run her over.

Fucking why? The reason why women like her can get away with being so shit is because guys like these can't control themselves for two seconds. Imagine how different dating dynamics would be if women didn't have an infinite amount of disposable betas to choose from.

Just a quick question for you guys, in your opinion did women become more slutty because chads depravity knows no end? Or are they naturally sexually inclined to become whores? Jw

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And that's the gut punch. ;^)

women were always hypergamous, heartless harpies by nature. The only thing that reined them in was basically having zero rights or opportunities.

You think it's a coincidence that every kind of mythology depicts women as lacking in fidelity or trustworthiness? You think it's coincidence that Eve is the one who ruined paradise for Adam or that succubi are creatures which prey on male lust to drain those males of their essence?

Women have been the same since they crawled out of the primordial ooze. Strong men saw this to be true and put systems in place to stop them from capsizing society with their short-sighted hedonism. They didn't want to strip them of all their agency, but they basically had zero choice.

In our foolishness, however, we stopped understanding what women really were and opened the cage, supposing that the masks they wore to lure us into a false sense of security were their real faces. And, lo and behold, the first thing liberated women did is fuck, suck and screw over just about anyone they could get their talons on.

The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist. Women waited. They bide their time. They convinced us that they could be trusted with power and responsibility. Then, the moment we finally gave it to them, they started unravelling the fabric of society piece by piece.

Reminder that any time women received power or freedom throughout history the first things they did were to attack men and slut it up, without fail.

>annual average income 300K
pick up lines in 2018

The left side isn't ba at all. She just needs to grow her eyebrows back and get a haircut that covers her fivehead. The right side just makes her look like an ugly thot.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
How did these girls actually get these destructive ideas in their heads and at what stage of life?

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How many of her children are black?

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I'm pretty sure this is satire.

They might not kill themselves but they've been known to drown their children. Lol a starving wolf mother will eat it's children and start over when it has enough food.

Post adress.

>state of western women

More like western men, who will go for a girl like that and fight with each other for it, fucking faggots. Stop thinking with your dick.

that was good one.

In a way, we're complicit. We gave them the power to destroy themselves

3 boys or 3 girls or half and half?

>tongue in cheek
Oh you poor thing. Women really are this entitled.

you mean American woman. Havn't seen any of this shit here in Belgium

>yfw Belgium has a higher out of wedlock birth rate than the US

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Taking away anybody's constitution rights is wrong and not the answeer also you have some funny drawing skills .

that's because less and less people get married, and no other reason

Women attempt suicide more often than men but men in the end have a higher suicide rate, mostly because the suicide attempts of women are stopped somehow or they fail (because they're women).

It works like that
>damn bitch, you live like this?

>She just needs to grow her eyebrows back
She might not be able to. My older sister used to pluck her eyebrows when she was a teenager and recently mentioned that she wished she hadn't as after a point they just stopped growing back.

how does the imperforate hymen let the period goo out?

So did mine, but hers grew back. Even if that girl cant, she still doesn't need the rest of the cake. It makes her skin look like a cadaver's.

>Says she's 27
>Twitter profile says she was born in 97
>Says she's unemployed
>see pic related

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>hontra lighting
oh no

This is too common.

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Not never, but not nearly at the rate of men. The attempt rates may be closer, but womens' "attempts" are TO THE SHOCK AND SURPRISE OF FUCKING NOBODY made for attention.

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I can just imagine her sweating as she says "which one?"

what a


(and what a WHORE)

>epic hymen

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And that's the ultimate truth.
Robots and Jow Forumsfags that are always hating on whores dont realise that the source of the problem comes from males. And females only act this way as a condictioned response.
Teaching ""beta"" males to not act like validation seeking shit heads and to think for themselves a bit more would make things a lot more diferent.

Also, you're unironically a beta if you buy all of feminism or white supremacy.
They're both just "we're so oppressed you should always put us above anyone else, but we're also better than anyone else so do it ANYWAY" creating tiny microcosms of beta's beating their chests pretending to be big strong men by wallowing in piss-poor ideas.

this is all a joke. 2 minutes on her twitter can confirm this.

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Absolute face of utter regret. Bitch is one fuckin whore.

There's this cute girl that sometimes flirts with me and I know for a fact shes desperate for a partner because she has a kid, which is why no one is into her anymore. She's basically looking for a long term relationship the same as me. Why is it so hard for a guy to accept a woman with a child? She's easy pickings but because of that shitty kid I don't even wanna talk to her even though he's the only reason I have any chance.

How curious life is.

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>Refuses to do housework
If I'm going to live with someone they better at least clean shit once in a while. Fuck that.
Everything else (except Florida, ew) is okay with me.

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holy fuck the absolute state of the western world back in my country we would stone women to death that married two different men and i think thats not as degenerate as what she has done but w/e its her body

>cute white girl
>looks kinda like my oneitis
>total fucking trainwreck

the world is such a horrible place.

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Betas are such a sickening group of people. It saddens me to know how fucking brainwashed they are.

>down to canada
did this trigger anyone else?

>refuses to do housework
So what the fuck does she do all day?

live in orlando and would like sauce pls

I didn't give them shit.
I was born a dirty, disgusting white male with the world ready to cut my balls off from the jump.

Wtf Iceland?

>Gf tells me she made a suicide attempt
>Go over there
>Literally a paper cut size "wound" on her wrist
>Don't know what to do
>Pretend I'm all concerned but in my head I can't stop thinking about how fucking ridiculous the whole thing is.

What language is that gibberish written in?

poes law is now in effect

She will lower her standards and get some poor fat manlet to pay for her and her niglets to live.

Just marry her and dispose of the kid. Simples

How do the fathers of those kids avoid paying child support?