I have a dilemma and need help

>be me
>be in college
>have crush on this girl let's call her Alex we've known each other for over a year and we've been pretty good friends
>develop feelings and start talking to her more
>hanging out with her one day
>she says user I feel kinda bad hanging out with you i ask her why?
>she says it's because one of her friends has a crush on me at first ask her which one and I'm really curious
>then she says user come on are you really that clueless I've been dropping hints for a little bit now
>I have a pretty good idea but don't want to think about it
>I say don't tell me actually I don't want to know please
>Alex plz don't tell me
>it's killing her having to keep it a secret
>she tells me

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>this person who has a crush on me let's call her Rachel
>now I've known Rachel for almost as long as I've known Alex
>I'm mad at Alex for telling me
>she apologizes a bunch
>I'm sorry user but I couldn't keep it in
>jeez man I feel really weird
>this must be what women feel like when their friend confesses their feelings to them
>Rachel is not unattractive by any means and she's really fun but I see her like a cousin
>Alex knows this
>Alex and Rachel are best friends
>Rachel is getting jealous that I'm hanging out with Alex
>now this alone is gonna fuck me up because I'm gonna start acting different around Rachel
>I mean I don't know yet honestly because I haven't seen her yet since being told this but I have a strong feeling
>this isn't the end tho

I hope you die in cancer you fucking Chad bitch.

Fuck the shit out of rachel, dump her hard.

Alex will hate you and be wet at the same time. Start dating Alex behind Rechel's back. The taboo will excite her even more.

>we've been prett good friends
stopped reading. gtfo

>also have friend let's call him George
>George has a crush on Alex
>I'm really close with George and I know he has feelings for alex because he asked her out once but got turned down
>They are still friends tho
>He's contemplating whether or not to go in for round two
>and he's asking me for advice because he's not sure if he should shoot another shot
>George is also talking to this other girls that's pretty hot he doesn't really know her well tho so he doesn't know who to prioritize

We already told you to fuck off.

>I honestly don't know what to do rn
>the way she was acting last time we spoke made me feel like she felt the same way
>I think she doesn't want to hurt her friend either
>I'm thinking about telling her how I feel but nothing good can come out of it
>if she says she feels the same way our friends will both be hurt
>but if she says she doesn't feel the same way I'll be hurt and our friendship won't be the same

What would you guys do if you were in my situation it's actually so frustrating I would've made a move but I feel so bad

Do a Kurt Cobaine thanks.

kys Chad cuck

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Do an elliot roger

>What would you guys do if you were in my situation
kill myself

Nobody cares about your norman problems, fucking norman. Get the fuck outta here

I don't see why y'all are so hostile?

Because you're a chadfag, this isn't the place for you.

OP is literally asking us which girl does he pick (if not both)
from this,i'll let you figure out why are we "so hostile"

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Dang you incels really are failures, aren't you.

No not really I don't plan on picking either I don't see Rachel like that I want to know whether going after Alex is worth it

Threadly reminder you didn't find this place out of chance and you're story is probably just bait. Kys dude.

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Fuck english isn't even my first language. I feel like a stupid burger rn...

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First off this ain't me the op

Also yeah I was a virgin for a real long time actually up until about last year