if you went out on a date with someone, what is your policy for paying? would you offer to pay for the date/meal?
If you went out on a date with someone, what is your policy for paying? would you offer to pay for the date/meal?
If they don't pay, then its over. I want to be treated like how women in the 1950's were treated. Should be happy to pay for me.
For the three dates i ever were in, i used the rule of three.
Suggest you pay, if she declines insist twice, if she still declines, let her pay.
There are women who expect you to pay, decline at first just to test you and ones that actually want to pay.
This way satisfies all three
If there's a good chance she's going to put out, I'll pay. If not, we split it.
If she's clearly just a bitch looking for a free meal, I go to the bathroom on her and disappear.
are you a woman in the 1950s?
tell them i'm broke and see if they'll pay for me
>I want to be treated like how women in the 1950's were treated.
Cool, I'll pay the meal, slip a roofie in your drink and rape you in my Ford
I've once paid for her on a date without her asking because I was in a good mood and I felt like the ultimate cringelord. We had a few more dates after that but didn't get laid. Never in my life had I paid for a girls food before or made them presents (not even bday presents) and still got laid. So my advice don't fucking pay, let her pay for her own stuff.
For the first few dates until I believe she's into me and we're a couple, split the bill
>wanting premarital sex
>Cool, I'll pay the meal, slip a roofie in your drink and rape you in my Ford
this is my experience.
due to feminism and current eyar bullshit, it is encouraged that in the first 2-3 dates, u should go dutch. there are a lot of women taht disagree with this, as they will try tot ake advantage of u and make u pay for her shit cuz ur le man and all that shit, but about 50% of women will go dutch just because it makes them look good and also tehy dont wanna be in a position where they have to "owe" u shit. after a while when u have been seeing each other for some time, its safe to pay for her completely, or she will pay for u completely as well. this is a test u niggas need to put her through.
now, in most cases, if the girl actually likes u from the first date and onwards, she wants u to pay for her. i dont really see the logic here but it happens quite a bit. sure tehre are girls who take advantage of it, but if u arent a total retard u shold be able to see when ur being played and wen shes actually interested.
the sad truth is, as a man, u should be ready to pay for her no matter what. traditional roles for women may have gone away, but they remain the ssame for men
this user who types like a retard is wise. listen to him
>Should be happy to pay for me.
Why should I be happy to pay for your bullshit? I'd do it as a treat now and then if we were dating long term, but you can fuck off if we've only recently started dating and you want me to basically give you free shit.
typing like this also pisses off normies, its actually p funny desu
Cool, I'll pay for your meal and then take you home and slap the shit out of you
well yeah, tyrone has experiences with da bitches
I tried to pay for my 2nd and last GF (the relationship lasted a month and I am still a virgin to this day) and when I tried to pay she vehemently refused to the point where she raced to the clerk to pay for our meal. If I ever date again I'll just ask if we can go dutch and split it 50/50.
Basic economics: Feminists destroyed the labour market and wages are so dogshit that most people can't afford to pay for you. You doubled the labour pool by pushing women into the work force. Now men can't afford to take care of your lazy ass.
Good job feminism.
But normalfags type like that...
>Waiting for her to get her gold-digging tenterhooks into you before getting what you came for
Half and Half, except if they're poor, then I'd do it out of courtesy.
If you're gonna be a 50's housewife I see no issue desu
>if i asked them out
i pay, won't take no for an answer
>if they asked me out
i offer to pay, but if they want to chip in or cover the tip i'm ok with it
the best part of dating my ex was that she was a feminist "wammen are god's gift to earth" type but she was cheap as fuck because she constantly wanted to pay for herself to make a point.
if I actually got sex every time then I would be absolutely okay with OP pic's arrangement.
Usually I'd alternate with my gfs instead of splitting. Then whoever didn't pay picks up the impulse groceries.
no they dont, they type proper enough so ppl think theyre smart and shit. it makes them look better. i just refuse to change myself to fit in
also this but I pick up the first date no matter what
lel im not even black but im not white either
five bucks on latino
I'm still studying and my boyfriend is pretty wealthy, so honestly he pays for most of our dates.
I never ask him to go out anywhere that I can't afford, if I ask him to go out I pay myself for both of us. I'm very thankful for the fact that he wants to spend money on me. I'm happy if we spend time at home doing nothing.
Every time I have some extra money, I spend it on him (dates, gifts, trips) - I spend more money on him than I spend on myself when it comes to things I don't need.
If I don't have money (for example one time I had to spend 1800$ for something and had no more cash left), I usually tell him upfront that he'll need to cover all the costs for a while, and otherwise we can stay at home not doing shit.
If you are a good little submissive 50s girl and put out, we have a deal.
Else fuck off and pay your own shit.
well, i am brown,,,
This seems like a comfy arrangement, but I'd feel uncomfortable being on a position of dependence.
I don't depend on him financially, I can provide for myself. But I don't have money for extra luxuries. If I wasn't dating him I wouldn't go out for dinner, go to the movies, go to the theatre, go to get drinks, travel - I'd sit at home not doing shit but studying. Which is fine by me, but if he wants to do those things with me he has to cover the costs for now.
When I graduate next year, and get a job, we can split everything.
That's not what I mean. What I mean is that he could lever the fact that he pays in order to exert influence in an argument or something.
I don't know yet ahhjhhhjgggg
i've never even gone on a date before but it'd depend on how well it went/if the person i'm dating was a good person or an asshole
>me going out on a date
h-h-haha good one
He never would, he is the best person I've ever met and the kindest, most selfless human being I know.
I trust him completely on this one, he pays for me because he wants to. He knows how touchy I am on this argument, he never would bring it out to hurt me. He's unironically a good person.
I'm very happy for the both of you. I hope I get to meet someone like that too. Have a good day, user.
I wish you all the best. Have a good day too, user.
I have a right to make money; it's called capitalism.
can you guys try to imagine it in your head though. i'm imagining having a panic attack on our date and then getting publicly humiliated and dumped haha
>I want to be treated like how women in the 1950's were treated
This, which is why I won't date women who won't pay.
Going to an expensive restaurant is a retarded way to go on a first date. You'll be too busy eating to actually talk and get to know each other much like how its bad idea to go to the movie theater on the first date because you're going to end up sitting in silence together for 2 hours and be in the same spot as when you started off 2 hours before. For my first date I'd probably go for a coffee/tea because there isn't much commitment and if she isn't feeling it she doesn't have to feel obligated to stick around. It isn't much of a problem to spend a few dollars on a coffee for someone so I wouldn't mind paying.
If you take someone out on a first date and spend 500 dollars on them without knowing who they, are you're retarded.
I pay for my own meal and pay for my date using the parents credit card.
Date 60+ men desu and they will pay.
Why would want to go on with the women who are shit testing you?
>Going to a [...] restaurant is a retarded way to go on a first date
It also is hard to bail if it's going to shit. You'll have to wait for the bill before you can leave (legally of course).
is this a poor person problem?
it's just dinner lol
Look at this fucking chad here
Despite feminism, women generally expect you to pay. At least in the U.S. If you don't, there are plenty of men who will, and you are competing with them.
why do they always do this fucking retarded shit
it lets them play anything off as nonsense. if they act oblivious they don't have to fess up to responsibility.
Here is what you do
>Buy expensive looking suits and ties from salvation army.
>Get them tailored
>Pick up Tinder thot in black SUV wearing a suit and your grandpa's gold jewelery.
>Have good hairstyle
>Get Groupon for expensive restaurant. Use two coupons and split up bill in private.
>Pat for your own at super discounted rate.
>Pay for hers using dad's credit card
>Impress her with how rich you look
Offer to pay for her shit, if she accepts without even thinking about it or just thinks it's the normal shit, then there's no second date.
Yeah there are lots of 60+ men who will especially.
I just offer to always pay regardless. It's common curtesy where I'm from
As a man I prefer to pay but I appreciate them at least offering or making a fuss
Playing mind games like a woman makes you as pathetic as them you massive fag. Men dont play games
hey dude, i said that it was my experience. maybe i jsut got it good
If you're hot then yeah you don't have to pay for women but if you are a normal guy then you have to pay for sex, one way or another.
I sort of relate to this.
>be me
>never want men to pay for me
>whenever I like boys I bake for them, buy them birthday gifts, draw them pictures, etc.
>some of my male friends are grateful but I've definitely had guys exploit my kindness and ask me to buy beer, thank me for "being so cool" and then ignore me for Stacey all night
>know girls with borderline personality disorder who ruin peoples' lives and are complete thots who get free comic con tickets from guys
>men never offer to buy me anything or do anything nice for me
It's not so much that I want men to buy me things, it's more, "why doesn't anyone do anything nice for me when I'm pretty nice".
So I relate to this comic in that as I get older, having a guy not even offer to buy me dinner becomes increasingly depressing, even if I don't relate to the "rollercoaster" part and would tell the guy he doesn't have to.
t. Ugly chick
Every time I see this psycho's drawings I'm reminded why foot binding was a thing.
>"why doesn't anyone do anything nice for me when I'm pretty nice".
>t. Ugly chick
Really gets the noggin jogging doesn't it?
men pay for the bill... not that complicated?
her comics are interesting
It's not hard to be a reasonably attractive woman. Just don't be that fat. On the other hand, if you aren't born a certain way, you will NEVER be an attractive man.
Any woman stupid enough to find herself alone in a vehicle with me late at night is basically asking me to fulfill my purpose in life. This ride may never end but that one sure as shit will. God fuckin help you, it will.
women have paid for themselves while with me but i doubt im hot, im still a virgin
They gotta pay half desu.
I've only went on 1 date the chick refused to do that so i just got up and left because i already paid and ordered my food before the date started lol.
Why shouldn't chicks pay half if a lot of them bitch about equality all the time, only fair right?
I'm sorry but this attitude seems extremely parasitic to me, chicks have their own jobs and education its not the 30s anymore lol.
I don't pay even for my gf
I never pay for anyone, this is for beta cucks
Aren't guys suppose to "oh I'll pay this time, you'll pay for the next"? At least that's how I do it. That way you get to be chivalrous for the first date and be fair at the same time.
>her inability to use birth control is the same thing as regrets during war time
What a funny roastie. We'll abort her last.
>he doesn't get them to pay for him
reminder women will pay chad, your life is a meme and you are a slave, an atm to women who don't even like you simply because you're not good looking.
If I ask someone out on a date, I pay. If she wants to have dinner, we split. If she askes me out, she pays.
It's not rocket surgery.
Preaching to the choir here, bucko.
I'm not fat. And men can compensate for ugliness. Women can't.
My dad is 62 and his dating years were the 70s
> men can compensate for ugliness
no they can't, women only want good looking men
The only thing that matters when determining sexual attractiveness to a woman is how you look, so, no, you can't compensate for it, unless you're willing to pay for her.
i suppose if you've been dating for a while then splitting it evenly makes sense (assuming you both make similar income)
It's just a human courting ritual. why not buy your fiancee a plastic wedding ring? there's even more reason to do that.
call me oldschool but i think it's a nice gesture and all girls like to be taken care of to some extent. if you do it in a casual, non-patronizing way I can't imagine what kind of girl wouldn't find that admirable.
Ideally we'd pay for our own shit. I don't expect or even want chivalry, your money is your money. That way if I wanna fuck off I have nothing to regret.
I guess it's a good reminder why it's a bad idea to go for Asian women.
Will you be a stay-at-home mother? Will you cook me a nice meal every single night and clean the house every single day? Are you a virgin? If you want 1950s-tier treatment you need to be a 1950s-tier woman.
I showed my asian gf this and she cried at how heartless this is.
>If they don't pay, then its over. I want to be treated like how women in the 1950's were treated. Should be happy to pay for me.
We were happy to pay, and then feminism happened. There is no incentive for us to pay now. There used to be a tradeoff where we would be chivalrous and provide for you and you would nurture us and take care of the home. Now you want us to still provide for you but without fulfilling your end of the bargain. You can't have it both ways.
take good care of your asian gf user
>I guess it's a good reminder why it's a bad idea to go for Asian women.
Or the westernized ones who have had a lot of boyfriends anyway.
>I want to be treated like how women in the 1950's were treated
Then you need the 1950's paycheck to come back.
Someone has some issues.
But those women were actually worth it!?!
The format of her comics reminds me of a nightmare world version of My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness.
>Should be happy to pay for me.
with that attitude I'm surprised people have even bothered to sit at the same table as you long enough to have a meal
Paying is a shit-test women do. They want betas to pay for their shit and treat them like a queen but they'll gladly rim the dirty asshole of a random Chad they meet in a party.
These whores aren't worth it.
whoever asks the other person should pay imo.
Very convenient for women since they get to sit on their asses and wait for men approach them.
When its an (official) date, the one that invites pays
A casual date with no clear invite on one side, everyone for themself or 50-50
Going out when in relationship already is best to just pay when one can, sometimes me sometimes the other side, just keeping it more or less even
If one side cannot effort it its ok, one can cut going out so much or made up for it by doing other things, but if one demand to be paid for its just toxic
I don't even wanna know what the person who made this is like
If I invite someone out I'll pay, if they invite me out I expect them to pay although I wouldn't be too upset if they wanted to go 50-50. If we're already in a committed long-term relationship I would expect either 50-50 or trade off paying each date night.