Daily reminder that people in Michigan are still drinking lead and neither the state nor federal government can be...

Daily reminder that people in Michigan are still drinking lead and neither the state nor federal government can be fucked to do anything about it

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The only Michiganders drinking lead are nig-nogs and white trash in Flint.

It's Flint's fucking fault for D/Cing from the Detroit Main and restarting 100 year old pipes, cunt. The rest of the state is just fine, you fucking retard.

Yes, the majority of Michigan. They're still humans and still Americans. Does it not make you feel a little weird that our government would allow this? If you make under a certain amount of money or live in a certain part of America, they'll literally poison you and no one will give a fuck.

>They're still humans and still Americans
To me, any who live under the Bridge are just Trolls. Superior will become independent.
t. Yooper.

>I'm retarded because a city is using 100 year old pipes and the city refuses to do anything about it
>I'm retarded because the former president went to this city and drank their water to "prove" it was good
>I'm retarded because people go door-to-door, testing the water and cheating to make it seem like there's no lead in the water
>I'm retarded because no one cares to force flint to use newer pipes and not endanger the lives of their citizens
>I'm the retard

>he doesn't know about MKUltra

Nigga this shit's been a thing for years. Govt.'s never given a fuck about the common man.

Yup, you're fucking retarded for sue.

Sociopaths like you are part of the issue.

I'm a sociopath because I want to turn the U.P. into Finnish Exclave?

Sounds like someone should be putting pic related at every corner for big bux

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There are now 70 places in Michigan with higher lead levels than Flint just because nobody fixed it.

We're also drinking water contaminated with fire fighting chemicals too and theres some weird lake of poisonous chemicals under a2.
Let's not forget all the shit under Middland thanks to Dow.

>nig-nogs and white trash in Flint
>Yes, the majority of Michigan

I can see you've been drinking the lead-water, too, you illiterate cunt.

What's in Michigan besides flint and Detroit?

Paradise, user. Paradise.

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Flint is smaller than Lansing and Grand Rapids and several of Detroit's satellite cities.

How long until they start blaming the water for nignogs having low IQ?

And Trenary Toast.

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fuck Michigan anyway

Ohio detected, me thinks.

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Why should we care? How does this effect us

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Drinking Lead Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From Flint Like Nigga Go Somewhere Else Haha