Really desperate for a boyfriend so I decided to be a bitch and look for one on r9k. I still have standards though so if you don't look like pic related then don't even try.
Drop your discord if you look like this
:thinking: did you fuck up to attatch the right pic, or is this a meme?
You are an adorable dork.
never ate those, would try if you would make it for me
I don't get it ... is that poutine?
It's curry balls my guy
So only Hindus then?
Memeing my guy
Haha nice. Thank you user, very cool!
Bogdan 5632, please be my gf
hi my name is literally curry
please kill me
Do not worry curry, It sounds like a cute and original nickname!
where are you from anyway?
I would be surprised if this was original
Hrrr I'm from Europe. I'm in rich white cheese land.
Not here for the boyfriend thing, just control-f'ing to find discord threads to drop in, I need friends
I like to talk about dota and music
first countries came into my mind was England, Italy and Netherlands but probably none of those, I'm pretty stupid to know things like you mentioned. none of mentioned are close to me anyway
Switzerland. And aw F
SquirtingForJesus#1007 add me
fuck I swear to god I was thinking about Switzerland too but I wasn't sure about that so I didn't want to write it in my reply. still far away tho, I'm from Hungary
So you want an Indian guy who wants to teabag you?
Ahhhhr thats not too far! I HATE driving through hungarian border because they are so strict with controlling >.
If you're an actual woman and are insane enough to throw yourself amongst us, well, I'm not looking for a gf but I am looking for a woman to talk and do shit with. All my guy friends bore the fuck out of me. I've always been the kinda guy who just gets along better with women. Not the pussy or twink fairy motherfucker type, crazy dom, aggressively playful and really couldn't care less about how equal you want to feel. I'll demean the shit out of you for a laugh, but it will come from the right place.. But yeah, I'm lookin for a "friend", so if you're down..
Throwaway: [email protected]
^ Don't question it.
pretty far considering I'm a youngfag, don't own a driving license or a car at all, still looking for job, never was outside of Hungary and pretty afraid of traveling. unlucky. whatever I don't look like curry balls at all
>doesnt look like curry balls
Wow I just wasted so much time of my life on a non curry balk guy wow rip F
Jokes aside thats ok im not actually looking for a bf but was fun talkin to u user i hope u get to see the world some day. I am in a similar position therefore I feel u
U rly just posted ur email lmao goodbye r9k
well I can post my Discord ID if you want to talk more or an another time, if talking is what you want I'm capable of that
So the secret to ousting a roastie whore from my board is dropping some throwaway deets? Take notes, brothers. The champion of Kavatch blesses you with his presence.
>this man has never found a girl not adorable
well some of my friends are browsing Jow Forums and r9k too but I stopped caring if they see me posting, my posts are pretty obvious anyway
my discord is Marker#3537
whats your rank
me adding you is essential to this