Femanons would you like to be muscle girls?

Femanons would you like to be muscle girls?
why? why not?

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Cause it's gross, roided up girls look like butch trannies.

>t. scared of getting beat up by other girls


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No, because guys don't like it. They always want petite, smol girls. I'm already big, I don't want to get bigger.

Can't agree.
For example look at that both bodies are muscular and look fine.
I will even say I strongly prefer the body on the right.

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yes it's cool
never going to happen to me though i hate working out it just makes me feel bad

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I have never heard of a wheyfu which is single(unless she really wants this).
There are a lot of guys who like small though.
I think the worst is being in the middle(normal) than no one is really interested.
People don't like average things.

I gain muscle easily, and had guys shitting on me all my life because of this. Saying I look like a man, that it's not natural for a girl to look like me, if I took steroids.
Your idea that the average guy likes muscular girls is biased by the fact that you want to fuck one.

Had the same.
It stopped after half a year of working out so there's no easy way.
To be fair I lost even more time because before I was doing cardio which still was making me feel bad and wasn't even giving any results(cardio is the most overrated thing I know).
Lifting heavy helped after some time.
I am still not big but I am not into roids.
Probably in few years I will achieve what I want.
But I have nice biceps already.

I am fem. And I have bf and some muscle.
But I can agree if your body is build in shape of a square it will look ugly and manly on woman.
This is why woman shouldn't do abs exercises with twisting. Instead do a lot of shoulder and butt/legs exercises this will give you muscle hourglass figure which many guys like.
Also I am not saying every guy likes this.
But many do and muscle girls are still rare(it's becoming popular fast though) so it's very easy to find a nice guy who is into it.

I'm already black and tall with manface and a low voice. Add muscles to that and I will pretty much only attract repressed gay men.

relatively muscular female here
i didn't start lifting because i wanted to be muscular
i guess it started as a casual activity because i dont do anything else, and i was trying to lose weight at the time anyway

eventually it devolved into an autistic competition with myself to make the number on the weights i could lift bigger

I have a perfect hourglass shape to begin with. I gain a lot on my legs and on my shoulders.
And guys still don't like it. Because I have a big frame to begin with, and muscles add to that, and make me look bigger than I am. I just look huge and not cute.
And no guys ever liked me when I worked out seriously. When I started working out less (just cardio) and eating less (800 kcal), guys thought I was much cuter.

Nice story user.
I started working out with my boyfriend.
Then he stopped going to gym because of some injury. I was still doing it, slowly going for heavier and heavier weights.
After a year I decided I like having muscle and start counting calories which gave much better results.

Work on getting thick muscular thighs, they will make you look better for sure.

Would you date a smol skinny robot?
A-asking for a friend

I want the opposite, a hamplent gf 2bquietcantorwithyousensei

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(on the right)
These and picrel are what I would be more than fine with. I am not that big now but going for it.

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Why do women not realize they can build muscle and sharpen definition without becoming masculine she-beasts with clit dicks? Just don't take steroids (or at least nothing stronger than anavar) and it won't happen you stupid roasts.

It sounds based but I'm autistic and lifting can't solve that

I can only get off to fitness chick porn an none of those girls are as hot as this Varbie.

If you're a dude who is attracted to muscular women

You're literally a faggot

Because some idiots recommend them to do cardio or workout with light weight focusing on legs only.
And they often can get results only taking roids because with these exercises you won't help them get any muscle.
Var isn't that bad though.

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>all these girls can develop nice muscles and gainz
>Im a young man in the prime of my life and after working out 2 years I still looked like shit

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Why not become autistic musclefu though?

I'm working to become one.

It's hard and often demotivating, and while I've been trying to get as far as possible without steroids, it can be really frustrating to watch some other girl go from being a beanpole to being bigger than me in the space of half a year when I've been sweating away at this for nearly two.

Granted, I've only seen that happen twice, but it's a kick in the nards each time.

I can tell you right now that almost every one of these girls will have a professional trainer, or a pile of illegal prescription steroids, an academic athletics background, or all fucking three.

Making it alone is hard. The people (especially women) who get big put hundreds, even thousands of dollars into doing it.

I want to be and am working towards it. Although I mainly just want to be toned with a little bit of abs showing like her, but I don't want those massive arms--they look fat, not muscular.

>tfw no lifting fembot to motivate and encourage to lift more
too bad strong girls don't appreciate weak guys

I appreciate twinks who are of at least average strength and shorter than me, but they never appreciate me...

The one that you posted is by no stretch of logic a musclegirl.

that's because you're a dirty tranny

W-what if they are below average strenght?

most muscle girls on the heavy side of exercise have disgusting boobs unless they get a boobjob.
if they have large tits its 100% a boobjob.

Got my gf to join anytime fitness, but she just goes to yoga and boxing classes or uses machines.
What can I do to inspire her to lift free weights?
I'll be going with her to show her how but will her just knowing what to do be enough motivation?

no. she has arms like a man and she's probably hard. i wanna be soft.

Go with her to gym and learn her how to lift heavy weights.(just buy 3 month tickets for you and take her there so she will get used to it, gym has some bad taboo which makes woman afraid of it)
Also compliment progress and award her with massages.

Fatties who think additional lean mass will do anything but make them look better

This too still look good, anymore and they start to look disgusting like bobs get deformed with bigger muscles.

Depends on how muscular we're talking about. I'd love to have some subtle abs and tonnage, I like to bully in the older sibling kind of way so being able to do shit like flex or tightly hug a guy would be great. I wouldn't want to be mostly muscle though, it would never be the main focus of my lifestyle so I wouldn't want to give off that impression.

>Tfw no qt martial arts gf who will let me nut on her abs
Let me escape this cruel fate

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guys like taller/bigger girls but you have to get with a smol boy instead of always looking for taller men

I would definitely appreciate you but I'm a shut in and will never interact with you or any one like you irl. but in case I do do you have any tips for finding people like you?

I have stated before I will do it again:

>Muscular women scare more than being social

Yeah, but probably to what the girl in that pic is and not above that. I want to be feminine but strong.

But my body refuses to gain muscle, so

I'm on okcupid and any girl that says "i prefer him to be taller" on their preferences I instantly block, even if I am taller than them. Guess what though, literally 90+% of women have that as an option, the only one I can remember was a 6'3 black girl that kind of asked me out but she was too social for me. I need some one cool with chilling out inside and not spending thousands of dollars on going to concerts and shit a month.

the handjobs

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How tall are you? I could shave and be a twink. I have a thing for taller girls, m-maybe we could go hiking or rock climbing together...

I dont really care to be honest. I work for the body type that my boyfriend wants me to have which is curvy but with a flat stomach

Eat more. Or go to powder, and beat the shit out yourself with heavy weights. And just remember, it's a grind.

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