Jow Forums Secret Santa 2018 #30

Archived #28 >>How does it work?
People will post their Amazon wiishlist link according to the instructions below, thanks guys. People who enter the thread may post their list at will, and it is your decision to gift who you want.
>Does my address get shown?
Your city and state, and shipping name. Refer to the instruction image below. Shipping name can be anything you want.
>How will I know if something has been bought for me?
Items disappear off your list after being purchased. You can also go to your list, press Filter and Sort, then select Purchased.
>Will the information of the gifter be shown to the recipient?
No, all of your information will be protected. The recipient will not see any info.
>How can I post my Wishlist without being blocked by the filter?
Press the Share Envelope and copy the permalink. If that doesn't work, remove the dot from your link.
>Why should I gift something? I'm not gonna get anything in return!
This is a different take on a Secret Santa, where anyone can gift or get from anyone. If you're feeling generous, please do consider giving back to others.
>Last year people bought stuff for others and then cancelled them to epic fucking troll us!
And they did that the previous year, and the year before that too. It happens when you have amazon wishlists, it's disappointing to lose out on a gift, but the item will just go back on your list like they never screwed with you at all.
Remember to have a good time, a lot of us don't have much else going for us in the year, so this event can be fun if you follow the guidelines and tips. Remember to post images of whatever you get so we can make new compilations, big thanks to all participants this year and on and so on and so on and such.

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Other urls found in this thread:

DO NOT "INVITE" PEOPLE TO YOUR LIST, use "send list to others" instead, thanks


>heh, you fuckin idiots...last year i got an epic haul by making fake addresses and got tons of gifts for doin it this time again too :))))

>look at all these things you guys bought my baby, that i totally didn't buy off my own wishlist and post pics with to fuck the thread up!

>god damnit this shit again??? clogging up the top threads of r9k, how else am i gonna see 10 trap threads?????



>Do not reply to anons claiming to have ##$ for any anons replying to their reply.

>Do not engage with Rich Fags

>Grinchers want attention, do not give them attention thanks

>keep the thread comfy

>do not have Nintendo Switches on your list

>If you claim to have bought something, post proof in the thread

>Trip codes are welcome and even encouraged in this thread

>Do not respond fall for, "Hi, just off to work, I'll look when I get back but here is my list NOW" or "I don't have money rn, but I get paid this Friday, this is my link NOW btw" thanks you guys original

>Don't reply to bait in general thanks

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cutfag user here

Reminder to check wishlists you gifted to 1-2 days after you buy the gift

if the address changed then you got scammed

t. got scammed

Got grinched last thread. Lets see if anons are around.
Hopefully my work week goes well so I can give back thursday like last time.

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First for rich fag


Read the image. Richfag and rog were trying to scam robots and ruin the whole thing.

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i don't know how to prove that i'm not a scammer but i really hope you guys can look past this stuff

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Hey boys! Merry Christmas everyone I hope you all had a wonderful day.

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imagine still believing this

What's even the point of "grinching" if everyone knows about it now? You can still buy the grinched gifts off of wish lists, so what's the big commotion?

Good Sunday.

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Good evening lads

Autists trying to stay relevant. Ignore that shit.

Hey, I'd love to do some drawing requests for anybody that wants one.
How's everybody doing on this fine December day?

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Can you draw Nao tomori being cute?

>Ignore that shit
That's my plan. Just wish it was also everyone else's. People are going nuts for no reason at this point.

Thanks c: much love!!

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You can't still buy gifts off a grinched list. That's a lie the scammers have been posting.

I got scammed for 50 euros. Ignoring it isn't okay.

what was your favorite thing to find in your stocking? i always loved those big plastic candy canes filled with M&Ms

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basement remodel going nicely, might be done by Christmas
I should spend money on furniture instead of gifts and weeb figures. Prolly won't though.
As tradition, how was all your Second day of December?

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could you draw a cute doodle of me and my boyfriend? pics related

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here's my bf hehe

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pls draw my alpha waifu!

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>That's a lie the scammers have been posting.
...Well fuck. Guess I was wrong. Still ignoring it, though.

How? It's not like they can change the shipping adresses.

I was thinking the same shit user.

draw more astolfo originally

You can't add items to the cart already purchased. You can only add items from your own wish list to your own cart. If you try to add any one else's account it says it's already been bought.

No wait, I wasn't wrong. I just tested it out. You CAN still buy someone a gift if they've been grinched. You must be one of the lying scammers yourself. lol

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Mewwy Chwismas Anonfrens. Have more Chwismas hat Pepe edits from yours truly, fwogfag.

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Good afternoon guys and gals!

Thank you very much to whoever sent me the Time Machine! I so greatly appreciate it!!!!! The Christmas magic is real!

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merry trapmas Jow Forums!!

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I just tested it out on the cutfag guy's list. You can still buy a grinched wish list gifts, but it'll warn you saying the item might've been bought already.

I've bought something for someone that "already was bought" and it shipped.

Friendly reminder to stay hydrated and quit posting porn in a wholesome bread.

ah damn somebody grinched me???

yeah, but it still can easily dissuade someone from purchasing something on the list if they think it's already been bought. plus, i ignored that warning thinking someone had been grinched, when in reality he had been gifted. i had to cancel and pick a new item. it definitely complicates things.

I Hope god cares this year.

Toothbrushes and gum. It's always nice to switch toothbrushes often

This one's name is Breanny.
This one's name is Arianne.
Huh, weird.

Did I miss anything since last thread? I talked a nurse into grabbing me a book my mom brought over for me.

Oh shit, dude. Sorry you had to find out like this. I kinda thought you knew.

oof thats rough, could have sworn i changed my name.

I added a new structure deck that my friend recommended getting. Any Yugibros? What do you think of this one?

I've been posting since about thread #10 and you're the first one to call me out congrats

its ok i didn't know, i guess i shouldnt really have expected to do something nice and have nice things happen to me in return desu, thats not how life works

i just want some manga boys
merry december 2nd

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Ayy here. It's alright. I get paid Thursday if all goes well I'll probably snatch it up for ya.

Oh, and this one's name is Anna.
Very interesting...
A cheap movie to watch would be nice, haven't seen Minority Report or Mandy yet, I don't mind used copies either

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Thanks! I've only ever played online with my friends, but I've started playing hours upon hours every day. I really want to get into it

>purchased 3rd
>purchased 3rd
>purchased 2nd
Well, maybe you got some waifu sleeves bro.

And this one is named Tara. Wow...

I won't let the grinch ruin my Christmas.

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senpai why u gotta do this? just let us take part in it too. not like it's going well for anyone else

wow. that's insane. females on the internet?? no fucking way.

And another roastie lurks the thread! This one is named Felicia.

Noticed that. Hope I'm not getting grinched everytime. Hoping at least one user sends something.

It's not like anyone else is participating. You and your batshit insane conspiracies chased everyone away. I hope you and your friends are happy.

i forgot my list cus ima dumbass

That's not the point, you stupid whiteknighting faggot. Now I see why the scammers and grinches are doing whst they're doing. It's dumb, petty and pointless, but now I see exactly what their motivation is.

I knew this tiny ass porter at a dealership named Felicia. I wanted to take her back to my place and tosser her around like a fuck doll.

We're still here the fuck are you talking about?

who cares if you hate roasties? you don't have to buy anyone with a female name anything. fucking grinch apologist!

I haven't made any conspiracy theories, you whiny cunt. I'm off doing my own thing exposing leeching roasties like you.

What's my roastie name user?

>25 UIDs
Nah, plenty of us know the tradition. I'll buy for anons who obviously got grinched.

No, their motivation is attacking everyone who they think was using discord because they weren't invited. No one was getting grinched until someone started whining about trannies and discord.

so, roasties are leeches and all the dudes begging for action figures aren't? stop gatekeeping, faggot. only grinches try to stir up drama in the thread.

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An item i want is sold out, i made the purchase before stock ran out, but it has yet to ship.
Does Amazon reserve items the moment you order it?

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cutfaggette here since im outted, does anybody know how long it takes for your wishlist to be restored after being grinched?

Hoping a get this job at a Lexus dealership when I move. Most nonretail employers aren't too kind to younger people tho. Hopefully I don't end up in retail again.

a co/cW4SLl1

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I'm not a girl you autistic faggot. Fuck off back to

Yea, it's just like ebay like that


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I already bought two gifts. I just want to participate

Robots having a Christmas dinner?

My nigga, if I wasn't a filithy neet begger I'd help you out, that kaiba set is fire as fuck.

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Either talk with pajeet or deal with it. People can still buy stuff off your list and can tell that it's grinched

oh woops sorry, i didnt realize i had it filtered to unpurchased only, my list was showing up blank

Yea, I've seen a few boxes opened at my lgs and it's packed.

Then they know to show tits or GTFO. last year some girl posted her brown titties and got gifts.

Fuck the roasties and their orbiting whiteknights. You're doing good work, user. Thank you for you service.
Was going to spend $250 on gifts, but not anymore with all of these whores lurking around pretending to be robots.

It's obvious who is and isnt a roastie

yeah, i just canceled $500 worth of orders because you gatekeeping roastie haters. i don't want any gifts to get in the hands of misogynists.

There are bros out there, pretty obvious who also.

Fuck off back to /r incel you fucking dickhead. Stop trying to ruin the fucking Christmas spirit just because you think everyone's a thottie.

No sense in changing my mind now. Sorry dude. I'll play the smart move and spend the money on myself this time. Maybe I'll buy you guys gifts next year.

lol as if you were going to spend any money in the first place, faggot.

This thread is a fucking shitshow. People like
Are ruining the thread complaining about who is and isn't getting gifts and everyone is getting grinched. Like I said several threads ago, these /ss/ threads need to be banned.

>obvious faggots are back trying to ruin the thread

We're a brotherhood. We can tell who is getting fucked and who isn't your false flaging won't stop us.

Fuck off then faggot
If you're so dead set on spending money yourself do so
Dont come to the thread saying you're doing so like a cuck

I agree. This is the grinch's new tactic. Don't fall for it.

my achey breaky heart

Another self proclaimed chad. Go jack off with your fellow fwen Rich fag.

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obligatory tits

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I would like to say a fourth PSA
Thank you, for gifting me storm of steel it really surprise me that surprise it came due to everyone being grinched either way thank so much for genuinely going out of your way to purchasing this for me
>thank you and Merry Christmas

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>Thank you for you service.
It's what I do