I hate rich people so fucking much every time I'm outside and see someone with a suit it drives me mad
I hate rich people so fucking much every time I'm outside and see someone with a suit it drives me mad
Just because someone's rich doesn't mean they took their money from others.
Just because your career sucks, doesn't legitimate hate towards those who are successfull.
Grow up!
That's the right path user, if you choose to study you will become a socialist, if you don't, you'll become a liberal/feminist/gays rights..
Them rich is a bunch of wall street fat cats in their suits playing with their balls
till its dinner time and they come back to their bowls with their names on it
fucking fat fucks eating like kings while we starve here destitute with cock in hand
I tell ya there should be something against be damickey these days I tell tell ya
Grow up, mate.
>Just because someone's rich doesn't mean they took their money from others.
It's not 100% sure, it's something like 75% sure they took their money from others.
Most of the people on suits I meet are from banks and offices I pass through on my commute so you're pretty much wrong.
So you're teling me person A who works 5 times more hours than person B is a thief towards person B? Ridiculous.
Of if person A has got a profession that statistically grants them 5 times more income takes the money from you, 'cause you're too lazy/dumb/whatever to take the job that grants you the equivalent income?
>doesn't mean they took their money from others.
They did: parents, companies on the verge of bankruptcy, corruption and others.
Social mobility today is a meme, it is literally non-existent. Hope next time you see a guy driving a Koenigsegg you make sure to suck his balls because surely """""he worked for it""""" and totally isn't rich because daddy's rich or came from a well connected family, or simply got "lucky" playing the stocks game as an insider, ruining hundreds of hard working families and their savings.
He's talking about really rich people, like those who own things and make 7 digits a years not about an eng. or economists that is a little more rich than a menial worker.
You know that most really rich people don't work much, most of them work less than 30 hour as week in ponny jobs.
If you're not willing to sacrifice your consciouse, free time, devotiaon to morality, or whatever necesseary to get the money, you're so greedy about, it's not the fault of the person who's willing to so.
"We're all whores, we just sell different parts of our bodies".
>They did
So the son of a rich person, who has the luck to be born in the right place STOLE his car from some people who could never afford it, due to their unrewarding profession?
No, the son of a rich person clearly worked 4 times more than you, and because of his hard work he deserves that car more than you.
How would you know, what he's talking about? He determined the term 'rich' by wearing a suit.
You can get a fucking suit for 30 bucks.
I'm most certainly not defending the "super rich elite" (even if it sound, by your selective reeading, as if I'd do) but more trying to explain you, that if you are not willing to sacrifice certain parts of your life and soul, you're not able to achieve that wealth.
And being jealous 'cause of unwillingness to sacrifice is just pityfull.
Just for your information, I work for the least salary possible in my country and don't bitch about people who earn more.
People that get rich by their own work are the best a society has to offer and should always be respected.
People that were born rich, got rich with "investiments", got wrich with crime or plain dishonestity are scum that should burn.
Saying "anyone that's rich is bad" is stupid, saying "anyone that's rich deserves it and you shouldn't be jelly" is just as stupid.
Fucking this, but most of the richfags today belong to the second line.
So the gift you parents give you, you don't deserve in general?
Give back those 5 bucks your father could give you only by nearly starving to death for a week.
What people deserve is not yours to tell, espacially regarding gifts by your parents.
I'm simply talking about people who get jobs, that reward you with more salary or people who work more in comparison to those, who aren't willing to attend that profession and afterwards bitch about how unfair life is.
LIFE IS UNFAIR! So get a fucking unfair job to get what you want, or simply lower your standards, 'cause being jealous about other peoples' belongings simply makes you sad and pathetic.
>Be black kid from projects
>Go to law school
>Graduating and secured 190K job
Dude. In America social mobility exists. There's no fucking excuse not to get an education. Even if you're broke as fuck, student loans are available to citizens. Then you work fucking hard, get scholarships, and fucking ride the wave of hard work.
That said, yes, there are corrupt wealthy folks. Think leaders of corporations who exploit poor nations, employing people in sub-humane conditions and extracting wealth (diamonds, metals, whatever) and then selling such materials abroad for over ten, fifty, hundred-times what they pay their laborers. But outside folks who make their bank in such an exploitative fashion, don't see what the rage is. I will add I sometimes think how lucky people are to be born into wealth. I grew up without a dad, as many young, especially minority men do. But no excuses. ever.
because they know how to work hard for what they want
>Saying "anyone that's rich is bad" is stupid, saying "anyone that's rich deserves it and you shouldn't be jelly" is just as stupid.
Most completely right.
Explained my ideas towards "gifts by parents" in another comment. But here again: If your father worked for it, what's wrong with buying you a car? Should he leave you on your own, so you possibly get no job, 'cause you have no car to reach it? That's completely immoral.
Those that belong to the first line deserves your respect, so respect them.
Yes, licking some rich jerk balls in the shit hope of being rich one day like you're doing looks dar better.
>Graduating and secured 190K job
How about people with 500k, even in america you can't get that much with honest work.
>honest work.
What's honest work?
>Explained my ideas towards "gifts by parents" in another comment. But here again: If your father worked for it, what's wrong with buying you a car? Should he leave you on your own, so you possibly get no job, 'cause you have no car to reach it? That's completely immoral.
There's a huge gap between getting help and having your wealth garanted by your parents.
>rich NEET trying to teach people about life
Lmao. You go work and make as much as a poor person does, not even becoming rich on your own, and then you can teach people about how life works.
Anything that doesn't involved robbing, slealing, speculating, living on already owned wealth profits, have a position give to you by daddy, and things like this.
For examples:
Stealing cars and houses isn't honest work.
Sleeping with people to get high paying job isn't honest work.
Heiring 10.000.000 USD from your parents and living on this, isn't honest work.
Having a CFO job because you father own the company isn't honest work.
You're generalizing aswell.
If my poor daddy gave me a job in his hair styling company, I wouldn't have any financial benefits, rather deficits, 'cause the job (financially) sucks.
To go back to the topic:
If you don't believe in social mobilty, there's no point in discussion any further, since the only functional solution would be socialism, which is by definition THEFT, and therefore everyone benefititing from it a parasite, or not getting their money "honestly".
My sole point is: Don't bitch about rich people, go work or change your profession, if you're not satisfied with your current living standarts!
By crying you don't change anything at all. The so hated rich don't lose their money, neither does yours increase. You have to take action and be responsible for your own choices.
Neverthless I do condemn corruption as everyone of you does. There's no discussion about that.
>if they have a suit they're rich
fuck yeah, guess who just got moved to upper class.
Had left 30 bucks lying around? :D :D :D
>speculating is dishonest
t. too brainlet too figure out how to do it and / or too poorfag to make any meaningful gains from it
Posts with this spacing will not be answered.
I speculate to live, but I'm honest to know it's basicaly stealing random people work and don't follow a stutip ideology.
People like you exist so people like me can have a easy ride.
You just don't have no point and therefore hide behind that sentece.
Nice Saya friend
>be black
why do black people browse Jow Forums?
this makes no sense.
Rewrite what you said in a non-reddit spacing, and I will read and answers it.
I was walking like 30 feet behind some tall chad wearing a suit and pretty much every women turned and looked at him smiling and you could tell they got soaked.
Get a suit and dress like a man. Look at the 1920's proletariat's' Sunday cloathing and coats/jackets/pants/shirts. Cheap textiles absolutely destroyed durable, fixable and classic cloathing.
I litererally have never posted anything on reddit, therefore I have no clue, what the hell you're talking about.
>make semi ironic hyperbole charged thread because bored
>gets replies and some legitimate discussion
what is wrong with you freaks why do you reply to my shit threads and not the good ones
But I'm sure you post a lot on reddit, do us a favor and go back. Your kind is not welcome here for many reasons.
Who you think you are to tell what we can do on your thread?
So we can call them niggers
Go away, nigger.
There's an argument here concerning morality and the law that I don't care to open up, so I'll simply acknowledge this is what you believe and leave it there.
It's not that Black people browsing Jow Forums makes no sense. It's that you're consciously choosing to be small-minded and/or lack cognitive capacity to contemplate life in the body of someone who does not look like you.
It doesn't jog my noggin to consider why a jew would browse this site, or a woman, or a hispanic person, or anyone besides a White male. Look, many of us were born in the 90s and grew up on the internet. If that's the case, discovering Jow Forums is next to inevitable. And if you're not so thin-skinned that you can't handle people with contrary opinions or disdain for you, or so intellectually-weak that you can't argue against people who see the world differently, then there's nothing that precludes continuing to browse this website.
I hope that answers it for you, but am skeptical.
Libertarian morals aren't moral, they are just property laws mixed with divine rights
And please, this muh racism talk won't work here. No one (no even me) will read it.
>Uh oh, someone is going to undermine my world view
>Better pretend I didn't read it
You have to go back.
>I litererally have never posted anything on reddit
That statement is 100% true and I tell you that with all the honesty in my heart.
Whether you believe it or rather hide behind prejudice, to avoid the content of my comment is your choice to make.
I'm not telling you to do anything you boogeyman obsessed freak
Says the wagie.
>Whether you believe it or rather hide behind prejudice, to avoid the content of my comment is your choice to make.
I've said, rewrite in in a proper way and I'll answer it. Keep being a cunt and only speaking in reddit formating and you'll be told to go back.
I'm pretty well of and fail to see what you have against us. I even earned my wealth, was not born into it.
You came here to post that you're rich?
>it's immoral
>but I do it
man, you dogs are so fucking funny.
What is wrong in getting easy ride? While idiots like you will fight for my right to do it.
So you're incapable of any discussion due to you "opponents" use of paragraphs? You're so pathetic.
And still I don't know what "reddit formating" actually means.
I just formate my comments (by clicking enter after finishg a point), so they are rather readable than a cluster of unorganized words.
No, to argue the point there is nothing universally wrong with rich people. Besides like I said I wouldn't say I'm rich, just well off.
>only rich people where suits
Sorry kiddo, but almost anyone with a real job has to wear a suit from time to time.
You preffer to flee a discussion so you can keep your little special snowflake formating. Don't jump tow lines between pharagraps.
suits aren't expensive
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about. You're a rich neet sitting comfortably at home shitposting on daddies money. Go work one month in a manual labor job and then come tell me this bullshit
Of course he'll not, he'll stay all day long on daddy's money talking about how liberalism is great.
>You preffer to flee a discussion so you can keep your little special snowflake formating. Don't jump tow lines between pharagraps.
Are you completely retarded?
YOU are avoiding any discussion because you don't like my text formation, which has nothing to do with its' content. Therefore you're incapable of any dicussion.
I didn't flee any discussion, I'm still waiting for a reply/disagreement, but you seem to be hiding behind your fear of usefull text-formation.
Shut the fuck up. Everyone knows you are like 16 and from reddit. You arent fooling anyone. Again, go work one month fulltime in construction and then come talk shit. Useless fuck
>YOU are avoiding any discussion because you don't like my text formation
Yes I'm, and you preffer to not discuss and keep your text formation, so keep your formating and by your own choose don't discuss.
If for some reason you want to discuss, stop using that formating and we will discuss, your choose.
Unironically this. Although I try not to let anyone Irl know I think this way.
For your information, I attend university, my daddy earns like nothing - he's happy if he doesn't get in the negative numbers.
I live on my own money.
Calling me rich is basically an insult.
As stated before - I get the least possible salary legally possible in my country - and don't bitch about people who are supposedly rich or earning more.
I could laugh so hard about your comment. :D
Even though, I have comparabley no money, I don't have no problem with it, I'm quite happy with what I own. I got instruments to make music, drugs - all I want, a pretty nice gaming PC and a room and still money left for food or savings.
If you can't manage your money it's your problem.
Why not comrade? There are many people that agree with you, and some of them aren't progressive cancer. Most hardcore christians don't like capitalism.
Sure. Nice larp faggot.
Having to sperg your entire made live to show you're right in a mongolian gay cartoons site.
>16 and from reddit
I'm 20 and, as stated before, never have anything posted on reddit and only read like 2 pages about RC suppliers.
Don't tell me what you supposedly know, if it's just your imagination.
And for your information: I did construction work, whether you believe it or not.
Just because you suck at it, doesn't mean others do aswell.
You're still relying on that? Are you really telling me, you're incapable of writing an answer, because someone pressed enter between two senteces that are not connected to each other?
Are you even able to read a book or text with more than 100 words?
>literally too retarded to understand that he isnt talking about racism
you need a job that requires a suit which are hard to get. And it costs more then any other peice of clothing cause you need to take care of it and get it dry cleaned
A suit doesn't imply rich you disgusting slob.
You don't have to tell us your live, we are all anons here, not matter what you sperg.
You want to discuss, I don't have such a need, so if we are to discuss, it will be with good writing. Got it?
Communism and communists are pure evil.
t. libertarian that doesn't know what the work socialism means but knows it's EVIL.
T. Faggot who can't proofread and makes incorrect assumption
Then, please, tell me what socialism means.
The definition of socialism is a society made up of rapey faggots being cucked by theirs gfs who fuck men from other countries
Well I basically tried to contradict false allegations about me, my life, and my earnings. It's not like I told you about my lost loves. :D
If you don't have a "need" to discuss, that's completely fine. I just like discussions, to comprehend other peoples' beliefs, or to change mine due to lacks of knowledge.
What I see here is that some people disagree with me, because they imagine some things about my background instead of being constructively expressive in their opinion - which I would call a failed attempt of discussion. Furthermore the idea that my writing (due to the use of paragraphs) is bad, I 'd consider complete bullshit, 'because paragraphs decrease the amount of concentraiton to extract certain points out of a text.
But if you don't want to discuss at all it's alright. Just have a nice evening (whatever time it is in your country right now), I don't take these allegations too personally.
>suit = rich
>poor uneducated kid's logic
a suit is the uniform of the wagecuck, if you wouldn't be an inbred autist, probably you'd aim to have a wagecuck job to stop being such a poorfag that thinks rich people wear suits.
Try again, what's the definition of socialism?
Don't tell me you just know it's evil.
i don't contradict, I said that what you claim to be on Jow Forums is not relevant, if you want to argue, use facts not pessoal history.
You wrote 7 lines because you don't want to discuss with me? rs
He said absolutely nothing about racism...
It's that you're consciously choosing to be small-minded and/or lack cognitive capacity to contemplate life in the body of someone who does not look like you.
Maybe be mean to people that look different, because they look diferent is not racism after all.
>If you don't believe in social mobilty, there's no point in discussion any further, since the only functional solution would be socialism, which is by definition THEFT, and therefore everyone benefititing from it a parasite, or not getting their money "honestly".
>My sole point is: Don't bitch about rich people, go work or change your profession, if you're not satisfied with your current living standarts!
>By crying you don't change anything at all. The so hated rich don't lose their money, neither does yours increase. You have to take action and be responsible for your own choices.
>Neverthless I do condemn corruption as everyone of you does. There's no discussion about that.
Let's get back to those statements. What is personal about them?
These were the statements you claimed to be "reddit"-stuff, weren't they?
Work smarter, not harder bucko.
>I hate rich people so fucking much every time I'm outside and see someone with a suit it drives me mad
Have you ever tried, and this is just a thought...not being such a gigantic fucking faggot? The suit is a symbol of respect. That someone cares how they look and wants to look professional. You only hate it because you're the antithesis of success, you're a failure, a pussy, and likely a gross slob.
You know what happens when I walk outside in a suit? People compliment me and tell me I look great. All the time. They rarely, if ever do that when I'm dressed normally. So grow up, punk. Put away the weed the beer. Do nofap, get a job, and move out of mummy's basement, okay?
My personal opinion is that I don't read what is writen in reddit spacing, write it right and we can have a heatlh'n good talk.
>I hate rich people so fucking much every time >I'm outside and see someone with a suit it drives me mad
>should have taken a better career path, just saying
>If you don't believe in social mobilty, there's no point in discussion any further, since the only functional solution would be socialism, which is by definition THEFT, and therefore everyone benefititing from it a parasite, or not getting their money "honestly".
>My sole point is: Don't bitch about rich people, go work or change your profession, if you're not satisfied with your current living standarts!
>By crying you don't change anything at all. The so hated rich don't lose their money, neither does yours increase. You have to take action and be responsible for your own choices.
>Neverthless I do condemn corruption as everyone of you does. There's no discussion about that.
This is reddit formating.
>If you don't believe in social mobilty, there's no point in discussion any further, since the only functional solution would be socialism, which is by definition THEFT, and therefore everyone benefititing from it a parasite, or not getting their money "honestly".
>My sole point is: Don't bitch about rich people, go work or change your profession, if you're not satisfied with your current living standarts!
>By crying you don't change anything at all. The so hated rich don't lose their money, neither does yours increase. You have to take action and be responsible for your own choices.
>Neverthless I do condemn corruption as everyone of you does. There's no discussion about that.
This is not reddit formating.
There's no point in talking any further since I don't know what reddit spacing is, and you seem to be unwilling/incapable of getting into one statement after another, even if they are obviously seperated.
I'm not gonna comment any further since this has no point at all. I still wish you a good day!
Finally someone who explains it. Thank you!
Though what does it change about its' content - nothing.
If you continue to use two space between lines, I'll continue to not read what you write. Buf if using the "right" formating is more important than showing your ideas, I'm sorry for you.
I change that I'll read the content, instead of ignore it.
People that come from those sites bring habits with them. Habits like formating, political correctness, talking about their personal live as if someone would care.
The format itself is just anoying, but as you can see people that use this format also want to bring their lives to a discussion, also think a view being political incorrect make it automatically wrong, also don't stand being insulted.
>talking about their personal live as if someone would care.
How is there a way for a fruitfull discussion if someone talks about your personal life as if it was facts, linking their arguments to it, even though it's their personal idea of what you might be like 'cause of a statement, that doesn't fit in their world view?
That's why I correct them.
PC culture still is cancer in every regard.
become unironic nazbol user
This kind of trash is not welcome:
>I live on my own money.
>Calling me rich is basically an insult.
>As stated before - I get the least possible salary legally possible in my country - and don't bitch about people who are supposedly rich or earning more.
>I could laugh so hard about your comment. :D
>Even though, I have comparabley no money, I don't have no problem with it, I'm quite happy with what I own. I got instruments to make music, drugs - all I want, a pretty nice gaming PC and a room and still money left for food or savings.
>If you can't manage your money it's your problem.
I don't care, I don't believe.
eat them and be happy. it's what saya would want.
she is pure and clean. through their flesh, we become pure too.
And like this a heroic reddit fag get mad and leave, the lesson is simple: >don't take internet serious.
>wearing a suit makes you rich
Not really, it's called being presentable, kiddo.
You don't need to be rich to have some self-awareness towards how you look.
buying a suit doesn't make you rich. There are only a certain number of professions (high paying ones)where you can get away with wearing a suit without looking like a complete fool