> He still live with his parents at the age of 30...
He still live with his parents at the age of 30
Fuck off, I'm poor
There's no such thing as "poor"
>he lives in a shared flat / dorm with strangers
so? better than living alone not like any girl would want to come back to my place anyway
The thing is, i have my own place. And im 19 faggots there is no excuse.
>inb4 im poor WAAAAAAAAAAAH
No your just a faggot get a job.
Nu-uh, I'm only 28!
>niggers born in Ethiopia villages are lazy despite working all day and dying of AIDS at 7
-t retard
I still live with my parent but I also pay rent and cover my own utilities so what's the problem?
in new england thats like the standard thing unless you have a roommate or you're living with your partner, property/rent values are insane here and you usually can't pay on your own
It is 40 actually.
And why in hell would I leave my own parents hanging in the air? Because of some murican hollywood convention?
Really don't understand the western fascination of moving out asap. My parents have a nice house in a very nice area. The house has plenty of room, super fast internet, get to eat my mothers cooking and save shit tons of money since shared bills/rent. The fuck would I want to move out to some shithole shared flat in a shit area with non whites everywhere.
you probably live in some shit midwestern town with a population of 100
>get to help my parents with anything they need
>they live within walking distance of where I work
>make 70k doing programming and keep all of it
>already looking into home ownership after working for 3 years
Feels good dabbing on all the rentcucks out there.
>working to have a less comfortable and happy life
So progressive, dude!
Hey! I'll have you know I moved out last month at 28... still a hlkl virgin though.
Lets split the bills it will be magical... I think.
You're not a nigger born in Ethiopia, you live in a first world country with all the opportunity handed to you on a silver platter, it's literally just your fault for not making anything of it. You're just lazy and refuse to make something of yourself. Hard work and gumption could easily get you out of your parents house, incel. I'm 23 years old and own my household.
Shitpost begone!
Better move out and spend all my money on rent, utilities, etc just to POSSIBLY impress some worthless roastie rather than live in luxury with this free ride.
>Hard work and gumption
So you work your ass off, have to do your own laundry now and still are a retard posting on Jow Forums?
Yeah, sure seems rewarding we all salute you so much.
I moved back in with my mother and sister at 28 after I took a ton of medication and tried to kill myself but got scared at the last minute and called an ambulance...almost died lol. Now I am back in school for EE and having jaw surgery on June 10th to fix my underbite and my confidence. Is that so bad?
das rite, ho.
>he's not living with his parents to save up money
haha, enjoy your debt, pleb