Asked a chick friend if she wanted to hook up next weekend

Asked a chick friend if she wanted to hook up next weekend

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She isn't exactly a prude at least not for me ;)

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in 4 a heartbreak again, user?

Good for you user. But why are you here?

Eh one good thing about my aspergers is that I don't get attached easily even when romance is involved

>n-no! *sweating*

I'm a normie now, two years away from being illegible to get a therapist degree, have no problems with social interaction, but I used to be very shy and honestly horrible with talking when I was a teen. I know a lot of underage people who really shouldn't be here are here but I did the same so a tip to you minors, to have success with girls show them kindness and respect but never make them feel like you are only kind for their body be kind from your gentle soul and I promise things will go well

good one
you must be 18+ to post here tho

Yeah but you also need to be 18+ to visit pornhub and that is going well ain't it, kids are gonna wanna visit the "weirdo place" because they think this is funny and naughty. I would be a hypocrite if complained about minors on Jow Forums since I was one myself for a while during my late teens

Are you actually underage? Not that there's anything wrong with it. Just curios

Yeah we are curious

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Leave normalnigger

I'm pretty young, I'm 19 I've been visiting Jow Forums on and off since I was 15

user, I'm basically in the exact same situation. Can I ask, how do you do it? How do you interact with normies? I cant seem to get beyond acquantince level with any of them.

Do you have discord we could talk from there. I can go in extensive detail if you want to

Listen you little faggot bitch shove it up your ass

>do you want to hookup next weekend
>oh ok let me mark my school calender?


i'm not him or any other user that's posted in this thread, just a random drunk lurker that hasn't posted in weeks, but i'm 18, turning 19 soon, i first discovered le4chinzxD when i was barely 10 years old, and i actually found out about ""the deep web"" long before i ever stumbled across /b/, visited on and off since then, heavily active since late 15's

everyone starts out underage&b user, it only takes ~8 months to get semi-fully acclimated

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>having female friends
>having friends at all
>let alone hooking up with them
>le were all dying anyway xd hippie girl
You're both trash and deserve to die.


There's no need to talk right away if you dont want to. Whenever you feel like talking is fine

post more tits of that soulless npc
nihilism is a real bitch