Are women raised to be uninteresting, or is it genetic?

Are women raised to be uninteresting, or is it genetic?

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Being interesting is a quality you have to develop to get ahead in the world. There's no point in being interesting when life is handed to you on a silver platter, and that's how the world is for 95% of western women

Being interesting is for men, and only for a select few

It's entirely cultural. I think women have the capacity to be interesting people, there is just no incentive for it.

I've met interesting women before - they were all not conventionally attractive.

I agree with this. Most women aren't interesting, but the same is also true for men. Just to a smaller extent.

When I really think about myself, there is nothing interesting about me. I am not an interesting person.

More bots should listen to Patrice's stuff. It is honestly pretty good desu

No need to be interesting if you can grant pussy access.

How you are raised has nothing to do with your personalty (except for genuinely extreme trauma/abuse)

culture is just the phenotypic expression of the population's genotype. Our culture expects women have different personalities because they genetically are determined to have different personalities on average.

Cultural. They don't have to be. Same as white americans don't have to be empathetic or have the least bit of knowledge about anything nonwhite. When you meet a woman thats really interesting she always had a very unusual upbringing by societal standards and usually had great parenting.

The correlation between quality women and "great parenting" means she simply inherited the quality genes from her parents, who as a result of their genes, were more likely to be good parents. However, the actual "parenting" has no impact on personality, as have been proven by every twin study ever done. Personality is nearly 80% genetic, and 20% due to unknown statistical noise.

There are many people with different personalities from their parents

This is stupid

And there are many women with personalities that are masculine rather than typically feminine. That's the difference between a trend (correlation) and a purely binary distinction

It's not genetic. Though studies have shown that your personality traits are passed down genetically
Which means the centuries of being boring housewives made women as interesting as wet towels

Raised, it's basically the same reason they can't be funny. No challenge. Women are actually liable to becoming reliant on conversations being led for them, they comment and complain about it. It's like those kids with degenerative diseases asking "what's happening to me", just heartbreaking.

Also, since you inherit a random combination of genes from both parents, you are unlikely to be exactly like your parents in personality. You will always be unique, but statistically you are more similar to your parents in personality than to a random sample of two strangers.

I think they reach a point in their teenage years where they realize how easy life is for them and they just exploit that fact until that's all they know how to do

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>It's not genetic.
>Though studies have shown that your personality traits are passed down genetically Which means the centuries of being boring housewives made women as interesting as wet towels

Is this a satire or did you not notice a contradiction?

Offer a girl options beyond housewife and mothethood,and they will become interesting. Challenge them with responsibilities and roles in society and they eill rise to them. Or not. Just like men.

>I think they reach a point in their teenage years where they realize how easy life is for them and they just exploit that fact until that's all they know how to do

This is the most succinct, correct post in this thread

Women realize they could be interesting, I'm sure.

... but why? Life is so easy for them, there's no need

Since every behavior and personality trait is in some way heritable (first law of behavior genetics), that means that if their were differential rates of selection for being funny or interesting between the male or female sexes (indubitably, there was, and is) we should see the results of that in the modern genotype and phenotype.

Being interesting is something that happens when you're not attractive enough to just coast by as a sex homunculus. Rarely have I met an attractive person who was interesting to talk to. They usually just regurgitate the same generic shit and have the personal development of twelve year olds, and that goes doubly for most women. At least the hot men might have accidentally picked up some kind of personality to facilitate getting laid or through watching TV, but my god, most women are so two dimensional and repetitive it's almost depressing.

You make a very good point here, only unattractive women are given incentive to be interesting

That's basically what my gf told me last year. She said that somewhere in her teens, she started realizing that her tits and pussy were mesmerizing to guys, and it amazed her how much power she had been given, just as a result of having a pussy.

She said that realization made her feel embarrassed. That's because she realized her worth was not based on any accomplishments she achieved, but instead it was simply because of a thing she was born with between her legs.

She shouldn't be embarrassed, men who worship women and put pussy on a pedestal should be. THEY are the problem.

OP, when the fuck are you going to realize that girls learn from a very young age that all they have to do is be skinny and ~attractive.

It's been that way hundreds of years before you born and will continue to be that way once you're dead (which you could hurry-along if you so choose).

Women need exposure to male authority figures in their youth or they grow up with no aspirations or competitive spirit.
Once they hit maturity and become attractive, if it's their only way to command positive reinforcement then that's it, they're toast. Incurable Thot for life.

It's genetic. Pic related.

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Since when are robots interesting people?

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Why are you here then.
Checkmate idiot.

Lol no. Why would a girl make the effort to become a doctor or lawyer when she can just marry one?

This, being normie isn't just the domain of females.
This. Not only that he had a fucking sixth sense for phonies, he demolished people who live behind facades.
Unironically got my noggin joggin.

Why would you come here if you didn't think r9k was interesting dumbass