I've been harassed by this shit at school for the past month now...

i've been harassed by this shit at school for the past month now. piece of sh***t caught me drinking in school and is blackmailing me. he is a total creep about it and not attractive at all, hes literally a psycho known for being a weird loner. not pointing fingers i am pretty fucked too but he is still really eerie.
i cant go to the teachers either since drinking will more than likely get me expelled. i kind of have a record already and they are just looking for an excuse right now. i tried to act tough in front of the kid but it didnt work and now he is basically saying he is going to tell on me unless i start making moves to "please" him or whatever. should i fight him? he is skinny and only a little taller than me so i can probably take him if i get in the first hit... i need tips on how to make him give up harassing me or something like that. honestly i just want to beat his ass at this point

>tldr piece of a** at school is sexually harassing me because he caught me drinking in school and i am considering beating him up what are my chances

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This has to be a copypasta. Right? RIGHT?

no, its not honest

Meh, if hes not autistic id say go for it.

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If I know anything about nonconsent shipping fiction, if he has evidence that you were drinking you basically have to blow him. Sorry, but the tropes are very strict.

Beat his ass because I'm sure you're more of a man than he is.

Don't try to fight him, he's a man. I don't know about any tips on what you should do, just don't try to fight him.

if not a femanon beat the living fuck out of him and report his sexual abuse to someone. Some kid got high as balls at my school on shrooms and threw up everywhere and he just had to do his classwork in the basement for a month.

Best option, but collect evidence.
>jack him off and report for rape

If you are femanon its better just to report him, he might look skinny and only be a bit taller than you but dudes have an unfair advantage in fights just bc of natural muscle mass. Plus if he's skin and bones and quiet and nerdy he can definitely use it against you if you do beat him up.


yeah, not happening.

lmao that is actually pretty true, he always wears black and has this really stupidly long haired bowlcut or whatever he calls that tragedy. thing is if i am going to jump him its gotta be after school, or i am going to get into trouble anyway and it would all be pointless

then give me an alternative. and no, i am not sucking his d*ck or whatever else he comes up with

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Unironically curbstomp him. That would be epic.

Pull a knife on him, act like youre not afraid at all. Put it to his throat, tell him if he tells anyone he's dead, stab something and leave. If hes a pussy thatll work

he has no evidence just report him duh

like i said reporting it is not an option, its just going to end up with my word against his and he has proof and i am also not popular with teachers etc etc it wont work out for me that way. funny story about the shrooms though lol

ugh really? but does that not imply it was willing? not sure if this is going to work

>he's skin and bones and quiet and nerdy he can definitely use it against you if you do beat him up
yes and that is why it has to be after school so nobody will know. he does have proof i guess i forgot to mention that he has a picture of me drinking alcohol with some other people. that is also the reason i cant let him tell because basically if he rats me out then he ratted out other people too and they will blame me because why not they already do with everything else

well.. blackmail him back..
blackmailing is a crime and that if he snitched at you for drinking alcoholic substance at school then snitch up on him on the police for blackmailing you..
remind him that the weapon he has is a double edged sword(means that you'll both be dead if he used it wrong)..

yours is just merely drinking at school..
sentence: being expelled..
his blackmailing..
sentence: jail for sure..
he has a bigger crime.. thats a weapon you can use..

be smart about this..
and dont offer sex.. jeez if you did that its over..
you might as well marry the guy..
that would only give him more blackmail tools against you..
remember Saki-chan from henshin emergence???..
youll end up like her..
unless you want to be his permanent bitch..

and the thing about him being eerie..
hes trying to scare you..
hes using intimidation as a tactic to make you do his shenanigans..
because if he would snitch on you, how come he has'nt reported to you yet..
he wants something to happen..
be strong..

why the fuck would you drink in the school anyway??..
are you a fuckin dumbass bloke or something??..

fuck.. disregard.. if the police decides to blackmail you too youre kinda fucked..

jump him with ur gang pic related

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consider reporting it at least, worth a shot and wouldn't beat him up be more likely to get you expelled than just drinking without proof?

cant he just deny him blackmailing me if he reports me to the principal? he has evidence and i dont so he could just play an innocent little sh*t and pretend to be report it genuinely or whatever. he might be creepy but he is not stupid
>and dont offer sex.. jeez if you did that its over..
he is the one being a creep and wanting it from me, he does not care who it is i believe he just wants to get laid or something stupid
and lol no way i really doubt anyone will marry this kid even in a million years

>why the fuck would you drink in the school anyway??
because i drink at home all the time and someone i know invited me to drink with some older people and i guess thinking back now it was a dumb decision but thats me i guess

are you crazy? i dont want to kill him accidentally, just threaten to break his legs or something less insane

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become the necromancer scrawny kid's follower and complete his tasks

>tfw no pikachu to assassinate the people who are trouble for you in life
very bad feeling

yeah, but only if caught

how about you kys you underage faggot

jesus fucking christ the amount of under 16s on this board, i hope you all fucking burn

wow you are soo mature for your very old age