God damn... and I really respected this guy, too

God damn... and I really respected this guy, too.

>Two More Women Accuse Neil deGrasse Tyson of Sexual Misconduct

>Two more women, including a fellow astronomer, say Neil deGrasse Tyson is guilty of inappropriate sexual conduct.

>Dr. Katelyn N. Allers, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Bucknell University, told me that she was "felt up" by Tyson at an after-party following a meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in 2009. AAS didn't have a mechanism for reporting sexual harassment at the time, but Dr. Allers says she probably would report the incident if it had happened today.

- patheos.com/blogs/nosacredcows/2018/11/two-more-women-accuse-neil-degrasse-tyson-of-sexual-misconduct/

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Honestly this just makes me like him more.

Dis nigger ugly

They tryna keep a brother down. even Black Science Physicist Man ain't safe

I hate this faggot Neil, but I hate white knight faggots like you even more who automatically assume guilt

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White women is demons.

And why would that respect change over some sandy vaginas accusations?

I don't believe the accusations, but if by chance they are true.. Honestly, alcohol + the way women dress.. It's hard-wired in our subconscious to do this shit. It's not so much an illegal act, it's just nature. This is why alcohol is so much more dangerous than any other legal drug. It lets us be our natural selves, the people we all are on the inside. That's why stacy is rubbing her ass on tyrone's dick at a club. But since men acknowledge "it's good to feel wanted" we never complain.. Where as women see it as "ew I can do so much better I'm going to murder you for being human." Fuck you, you filthy fucking whore. You've swallowed cum through the same mouth you are talking all this bullshit. And even moreso a man of physics who honest to god is a GIFT to mankind. Just go die in a corner you shallow whore.

>God damn... and I really respected this guy, too.

SO you're admitting that you're a complete brainlet. That's cool.

besides he's a nig, it's almost assured that he did it, they have no self-control.

those who cry the loudest are normally the largest hypocrites

You people are brainlets for not adhereing to Presumption of Innocence, but I also hate NGT.

Who the fuck cares? Do people really believe these whores in 2018? He stopped giving them the BBC and they did mentally gymnastics trying to justify their sluttiness to themselves and reached the conclusion that they aren't whores they were just sexually assaulted.

>All the retards defending a rapist.

I believe the victims since the accusations stem from as early as 2017. The MSM tried sweeping it under the rug and memory holing the accusations to censor the fact that Based Science guy isnt actually based or scientific.

>defending a rapist
Innocent until proven guilty is a concept that onions infused betas who think that pretending to care about feminism will get them laid just do not understand.

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>AAS didn't have a mechanism for reporting sexual harassment at the time,

What? Couldn't she just talk to his boss? Or her boss? Or anybody?

I'm not a beta and onions are good for you. I've been with enough women to know when a women's telling the truth or not.

t. alpha

guilty until proven innocent, is this stalinist russia?

>I really respected this guy, too.

I think he meant "soi" because that word gets filtered to onions.

I dont care what the onions meant.

Yeah sure kid. You can tell through the internet without ever meeting the person and talking to them. Get the fuck out of here.

>Go to a party held by an organization called AAS
>Get your ass groped by black science man
Kek. Roastie got what she deserved.

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Men and women in modern times can't be trusted. Human beings that aren't me or my family are scum and I hope we can live far away from them one day.

Soi is good for you.
Don't @ me if you're an npc who doesn't accept facts.

Soi is good for you if you're a woman. Its toxic if you're a man.

>I really respected this guy
Why? All he does is say random science facts. "You know, there's an alternate dimension where X is actually Y." Wow. Great insight, Niel.

>white knighting this hard
>he thinks it's a bad think when sluts get raped
>he thinks women are even sentient
Neil DeGrasse Tyson did nothing wrong. Most women orgasm when raped, especially if he's black. The rape """"""victims"""""" are just a bunch of dumb sluts.

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Gonna need some proof senpai this getting ridiculous.
Could just whip round and yell
>Did you just grope my ass black science man??
But no people viz women seem to really enjoy making accusations of sexual misconduct years after the fact when any evidence is beyond retrieval and it's a matter of word for word. And when it's trendy to do so.

You guys do realize that Tyson is a chad right? The guy was fucking white pussy the moment he got to college. It's not all that surprising that he is apparently a poonhound.

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Damn, NDGT looked like THAT?

>Be a successful Black guy
>Get accused of sexual assault by white women with no evidence
>Automatically guilty
America never changes. Neil just needs to come out and state the obvious, white women can not be trusted. They have a history of falsely accusing black guys

This the left will implode

Remember to always believe women. Especially white ones.

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I never really had much respect for him anyway. He's just an arrogant, holier than thou, smart-ass. He adds literally nothing to any sort of worthwhile scientific discussion and instead just spouts off intellectual platitudes that make him appear to be some sort of black science Jesus.

That said, a lot of these rape/sexual assault/sexual harassment accusations seem to be way too coincidental and convenient. A lot of these seem like character assassination. I mean, a woman can accuse any man of rape/sexual assault/sexual harassment and the vast majority of people will believe her whether or not anything actually happened. Once accusations of that nature go public in any way, they're pretty much done for in terms of reputation. And men can't really defend themselves against this because as soon as they do it gets viewed as admitting guilt. The court of public opinion doesn't care about proof or the presumption of innocence, as soon as someone says you did something, that pretty much means you did it in their eyes.

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dat picture, kek'd heartily.
This, it is like a ghetto mentality or just a larger part of the American general litigiousness?

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Go back to /sci/ OP

>in superposition of guilt currently
>50% chance to be innocent, 50% chance to be guilty.
>the more number of people who accuse him though, the more likely he did it.

If he did it, holy shit, what away to fuck up the "integrity" of "science" in the public eye, where everyone one individual is representative of a whole they're a part of - despite him just being a "TV scientist" at this point, people will now say "Look science man bad, it okay to be bad"

If he didn't do it, HOLY SHIT, some women are fucking retarded.

Is being a sex pest against the law in the US now? I mean that Kava-whatever guy was being accused of actual rape but black science man has so far only been accused of feeling a woman up a bit (possibly on accident) and of being kind of forward to a couple other women. It's not even Cosby-tier. I don't understand why this would hurt him.

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Yes, sexual harassment is in fact illegal. This isn't India. How would you feel if your wife got felt up by some dude at work?

Yes, sexual harassment is a thing user. It has been a law for awhile now, yes.
And it is damaging because it's one of those things that sticks with you and eats you up inside if you're on the receiving end of it. Some part of the monkey part of our brain really hates being felt up or asked for sex without some kind of exchange for consent for /most/ people.

That's crap. Adults should be able to handle propositions with grace. If it's something where he literally never stops asking, fine, I get telling someone about it and having an intervention if for no other reason than work needs to get done, but from what I'm reading she was asked once if she wanted to go on a date; "wine and cheese" specifically. It's not like he leaned into her office, waved a giant black dildo around and asked if she wanted to be raped anally.

This isn't about sex, it's millennials who never learned conflict resolution and instead learned to just run to the teacher rather than standing up for themselves.

Short answer is - branding.
>black science man has so far only been accused of feeling a woman up a bit (possibly on accident) and of being kind of forward to a couple other women.
Really simple, he's always projected what another user described as a 'holier than thou' attitude and now he's being accused of, shock horror, transgressing social norms! Put it this way, if you heard that James Franco or Charlie Sheen groped a woman you'd shrug and be like "this is news why?" but when someone who acts all benign and cosmic does it it's like "whoa! off-brand! what a hypocritical liar".
You don't expect it of him because of the frame he used to promote himself, the thing is, live by the framing, die by the framing.
Patrice O'Neal spoke a little bit about this, it's why Tiger Woods (who had only consensual, albeit extra-material affairs) lost tens of millions of dollars in sponsorship while Charlie Sheen actually got more popular after all that stuff about him living with his 'angels' came out.
On the opposite end, how do you feel about the fact that Alice Cooper is a golf playing godloving christian teetotaler? How would you feel if you found out someone famous for being a KHV was actually smashing pussy?

Ah, you don't actually know what sexual harassment is;
It's not just the "black dildo, lemme stick it in ya" kind of thing you've been fed, it's more like the creepy boss who doesn't realize he's being creepy, and he keeps doing it, and nobody wants to call him out because he writes their checks.
You're right, it's not about sex, it's about perceived power.

>it's more like the creepy boss who doesn't realize he's being creepy,

And I'm sure your definition of "creepy" isn't nebulously subjective and doesn't ultimately just rely on us trusting you as the final arbiter of what kind of behavior is "creepy" and what isn't.

Part of the point of having concrete accusations is specifically to avoid these kind of "I just don't like him" accusations. It's not enough to not like somebody, they have to have done something wrong that other people would agree is wrong. These accusations are utterly vacuous and would never survive anywhere outside of the spectacle-loving mainstream media. Grow up.

>I've been with enough women to tell when they are lying.

Fucking lol

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OP is a giant grain silo full of basedbeans.

These alligations much like the 1st ones are bullshit if you read his side of the story you see how bullshit these seem .


Also am pretty sure you are some pol/user whose happy that somebody like this got taken down by bullshit accusation .

why would you respect that retard? he's an obnoxious pop science idiot.

cry harder bitch boi.

Believe Women.

What did he mean by this?
Was he right?

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Hmmmmm... truly activates one's almonds.

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please never be around women. you're an unhinged and deranged individual


>that bbc bulge
how can white """men""" even compete?

By not raping and molesting women.

This shit pisses me off so much. I read the article. There's no evidence besides the word of these women. One woman says he is capable of creepy behavior because of something that happened thirty years ago? And this other bitch thinks he sexually assaulted him but didn't file charges until surprise surprise there's no evidence but her word. Men need to wear 24/7 body cams and archive that shit.

I doubt any of those cases would go to trial if they happened today. What sexual harassment is there? It's just a bad encounter. It's not like he beating off to them in front of them.

hmm, why would anyone want to molest THIS?

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He may have a Phd but he is still a nig and there is nothing niggers love more than a dumpy white woman with a fat ass.

>and I really respected this guy
Why? He's a meme like Bill Nye

there is nothing fat about that ass, bruh.

The actual rape allegation doesn't seem very credible to me.

Besides that, he made a couple of women briefly uncomfortable, therefore his life deserves to be ruined?

I've been groped and felt up by people lots of times, but I don't want to ruin their lives because I'm not a psychopath.

No matter how "smart" a groid is, he cannot change his chimp impulses.

Why now though? When you have zero evidence and complete hearsay.

They have decades to speak up but were apparently fine with it until they say an opportunity for fame and financial support now.


i just hate everyone

In this particular instance I'll jump on the bandwagon with the SJWs because I find this guy annoying. He's popular with the cunt fedora-tipping r*dditors and I'd love for him to be taken down and see their reaction as their meme god gets BTFO.

I will never forgive sycophant progressives for what they did to Kavanaugh, but I won't destroy NDT since he didn't virtue signal.

It goes both ways too lol Some drunk girls past a point, and three hookups later, will just walk around falling onto guys and expect us to reciprocate. You and I, like most sane people, push em off and have a laugh. I get that women are "weaker" then men and it changes the dynamic but if a girl freaks and says stop touching me everyone in the room is on her side anyways.

>I will never forgive sycophant progressives for what they did to Kavanaugh
Imagine being so high on identity politics that you care about the wellbeing of some ziocon ivy league prick.

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So you have no morals and just follow a tribe-mentality


Today they come for Chad...tomorrow they'll come for melvin

ya dipshit normie

>So you have no morals
>and just follow a tribe-mentality
Nope, I do it for the lulz.

too bad he isn't chad
following truth isnt tribe-mentality. its common sense
he virtue signaled that he was a rapist when he tried molesting a 17 year old. Believe women.

Say what you will about sjw but at least they have integrity in their actions.

LMAO. That's a good one.

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most female sjws I know start feeling up guys left right and centre when they get drunk, and are very manipulative and demeaning in relationships. So, not so sure about that.

u wot?

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It doesn't matter how smart a person is,niggers gonna nig.

Please tell me white men are ok after all the jewish and black men, are any of you safe?

>goes out with him alone
>they drink wine
>she knows that they will be alone and drink wine
Is she dumb? Of course he wanted sex. You should've refused before you went out with him. And why would you report that? He just advanced, but didn't rape. I hate this nigger, but these two are just braindead.


>Neil DeGrasse "Gimme dat ass" Tyson
>Neil "gimme a feel" DeGrasse Tyson
>Neil DeGrasse "hung like a bison" Tyson
>Neil DeGrasse "no class" Tyson

>Neil DeGrasse "Gimme dat ass" Tyson

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I didn't believe the sluts that cried about Kavanaugh raping them and I won't believe these whores now accusing pop-sci nigger.