I like to eat shit, will you eat shit with me?
im sorry but this is cringey as fuck, spamming "reeee" in the chat isnt gonna do anything...
Report her to the IRS faggot.
This isn't funny. People trying to be cool by taking part of a raid so they can gain some Internet fame themselves or feel like they're part of a great movement.
I don't think anyone is trying to be cool when they join a raid. Most people just do it under the common interest of fucking with people
>praise kek
>Jow Forums prevails
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
Kys redditor. Only newfaggots raid
Jow Forums really has become just reddit and normies
I love getting told to kms lmao
nah you wanna see fucking with people go back 10 years, when trolling was a laf.
now'days you kids have ruined it, i bet you sent death threats for fun too. we never did that
Kek here, I don't endorse this.
Cease with the "Thot Audit" NOW
Jow Forums isn't /b/. Raids have never been encouraged here. You'd have to be an edgy teenager to think this type of harassment is funny or entertaining. Most of us are over the age of 30 and it would be pretty pathetic to care about some Twitch streamer/youtuber minding their own business.
33 here, can confirm I personally wouldn't do it but I don't look down on it. A man, no matter his age should always respect and admire men bringing women down.
>not everyone on Jow Forums is a raider
>YouTubers make the community out to be some narcissistic, shitposting site that hides information they dont like with raids
>its just stereotypical bullshit that normal fags like you get brainwashed by even more normal fags on YouTube with a lack of any good and factual information they probably steal from KnowYourMeme or some shit.
The IRS shit is funny. This isn't.
Yeah I remember raiding in the summer of 2010 on /b/. It was cash, especially when we got tits. I'd rather refrain from doing this just to make some bitch upset when it will only embolden her once her white knights donate more to her because of the harassment.
Can you please rephrase this? I'm not mentally acute enough atm to comprehend.
Didn't gamergaters ree because *they* were the ones being doxxed and they called it invasion of privacy and shit??
Funny to see the same people condoning calling the feds on people trying to retain anonymity as well
Definitely around the same time this place started going to shit too. Dunno why I'm here
This. She's not even a titty streamer or dressed like a hoe. Pathetic incels.
YouTubers that discuss previous Jow Forums raids most of the time get their information from some shitty source like a libtard on reddit and makes it seem to some edgy teens that Jow Forums raids are the norm and seem to happen on a daily basis.
I heard Jow Forums is really toxic
The sad thing is that I know several dudes in their late 20's-30's doing this. It isn't even all 13 year old /b/tards
Ah okay. Dont think ive ever seen a youtuber explaining an old Jow Forums raid. i can see that though.
i'm currently addicted to listening to greentext story videos and feel like normie cancer
Yeah let's keep doing completely retarded shit so more news attention and more idiots come here. Please nuke it and start a new one
>Jow Forums prevails
OPs screenshot is r/donald level shit its not even funny I feel bad for the girl
>cammers evade taxes
>scam people for thousands
>legally report her
>somehow r9k feels bad for these people
Who cares you autists? There's literally no downside to it because everyone has to pay taxes. Why should women be exempt just because they're women? They're already a huge drain.
I don't feel bad for this whore. I just don't care about this dumb, cringy raid.
>Literally just OP spamming the chat
Next time try not to make it so obvious you're 14
Twitch makes you fill out tax forms every year or you won't be able to access your account
But by all means please show the same enthusiasm for reporting male streamers doing the same thing and every suspected drug dealer you know. The IRS will really appreciate it
I hope you also report every suspected drug dealer you know and all of the male streamers as well. Following rules are important
Of course, just making sure everyone pays their cut.
On a recent talk radio show, I heard Jow Forums referred to as if the whole site is nothing but Jow Forums
Then shut the fuck up and stop crying about it. You're just spreading OPs message for him.
Fuck off with this NOW.
I fucking love this shit. I have given over $50k to these THOTs for over 3 years and never have I even received nudes. This shit has got to end.
>You're just spreading OPs message for him.
Were they not wrong?
Keeping posting here and find out.
Well I mean it is now. It's all just America "white" nationalism and porn
>Raids have never been encouraged here
you have to be very /new/ to believe this....
how the fuck is being a suspected drug dealer and being a famous internet whore with records of money transactions even remotely similar. suffocate yourself you fucking retard
>dickless beta orbiter mega cuck detected..
you deserve your incel status. feels good knowing faggots like you will only ever get used and abused by women
Mad roasties are too narcissistic and retarded to kill themselves.
>you have to be very /new/ to believe this....
moot hated raids though.
>Raids have nev...
>Most of us are over the age of 30
you sure about that?
>tfw 30 year old boomers have moved on to 4channel while zoomers are stuck with the the sinking ship that is hiroshimoot and Jow Forums's Jow Forums.
r9k is the only Jow Forums board that I even really like. If there was a 4channel equivalent I'd be free.
Sounds like you're just a fuckin retard.
Oh no, raids have occurred and even been encouraged, occasionally. The reason r9k doesn't raid much is because we have utterly failed at it, and have even raided ourselves on a few occasions, I mean shit, we raid ourselves everyday.
he did and nobody liked him
Why do you press enter twice?
>most of us over the age of 30
I just wanna have actual autistic friends post again