Marriage Rates Lowest Ever

Why is nobody getting married anymore?

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Nigger porn user

Because feminism. Women have convinced themselves that they don't need men, and if the marriage ends the man is financially fucked for life.

>Could lose assets upon divorce
>Family creation doesn't require marriage anymore
>Open relationships are more common and typically don't work well with marriage
>Developed nations require more income to settle down

Its not a family if theres no marriage and its not a relationship if its not exclusive. You're describing fetishes as ways of life. You're fucked in the head.

Society is growing up. or at least in the fact that people are realizing how having kids and getting married doesnt nevessarily make you happier

>apathetic society
>culture, tradition, religion, bloodlines / everything people together get a higher meaning of life from, are being destroyed

>people are realizing how having kids and getting married doesnt nevessarily make you happier
>he says as rates of suicide and depression continue to increase alongside rising divorce rates and falling marriage rates

I guess the communists won a posthumous victory

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Fucked divoce laws, feminism and hedonism

Because games and anime are more popular now and many people don't even get to meet a partner cause we're too busy with these. Also religion is slowly dying.

first worlders think that any group of people in the same building is family, be two guys, a unmarried couple and a dog or a real family.

It's always men fault, no exception

So the solution is to ban videogames and anime.

Remember when teenagers girls weren't in parties drinking with cool boys and regular guys had a chance?

But girls have always been doing shit like that.

How old are you?
If you were a little more older or lived in a backwaters country, you'd see how things can be very diferent.

I'm female and still getting married because I realized Millennials and Zoomers weren't my only dating options. I get to have it how relationships were in the past because I skipped over the people raised by porn and single mothers.

Feminism mainly.

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Toasty roastie please

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>unironically dating boomers
Enjoy your flaccid dicks and beer guts you fucking slut.

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Shit millenial thinks that only sex matter in a relationship, imagina being this naive

>If you were a little more older
it genuinely pains me the "people" this stupid are allowed to consume finite resources


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People that realizes that living in other times can give you diferent experiences?

Ha ha. We enjoy watching Fox News and the Weather channel together. I'm enjoying a real relationship where we help each other out without the cynicism. Plus he's never been married and has wanted to be since his 20s.

Don't lose you larping time, milleans can't understand relationship or that live can be more than consume and work.

They think any companionship or love is being a cuck. What morons

While some of them think that being a literal cuck makes you free from opression of relationships

I can because I was raised in an ultra religious family where the parents are still married today.

And you think that a marriage inside some sick cult represents marriage in society at large?

I'm marrying one person, not society at large. Society at large is irrelevant if the both people hold different attitudes and beliefs than mainstream society.

You are claiming to know marriage, while all you know is how some sick cult works.

How is following the Bible a sick cult? I learned plenty about marriage from church, my parents and listening to sermons from people like Billy Graham.

Girls and boys have been going to parties alike for thousands of years.

>How can a christian group be a cult
There are christians extremists, and you said your family was extremily religous, that's what you said.

You know that what was called party 5 years is not the same thing we call party now.

We made the religion the center of our lives so of course we have different beliefs than the norm. For one example most people think porn is harmless but I was taught from a young age it was wrong and an evil.

And in the Christian culture Amy Grant was even controversial on Christian radio because she divorced and remarried which was considered adultery in the Bible. If you grew up in religious Christian culture it was very different than how a typical person was raised.

Tell that to the devout Mormon Millennials in Utah.

Because no one wants to marry a fatso or a slut.

tfw im getting married december 16th

bad investment

>Society is growing up.
>the lack of progress, the actual regress of humanity on all levels from socio-economic to physically and intelectually, and the childish social justice problems that are actually debated represent society growing up
I know what you are trying to say armchair intellectual. Marriage is not an essential part of society and you can't wait for the day your stupid relatives stop asking you this generic question everytime they come over. Well guess what, faggot, it was never about marriage itself. It was about the moral, legal and normal running of a society, with marriage representing healthy values and lack of degenerancy and hedonism being a pillar of that society. Without your "when are you getting married, user" society will fucking collapse onto itself, idiot.

Just answer me this, are you a virgin? A simple yes or no is fine.

Because I don't want to marry someone just to get divorced in 10 years and lose half my assests. The risk is too high to be worth it
Also I dont want kids and I view marriage as a waste of time

I personally don't want to get married because men are scary and I don't think I could ever trust one

Different user but who the fuck cares about a society that has long since abandoned us?
Let it burn.

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How does it feel to be a Faggot user kun?



It has abandoned you because it got to this state because you didn't fight the people that wanted to bring it to this state. You didn't care about making society good to you, now even if you did, it would be too late, but it's your fault.

If your a loser, don't worry about it. If you have a kid you will make the next generation weaker.

It wasnt my generation that ruined this society and turned it to shit by the time I was born the seeds of its destruction were planted. Only thing left to do is enjoy the decline. Maybe if I survive I can help build a new West but for now I will just enjoy watching it all burn down aroubd me.

Yes, I was guessing you'd say this and you'd be mostly right. But did you honestly try to fight it yourself? Did you vote for Trump or your country's equivalent? Did you actually vote for somone or something? Did you call out the bullshit that is jewish subversion, multiculturalism, african refugees, social justice trends, tax increases, higher demands from jobs, slutiness of women, disdain for church and morality or anything of the sorts? I assume you didn't, so you are part of the problem as well. And before you ask, neither did I, but I don't claim it was all outside of my powers so there was nothing to do.

There's no reason to.

If you're Chad or Stacy, life is a non-stop consequence free polyamorous all you can fuck buffet.

If you're redpilled, you know too much about what women are actually like to ever actually marry one.

If your a robot, you never had a chance.

The only people getting married are retarded bluepilled beta cucks and worn out roasties who couldn't find a way to secure a comfortable position for themselves in a society that literally gives them every single opportunity and advantage imaginable.

no you have to give males authority again. how are you going to make males responsible for everything but with no authority?

>t.butthurt poltiical loser who lost
>wahh wahhh its your guys fault my dream society didnt come to fruit waah
>waaah ill recruit on Jow Forums
you guys try everyday and it never works because unlike you we are dedicated to an idea

When i wake up i do nothing, after i eat i do nothing, when im shittposting this reply im not really doing anything.

And thats all ill ever do.

You will never win political fag, you will never gain ground, everyday you try you will be countered by the raw autism that this board brings to life.

You are a buttface

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Personally speaking, I, as a man who isn't fat or short, can only get short fat women to be romantically interested in me.

Given that option, I'd rather just fuck prostitutes and spend my money on hobbies of mine.

You need to give us a good cow if you want us to buy the milk. Let me know when women's standards become reasonable.

So long as the internet exists, women will only get worse and worse. Soon enough anything less than a Hemsworth will be beneath even a 3/10 landwhale's notice

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that it's nothing more than a nosy bureaucrat scheme?

Watch more stand up, people.

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are you me? I don't even care about humanity and don't want to contribute to this society that hates me.

The kind of romance that I want doesn't actually exist in the real world because everyone's just an apathetic slut, so I'm cool to just be alone. I can get a dog, make money and buy an escort whenever I need to bust a nut in something, but any marriage would be a farce because we'd both know that she's just a roasties looking for beta bux.

Illuminati and Freemasons are attempting to destroy the bedrock of society: families. Their goal is to turn humans into animals, so far it is working.

Literally projecting. I'm not even murrican. I lost nothing. I'd just want to be the new Hitler and make jews pay. But I wouldn't recruit from here. Like you said, to weak willed.

VERY quick way to start a riot.

This completely lines up with what I'm seeing among my friends. When it comes to my family however it's a different story: it looks like the vast majority of my cousins, siblings etc are either married or really close to getting there. In fact, I'm the only one out of all the cousins on either side of the family that's not married or common law. Is my family just unusually trad? I might add that we're definitely NOT religious, so that sort of argues against that explanation.

No one going to ask how the marriage rate for men is somehow higher than the marriage rate for women?

this. as an individual, society does not care about me. it never has and it never will. I see no point in partaking and contributing to a society that does not care for me.

>women have become more picky while simultaneously becoming more slutty.

>women have become more picky while simultaneously offering less

The widespread influence of the internet. We are not meant to be able to instantly communicate with people who are 10000 miles away, expected to ignore feelings of isolation because of these and endure the madness of several windows to better places. So, when it comes to marriage, people don't make real-world connections like we should and marriage isn't even an option for a lot of people.

1. Divorce is riskier than ever, especially if you're a man you're basically gambling 50% of your income on a woman being head over heels for you forever
2. There's no cultural/religious pressure to get married anymore. Even when a couple has a child, it's acceptable to not get married while in the past it was basically expected.
3. Birth rates are way, way down, one of the main reasons people get married is to start a family or because a girl got knocked up, remove that from the equation and you've got fewer people getting married.

I think it's because women outnumber men, especially among the middle-aged and elderly. So even if 100% of men were married the marriage rate for women would probably be like 95%.

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I did in fact vote for Trump and for what its worth I will vote for him again in 2020 and I did call out all the degeneracy marxisn and jewish subversion of our society. But Im basically one guy ranting about how the world is upside down. I cant change the world on my own. And the damage to our social structures is so great Im not sure voting republican can fix it at this point. Maybe Im just blackpilled but I was raised in this culture of nihilism and I dont really see any hope of getting out. the only logical course of action left is to either die fighting the system or to lay low and ghost out of society.

I totally feel you but don't you think that there's at least some honor or dignity to be had in dying fighting against a system you know is corrupt? I know that's what I'll probably end up doing, at least if my predictions of federal gun grabs within the next 5 years comes true.

>realize one thing is a illusion a farce passed down for generation to generation because "muhhh life"
>now with one less thing in life more things that are ultimately meaningless start coming to light
>this goes on ad infinitum
>everything is meaningless everything is just because.
>this kills the normie since why even get that caramel fraptochinchinko as even its own autopilot is crumbling and trying to decipher itself.

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Honestly, I think literally everyone too busy poetically bashing muh feminism, muh internet, and muh values and overlooking the more physical side of things: Obesity. Everyone is too fucking fat to be attractive to each other anymore. It's that fucking simple, stop making it more complicated than it has to be.
People weren't this obese back in the day. Most people aren't this obese with the same food availability in other modern countries.
Ban high fructose corn syrup, implement regulations to curb acid rain so it stops leeching nutrients out of our food. People slim down and then start marrying more red pilled people.
>But Japan also has-
>But the Eurocucks have-
Massive overcrowding that already had dim futures even with the best of circumstances. Japan in particular is still in a depression. Wow, not being able to get a long term job is pretty non-conducive to getting married? Never would have guessed. Honestly, if I had to live like the Japanese even on a good day, I'd be taking the 4:59:59 to Osaka as well.

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but they aren't dead

Divorce rates aren't rising, you can't have rising divorce rates and declining marriage rates dumbass.
I've seen too many articles prasing millennials for reducing to divorce rates, truth is we aren't and likely won't get married.
Boomers all seem to think we're delaying marriage and that there will be a spike when millennials reach 30+.
Not going to happen and by then it will be too late to fix the problem.

what's the point when divorce, nonactual commitment and the threat of alimony exists

imagine being such a brainlet that you need the state to come up with your social contracts because you can't do it yourself

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Hah, remember all those women getting wasted dodging the prohibition.
Those were good times, remember when smoking was consider a think only men did?
"Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine."

Divorce rates continue to rise relative to the amount of people who are married, which is the only meaningful measure, you fucking mongoloid.

does anybody think the elephant in the room might be promiscuity?

I mean that's part of the reason I don't want to get married. It's near impossible to find a girl who hasn't been fucked in every possible way, and there's something really unfair feeling about deciding that your "final woman" and the only one you have sex with for the rest of your life already had NSA hookups and threesomes and fuck buddies. Especially because a man's sexual value can potentially increase as he gets older while a woman's does not.
It seems like if you have any self-esteem and are not desperate, you would be forced to make this decision now.

Do you have a source for this or are you just pulling it out of your ass?

>small-ish tax reduction, eaten up by females consumerism and demands
>you do not even have sex guaranteed
>over 50% divorce
>women more likely to cheat then ever ring on her or not
>yet they will still get monthly checks after a divorce

What advantage is there for a male in a marriage really? I only see disadvantages.

if men are anything like you and me, then yeah, that is a reason.
this will sound edgy af, but i don't own a smart phone and i don't really like talking to women who use them, but they all do now.

so i either have to adapt or i'm fucked. none of this shit was in my hands, ever.

You're right about promiscuity. I mean ultimately it boils down to choice if this guy is worth to sacrificing my peak fertility years? Majority of women dont want to miss new experience so marriage ends up as a back up plan

There is none, aside from the female willingness to bear your children might increase. Of course that doesn't mean she will stay with you or anything.

divorce rates have been falling since 2009 you fucking mong.

Actually since the 80s.

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Why ficking bother?

>50% chance to get raped on divorce court
>Expensive as fuck to get marries
>fewer people see marriage as something necessary for kids.

>gay marriage won't destroy marriage as an institutio-

The truth is that promiscuity, the rise of incels, women exploiting divorce courts, women being allowed into the workforce, and gay marriage have all destroyed marriage and male-female relationships.

>rise of incels
This meme again.

Because marriage is a display of weath and most people are too poor to afford a house let alone dress, catering, photographers, etc.

Yeah what makes them think they have any effect on what's happening in the world just from some shitposting on reddit? Most people don't even know they exist.

There is an epidemic in first world countries of young men between 18-35 being virgins that live at home. And society does not have an answer for them.

Id love to get married but nobody wants to be married to a poor spic manlet.

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Do you have a source for this or are you getting this from your ass?

these are all just symptoms