How does it feel being white? Do you feel inherently superior to others?
How does it feel being white? Do you feel inherently superior to others?
It feels like being a nigger
I feel inherently superior to others, but it's not because I'm white.
I wish I was white originalsy
No, I have an insatiable lust for black cock as a result of being born a white.
I feel like this pic
Yes, originlely.
feels good, man.
Wouldn't trade it for any other race if I could.
No, I don't feel superior. But I am aware of the fact that I was raised in a society to make me feel like I am. I feel empathetic towards people of other races who have to face disadvantages for their race.
Feel good. Love how I glow in the sunlight and tolerate cold weather better than darkies.
I think whites are only inherently superior in regards to attraction, all groups have their own strengths and weaknesses
The only race I truly hate with a passion is "native americans" injuns wagon burners savages neechies. Truly the only race I wish was eradicated
It feels 70% good to me meng
>Do you feel inherently superior to others?
Yes but only partially from being white. I came from a poor family and blew through school past all my nigger/spic peers. I have deep blue eyes and refuse even consider a girl without blue or green eyes because those are the sign of white genes and I will not forsake them.
Yes and for some reason other races just piss me off
Checking in asian master race
i live in a place with mostly white people so its difficult to say i just feel normal
yes I feel superior
>normal hair
>decent size dick (not small, not cervix crushing)
>have a good job
>never look suspicious
>never get fucked with by police
>respected by elderly white people
>get every job I interview for
>have a normal name
>not a manlet
>hunter eyes
caucasians are the master race we are well rounded in literally everything if you fall short of that as a white male you are a literal retard or a cuck.
>live in the deep south btw
>how does it feel
Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever.
I hate being in a cultural echochamber where 90% of people are retarded
No cause I'm not a narcissistic moron
I never had any autistic 1488 pride shit until the young left went full "kill whitey, except me b/c I'm 0.000001% Cherokee so I'm an oppressed POC too xddddd." Then I started realizing all these things they said were a lie, "Caucasians" or Europeans were responsible for almost everything good and advanced in this world. Black Africans have done absolutely nothing of note and their mere ability to feed themselves in the past is heralded as some triumph of humanity because they can't do it anymore. Muslims were not racially inferior before Mohammad, but centuries of repressed inbreeding made them retarded and if they weren't sitting on a quadrillion tons of oil (and their lucky break in a place/time when global powers from the British to the Soviets used them as proxy wars) they wouldn't be any different from any other central African country.
Seriously, if the young left hadn't gone full-blown "kill anyone who isn't a worthless piece of shit," I would probably still absolutely see no difference in races or gender or religion or any of that gay furry bullshit.
I would not like to change to for any other race so perhaps slightly yes
on the other hand im 24yo hhkv so not feeling all that great
I'm 6'1 so naturally I feel super to most everyone, especially to Asians.
I was walking around Hawaii and there were a lot of Japanese and other Asians.
I walked past an elderly Asian couple who both were no taller than 4'11.
I feel like there is alot of room for me to do what I like and not give a shit what anyone thinks because of it. That's why I am not bothered being the odd one out because white people do not have the same kind of brotherhood as other races do. It's like we are naturally lone wolves.
/pol doesn't consider me white but people irl do. A black girl in school used to call me "ghost" and I feel uneasy in predominantly ethnic neighborhoods even though I don't feel hatred for any race.
People can individualize white people but not non-whites.
Thats the one of the greatest privilege to have as a white person, because people dont expect you to be one way or the other.
I'm never afraid or have to check my back because I'm a white guy. Never discriminated against for any reason. Feels good I guess.
>Do you feel inherently superior to others?
I feel like every failure in my life is my fault, as in I'm the only one who let me down. On the other hand I got a really shitty education, like considering the average income level of my area, the fact that I learned so little in High School is physically revolting to me. But there's a little voice or maybe not a voice, a thematic sentiment in the back of my mind that I should be able to overcome... or maybe I've been too infected by the Tony Robbins, Oprah, Norman Vincent Peale "believe and you can achieve" bullshit.
Why would I want to be the most shitty demographic who is both entitled and fragile babies at the same time. Even white women want white men extinct.
I hope this is the only (you) this shitty b8 gets.
>whitoid male attempt posturing
lmao this doesn't work when half the board is about you being cucked from Jamal to Chang sexually and economically. white males are inherently defective since they are male yet have beta recessive genes. their only purpose is to make females or become females themselves.
Don't most white women date/marry white men?
It is a vocal minority. Just like gays and pedophiles. If you are really willing to take anything posted here as anything other than fiction than I do believe you need to grow up/ stop being an underage faggot.
They do, and it's not even close.
seething nigs hate this though and will chimp out at the data
>I don't want inconvenient facts
predictable. this is why white males suicide eventually after holding out their false superiority complex for so long. protip everyone knows you are dicklet frauds now.
I am white. Dont feel superior or anything. Never received my white privilege cheques in the mail. No inheritance. Coming from a long line of poor Irish farmers. Blamed for slavery in america because of my skin color. Feels bad man
If they hate white people whats the point in dating a white woman?
>muh inaccurate stats
>waaah why is Tyrone and Muhammed getting all the white women
lmao cope
>Do you feel inherently superior to others?
Not a matter of feelings, we just are.
All you have are ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments. Bye.
little whiteys ITT
How does it feel?
Well, look at this thread. I bully people just by existing.
Not one convinced by your damage control lmao