When did you realized your life was over?
When did you realized your life was over?
when I found myself here
years ago when i left HS and turned into a neet for 4 years , now back at uni im just a guy with a mask that is waiting for my direct family to pass away so i can neck myself at peace
What anime is that? Please tell me
When I was reborn and given another chance.
Probably when I was 22 and living paycheck to paycheck at a cuck job I despised while everyone I went to school with was graduating college with degrees and starting successful careers.
I gave up on the job in the third week of that May and have lived at home as NEET for the3 and a half years since. I always tell myself that one day I'll get a degree and do something meaningful but I think I haven't believed that in at least 5 years.
Pretty early. 3 or so, when my dad put a shotgun in my face and said he was going to kill me, my mom, and anyone else who came into the house. I realized I was worthless, and I wish every day he'd pulled the trigger.
reincarnation or are you being metaphorical?
yondemasu yo azazel-san
its pretty funny
Some point this year, I would say. I have been depressed for a couple years, but its reached an all time low this year. I am skinnier than I've ever been at 110lbs. I have been thinking about suicide on a daily basis. For whatever reason I feel really emerassed about killing myself, like I'm being a bitch. My plan is to cut across traffic on a highway onramp so a car will hit me driver's-side at 60mph and kill me. The only problem is that this probably not going to be an effective method. What do you think, is there a better way to do this that isnt an obvious suicide?
Don't get others caught up in your death. that is pretty lame
a train is better , ive tried getting hit by cars but i thought about and stopped
There are no trains in my area. The only way to do that would be to go out of my way to reach one, wait for a train to come, get out of my car, and jump infront of the train. An obvious suicide.
Yeah, another reason I havent done it yet.
When I actually tried to kill myself and failed so I got sent to the nut house
>got sent to the nut house
How was it?
I had to shower everyday, eat healthy food and do exercises in there and take my meds. It sucked.
How did your family treated you after that?
Last year when I realized I'm 23 years old and failed at everything I've ever went for with little to no improvement. The final nail in the coffin was failing my drivers test again.
Now I gotta sleep early and do my chores and they look after me so I don't try to kill myself again
23 user hitting you up. It's odd I feel like I'm still 15 desu.
>It's odd I feel like I'm still 15 desu.
Yeah I still feel that too, though I'm 24 now which makes it even more weird.
Can't be over if it never even begun.
2DEEP4ME originalityyyy
when I failed suicide and fucked up my organs without insurance, then decided to wait and see if I got better
well it didn't, and now I'm probably dying
but this was my goal anyway so I'm not exactly sure how to feel
What did you fuck up?
liver and kidneys are my best bet
How did you try to kill youreselve?
haha funneh
lethal inorganic salts
Are you me? I just passed my test 6 months ago when i was 23. 24 now though.
I feel the same also, I've tried to learn to make music the past 2 years and I feel no drive and have barely gotten better no matter how hard i try.
when my uncle showed up at my dorm and said it was an emergency and dragged me outside to tell me my mom was dead
I think I've felt that way in some form.
It hasn't started so it can't be over. Sucks to be you OP
2013 turning into a neet one year after high school
How about jumping off a high building? It would end in an instant when you land.
When I realized that I have 3 mental disorders, social anxiety, borderline personality disorder and impostor syndrome
If you were drunk enough, no one can be if it was a suicide or not.
When I realised that I weren't making any friends in high school and everyone either took the piss out of me or downright hated me about a month after I joined.
I think I've always known since I hit puberty. The reality has really started to sink in the last few years, though. It's not that I though I was going to make it. I just didn't realize how much worse it was going to get.
How's it gotten worse for you? Asking because I feel the same way.
Just realize that I have possibly decades to fill and no answer to "why don't you just kill yourself already?"
Honestly, the only thing keeping me going at this point is the sunken cost fallacy.
I wish there was a decent way to die without any cliche bullshit drama of throwing myself in the road or high building causing a huge mess
Too accurate to me.
Still haven't tried passing my driver's test since I haven't practiced that much. I feel competent enough but probably fail a few 'proper procedures'.
>When did you realized your life was over?
When the last chance on a just perfect seeming girl turned out to already have a bf and only was out to friendzone me.
i moved to a diff school in 3rd grade and lost any friends i had at the time though looking back i just played with them they werent friends.
when i came back after i got kicked out of the other school everyone remembered me and crowded me, it was the single most uplifting moment of my life albeit pretty stressful and exhausting, then the next day i came to hang out with them again and was promptly ignored, when i spoke up one day a week later the alpha chad of the group scoffed
>oh jesus user youre still... user
>everyone laughs and ignores me again
i litterally was doomed from the start of fucking middle school.
When I went to university for a year and finished all my courses with D's across the board. I did fine in high school yet uni is whete I fell apart.
When I had to retake kindergarten.
Hahaha, my younger brother is 21 now and he still can't pass his driver's test.
Haven't really realised that yet, guess I'm just stupid
Literally me
Kinda scary how close it hit home
Sleeping pills and a plastic bag. Or get blackout drunk in the snow and pass out. Is it so fucking hard to kill yourself without ruining other peoples day/lives you selfish mongoloid? I will never understand such people and I hope their attempts go wrong.
Is passing out drunk in the snow a good way to go? Sounds comfy desu
I'm too assblasted to die now.
Not really a good reason but it works
Have you touched snow?
When I started to work last year. So since september I'm back in Uni.
And this is, by far, one of the worst decision of my life.
Working in IT is way more comfy than STUDYING IT shits
Supposed to be very painful for a while, then it gets comfy near the end.
cause i shouldn't have been born
my entire life was a mistake
When I started seeing wings.
Did you nut?
Wings? Explain yourself fellow robot
When i realized that i was different from other people. Not in a way that i'm higher than them but just different.
At 18 I'm still young right guys??????? please
If you are posting here you already fucked up
Young for what? To end up like us?
Building jumping sounds fucking terrifying. I imagine every person that jumps feels terrified and regretful in their last moments. A proper game over is one that either happens in one instant of resolve (gun) or slowly and kind of fading off (OD, Co2 poisoning)
I really relate to feeling embarassed about it
Heres a comfy pic for you
Yes, fuck off zoomer
>user survives the car wreck
>but the other driver doesn't
>gets charged with manslaughter
>now stuck in prison where his only options to die are very apparent suicides or getting shanked by a nigger and slowly dying from the infection caused by the shit on his shiv
I don't remember i just woke up one day feeling like shit and everything before that is kinda foggy
At 38 I'm still young right guys??????? please
I was 10 years old and I realized that I was an ugly short kid. I knew then and there I was doomed to a torturous existence that has since only degenerated further.
Thats middle age.
when I dropped out of college for the third time